-- -- Invoices Package -- -- @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) -- @creation-date 2005-06-06 -- -- title, description -- linked organization create table iv_price_lists ( list_id integer constraint iv_price_lists_pk primary key constraint iv_price_lists_id_fk references cr_revisions, currency char(3) constraint iv_prices_currency_fk references currencies(codeA), credit_percent numeric(12,5) default 0 -- %credit ); create index iv_price_lists_currency_idx on iv_price_lists(currency); create table iv_prices ( price_id integer constraint iv_prices_pk primary key constraint iv_prices_id_fk references cr_revisions, list_id integer constraint iv_prices_list_fk references cr_items, category_id integer constraint iv_prices_category_fk references categories, amount numeric(12,3) ); -- categories: type, vat_type -- use general comments -- title, description create table iv_costs ( cost_id integer constraint iv_costs_pk primary key constraint iv_costs_fk references cr_revisions, cost_nr varchar(400) constraint iv_costs_nr_nn not null, -- Nr is a current number to provide a unique -- identifier of cost item for backup/restore. organization_id integer constraint iv_costs_organization_nn not null constraint iv_costs_organization_fk references organizations, -- who pays? cost_object_id integer constraint im_costs_object_fk references acs_objects, -- reference to object that caused this cost item_units numeric(12,1), price_per_unit numeric(12,3), currency char(3) constraint iv_costs_currency_fk references currencies(codeA), apply_vat_p char(1) default 't' constraint iv_costs_apply_vat_p check (apply_vat_p in ('t','f')), -- include in VAT calculation? variable_cost_p char(1) constraint iv_costs_var_ck check (variable_cost_p in ('t','f')) -- variable or fixed costs -- A variable cost is calculated by multiplying -- with logger units. A fixed cost a fixed single amount ); create index iv_costs_object_idx on iv_costs(cost_object_id); create index iv_costs_organization_idx on iv_costs(organization_id); create index iv_costs_currency_idx on iv_costs(currency); create sequence iv_offer_seq start with 1000; create table iv_offers ( offer_id integer constraint iv_offers_pk primary key constraint iv_offers_id_fk references cr_revisions, offer_nr varchar(80), organization_id integer not null constraint iv_offers_organization_fk references organizations, -- who pays? comment text, amount_total numeric(12,2), amount_sum numeric(12,2), currency char(3) constraint iv_offers_currency_fk references currencies(codeA), finish_date timestamptz, date_comment varchar(1000), payment_days integer, vat_percent numeric(12,5) default 0, -- %VAT vat numeric(12,2) default 0, -- VAT amount credit_percent numeric(12,5) default 0, -- %credit status varchar(10) default 'new', -- new, accepted, billed, credit accepted_date timestamptz -- offer accepted by customer? ); -- offers are linked to a project via cr_items.parent_id -- if it's a preliminary offer, it's linked to the customer project -- if it's a final project, it's linked to the actual project create index iv_offers_organization_idx on iv_offers(organization_id); create index iv_offers_currency_idx on iv_offers(currency); create index iv_offers_finish_idx on iv_offers(finish_date); create index iv_offers_accepted_idx on iv_offers(accepted_date); create table iv_offer_items ( offer_item_id integer constraint iv_offer_items_pk primary key constraint iv_offers_items_id_fk references cr_revisions, item_nr varchar(200), offer_id integer not null constraint iv_offer_items_offer_fk references iv_offers, comment text, item_units numeric(12,1), price_per_unit numeric(12,3), rebate numeric(12,2), file_count integer, page_count integer, sort_order integer, vat numeric(12,3) default 0, -- VAT amount parent_item_id integer constraint iv_offer_items_parent_fk references iv_offer_items -- Points to its parent ); create index iv_offer_items_offer_idx on iv_offer_items(offer_id); create index iv_offer_items_sort_idx on iv_offer_items(sort_order); create index iv_offer_items_parent_idx on iv_offer_items(parent_item_id); -- linked file (for the real invoice) -- categories: payment_method -- title, description -- should we link organization here? create sequence iv_invoice_seq start with 1000; create table iv_invoices ( invoice_id integer constraint iv_invoices_pk primary key constraint iv_invoices_id_fk references cr_revisions, invoice_nr varchar(80), parent_invoice_id integer constraint iv_invoices_parent_id_fk references iv_invoices, -- to reference a storno, organization_id integer not null constraint iv_invoices_organization_fk references organizations, -- who pays? recipient_id integer not null constraint iv_invoices_recipient_fk references parties, -- who receives