A copy of Access Access Level Access level: Action Actions Active Applets Add Add/Drop Memberships Add A Member Add A User Add New Members Add Professor Add User Add Users to Group Add a Professor Add a Professor: Add a User Add to group ... Add users to Admin Administer Administrator Administrators Admins of All All Terms And Any Applets To Add Approve Archived Are you sure? Ask a question: Be sure Become this user! Biography: Black (None chosen) Bulk Upload Bulk Uploading.... CSV File Format Change Locale Change My Password Class Key Classes Closed Communities Community Community ID Community Type Community Types Community member Community's Name Configure Element Configure %name% Confirm Confirm: Confirm Drop Confirmation Control Panel Copy Create A New User Create a Web Log Current Customize Layout Deactivate ... Deactivate Users Deactivated Delete Delete Empty Department Description Description: Don't Add Download Drop Drop Membership Edit Edit Properties Edit Term Edit a User Email: Email Email Members End Date End date: Error sending mail Example File External URL External URL: Extra Large Fields First Line First Name First Names From Full Full Access General Information General Site Help Guest? Guest? Header Alternate Text Header Font Header Font Color Header Font Colors Header Font Size Header Font Sizes Header Fonts Header Icon Alt text Header Logo Alt Text Header Logo Item ID ID: ID Invalid Join Join A Group Join Policy Join a Key Large Last Modified Last Name Last Visit: Last visit over Last visit under Latest post: Limited Limited Access Mail Failed Manage Manage Applets Manage Members Manage Membership Manage Memberships Member Member state: Members Members of Membership Requests Memberships Memberships: Message My Communities N/A Name Name / Email Needs Approval New New Password: New Term New User No No Terms No Users No archived No classes No, don't delete it No groups to add to No user found None Normal Not Allowed Note: Nuke Nuke ... Nuke Users Open Or Pending Pending Approval Personal Options Personal home page: Portrait: Post to: Pretty Name Pretty Plural Preview Public Web Log Recipient's Email Recipient's Last Name Referer Registration date: Reject Request Membership Results Return URL Role Screen name: Search Search Text: Search Users Send Date Shared Files Site-wide Admin? Size SloanSpace Small Sorry! Spam ... Spam Community Spam Users Start Date Start date: Subject Template Templates Term Term ID Term (e.g. Spring, Fall) Terms The name To Type Unknown Term Update Password User User Admin Page User ID: User ID User Management User Search User Type User type: Users Users: Bulk Upload Users Search View Year: Yes Yes, I'm sure. Yes, delete You can specify colors by name You must create You're editing You've chosen to add A member of the Actions add Add Selected Members admin Control Panel Administrator Administrators and approve aqua Archived Are you sure you want to send the following Archive group %group_name% at bad folder id be either be the header line: black blue byte bytes cannot be removed Classes Class Classes Error: A %subject% must have <em>no</em> %class_instances% to be deleted Calendar File Storage Class Home Subject Subjects Calendar File Storage Community Home People Community Communities The name <strong>%community_key%</strong> is already in use either by an active or archived group. \n Please go back and select a different name. community since Control Panel We couldn't find user #%user_id%; perhaps this person was deleted? Course Administrator Course Administrators Course Assistant Course Assistants days ago Error: %departments_pretty_name% must be empty to be deleted The name <strong>%department_pretty_name%</strong> is already in use. \n Please select a different name. Department Departments deregister Description dotLRN Admin dotLRN Information Site Wide Administration dotLRN Admin Community Membership dotLRN Admin Community Memberships e.g. 6.001 Class Classes e.g. Alumni Club Clubs Communities - the base community type Community Communities Groups dotLRN Community Membership dotLRN Community Memberships Edit Pre-approved Email Servers Edit the message below and hit "Send Email" to notify this user. Edit Subject E-mail Message email sent fuchsia gray green group's icon has been added to Header Logo Help Professor Professors is already in use item items lime Login information: Logout Add Members to Another Community Add Membership To Community Add These Users To A Group Add a new dotLRN user: Add a new user to SloanSpace Add %community_name% Members to Another Community Add members to another group Administrative Actions An error occured while trying to add a user to a community. This error has been logged. An error occured while trying to remove a user to a community. This error has been logged. Are you sure you want to delete the empty department Be sure that the person does not already have a SloanSpace account under another email address. Duplicate accounts cause problems for everyone. To add a person with an existing account use <a href=members>Manage Membership</a>. Change my language setting Class Key (a short name, no spaces) Community's Web Address Do you really want to remove the following members? Do you really want to remove %num_users% users? E-mail address must be valid and unique. <br>This user probably already has a SloanSpace account. <br>Try adding this user through <a href=members>Manage Membership</a>. Edit My Notifications Edit My Personal Information Edit Pre-approved Email Servers Edit department properties. Email suffixes listed here are used to automatically make dotLRN users of people that register with email addresses that match one of the values in this list. Error Nuking %first_names% %last_name% (%email%) Error