-- -- The Forums Package -- -- @author gwong@orchardlabs.com,ben@openforce.biz -- @creation-date 2002-05-16 -- -- This code is newly concocted by Ben, but with significant concepts and code -- lifted from Gilbert. Thanks Orchard Labs! -- -- -- This is the sortkey code -- -- -- procedure forums_mess_insert_tr/0 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forums_mess_insert_tr( ) RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE v_max_child_sortkey forums_forums.max_child_sortkey%TYPE; v_parent_sortkey forums_messages.tree_sortkey%TYPE; BEGIN if new.parent_id is null then select '', max_child_sortkey into v_parent_sortkey, v_max_child_sortkey from forums_forums where forum_id = new.forum_id for update; v_max_child_sortkey := tree_increment_key(v_max_child_sortkey); update forums_forums set max_child_sortkey = v_max_child_sortkey where forum_id = new.forum_id; else select coalesce(tree_sortkey, ''), max_child_sortkey into v_parent_sortkey, v_max_child_sortkey from forums_messages where message_id = new.parent_id for update; v_max_child_sortkey := tree_increment_key(v_max_child_sortkey); update forums_messages set max_child_sortkey = v_max_child_sortkey where message_id = new.parent_id; end if; new.tree_sortkey := v_parent_sortkey || v_max_child_sortkey; return new; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; create trigger forums_mess_insert_tr before insert on forums_messages for each row execute procedure forums_mess_insert_tr();