invoice? total_amount numeric(12,2), amount_sum numeric(12,2), currency char(3) constraint iv_invoices_currency_fk references currencies(codeA), paid_amount numeric(12,2), -- coming from table iv_payments paid_currency char(3) constraint iv_invoices_paid_currency_fk references currencies(codeA), due_date timestamptz, payment_days integer, vat_percent numeric(12,5) default 0, -- %VAT vat numeric(12,2) default 0, -- VAT amount status varchar(10) default 'new', -- new, cancelled, billed, paid cancelled_p char(1) default 'f' constraint iv_invoices_cancelled_p check (cancelled_p in ('t','f')) -- is this invoice already cancelled? ); create index iv_invoices_parent_idx on iv_invoices(parent_invoice_id); create index iv_invoices_organization_idx on iv_invoices(organization_id); create index iv_invoices_recipient_idx on iv_invoices(recipient_id); create index iv_invoices_currency_idx on iv_invoices(currency); create index iv_invoices_paid_currency_idx on iv_invoices(paid_currency); create index iv_invoices_due_idx on iv_invoices(due_date); -- linked project_item_id -- categories: type, status -- title, description create table iv_invoice_items ( iv_item_id integer constraint iv_invoice_items_pk primary key constraint iv_invoice_items_id_fk references cr_revisions, item_nr varchar(200), invoice_id integer not null constraint iv_invoice_items_invoice_fk references iv_invoices, offer_item_id integer constraint iv_invoice_items_offer_fk references iv_offer_items, item_units numeric(12,1), price_per_unit numeric(12,3), rebate numeric(12,2), amount_total numeric(12,2), sort_order integer, vat numeric(12,3) default 0, -- VAT amount parent_item_id integer constraint iv_invoice_items_parent_fk references iv_invoice_items -- Points to its parent ); create index iv_invoice_items_invoice_idx on iv_invoice_items(invoice_id); create index iv_invoice_items_offer_idx on iv_invoice_items(offer_item_id); create index iv_invoice_items_parent_idx on iv_invoice_items(parent_item_id); -- categories type, status -- with general comments -- title, description -- should we link organization here? create table iv_payments ( payment_id integer not null constraint iv_payments_pk primary key constraint iv_payments_id_fk references cr_revisions, invoice_id integer constraint iv_payments_invoice_fk references iv_invoices, -- what is paid? organization_id integer not null constraint iv_payments_organization_fk references organizations, -- who pays? received_date timestamptz, amount numeric(12,2), currency char(3) constraint iv_payments_currency_fk references currencies(codeA) ); create index iv_payments_invoice_idx on iv_payments(invoice_id); create index iv_payments_organization_idx on iv_payments(organization_id); create index iv_payments_currency_idx on iv_payments(currency); create index iv_payments_date_idx on iv_payments(received_date); create table iv_default_objects ( package_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_pk primary key constraint iv_default_objects_fk references apm_packages, list_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_list_fk references acs_objects, price_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_price_fk references acs_objects, cost_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_cost_fk references acs_objects, offer_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_offer_fk references acs_objects, offer_item_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_offer_item_fk references acs_objects, offer_item_title_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_offer_title_fk references acs_objects, invoice_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_invoice_fk references acs_objects, invoice_item_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_invoice_item_fk references acs_objects, payment_id integer constraint iv_default_objects_payment_fk references acs_objects ); begin; select acs_privilege__create_privilege('invoice_cancel',null,null); select acs_privilege__create_privilege('invoice_export',null,null); -- add children select acs_privilege__add_child('admin','invoice_cancel'); select acs_privilege__add_child('admin','invoice_export'); end; -- insert into contact_message_types (message_type,pretty_name) values ('offer','#invoices.template_offer#'); -- insert into contact_message_types (message_type,pretty_name) values ('offer_accepted','#invoices.template_offer_accepted#'); -- insert into contact_message_types (message_type,pretty_name) values ('invoice','#invoices.template_invoice#'); -- insert into contact_message_types (message_type,pretty_name) values ('invoice_cancel','#invoices.template_invoice_cancel#'); -- insert into contact_message_types (message_type,pretty_name) values ('invoice_credit','#invoices.template_invoice_credit#');