adding user to community Error removing user community Error sending email to %email% from password-update-2.tcl First check the box of the users you want to add, next select their role, and finally submit the form. Folder %folder_name% is empty Go back and try again Help and Personal Configuration Here is the actual error message: Here you can create several users at once using a correctly formatted CSV (comma-separated values) file. You can create a spreadsheet and save it as a CSV file to import here. If this person is a MIT or Sloan Student have him self-register at sloanspace.mit.edu so he will have a full access account. If you wish to give guests full access to forums and surveys you may request that the site-wide admin change the status of your community. This option is not open to classes due to MIT privacy policy. Information about other members of this community will not be available to this user. Interactive setting of dotLRN parameters Join/Drop Classes or Communities Join/Drop a Class or Community Group Join the above criteria with Join the above criteria by Key (a short name, no spaces) Last Visit Over (in days) Last Visit Within (in days) Make this user a site wide admin. Manage this user's portrait No, I don't want to archive this group. Note: The script will continue to run even if you close your browser. Note: This process is expected to take %num_seconds% seconds. Note: This process is expected to take %num_minutes% minutes. Note: use this feature responsibly and <i>think</i> first. Note: you will have the option of adding these users to a group once they have been uploaded. Nuke %first_names% %last_name% (%email%) Please confirm that you want eliminate all traces of %first_names% %last_name% (%email%) from the database. If you select "Yes", we'll make an attempt. If we succeed, you'll be redirected to where you were. If there is an error and we are unable to complete the removal, we'll return an error message. Please follow the following link to reset your password: %change_password_url% Please select a different name Pre-approved Email Servers Recipient's First Name Return to where you were. Revert ONLY the Header Icon properties to defaults Revert all properties to defaults Save and use this header Search dotLRN users for user: Sender's Email Address Some of the emails failed. Those users had random passwords generated for them, however. The best way to proceed is to have these users log in and ask them to click on 'I have forgotten my password'. The first line of the file The following email was just sent from %system_name% The following email was just sent from %system_name% Sent by: %system_owner% Sent to: %email% Subject: %subject% Message: %body% The following members of The following variables can be used to insert user/community specific data: The group's data will not be modified, but the group will only be accessible to system administrators. The results of your search are: The system was unable to send email. Please notify the user personally. This problem is probably caused by a misconfiguration of your email system. Here is the error: There was a bug in this page There was a bug in this page. Please report this problem. There was an error sending email to %email%. There was an error sending email to %system_owner%. There was an error trying to add your content. The most likely causes are that: This action will take approximately This action will take approximately <strong>%estimated_number_of_seconds%</strong> seconds. This allows you to give a non-MIT person who is not a registered student access to this group. This user is a site-wide admin. This user is currently in state <i>%member_state%</i>. To allow this user access to dotLRN you must <br><a href="%approve_user_url%">approve and add to dotLRN</a> Update this user's password Use this only for an officially registered student in this class who is <b>not</b> a MIT or Sloan student. Web Log for %user_name% Well, we tried to nuke the user, but there was an error. The most likely case is that a reference to this user (user_id=%user_id%) exists somewhere in the database schema. It's time to call your programmers! (What others see about me: Year (e.g. 2003, 2003/2004) You are about to delete %num_users% users. You are adding <strong>%first_names% %last_name% (%email%)</strong> to %community_name%: You are not allowed to perform that action. You double-clicked the "Add" button on the previous page. You may now choose to You need to confirm the password that you typed. (Type the same thing again.) You tried to upload a non-image file. Your Current Memberships Your dotLRN Workspace Your password on %system_name% Your passwords don't match! Presumably, you made a typo while entering one of them. Your search returned no results, please broaden your search criteria. You're asking to change the level of access of this user. This has strong repercussions. Are you user about this? , since these must be associated with Terms. - a secondary identifier for the user. approve and add to dotLRN are not yet members of dotLRN properties for this user. emailing this user failed! Having trouble getting the look you want? Here's some tips If you misspell the font name or pick a font that a user doesn't have on her computer, the normal system font will be used. policy must be one of: open, needs approval, or closed spam policy must be one of: all or members <strong>%first_names% %last_name% (%email%)</strong> is a %existing_role% in %community_name%. You may select a new role below: This is what the header title will look like This may take some time. Please be patient. this user is deleted and banned from the community. this user to another group. to use vaild email addresses since the process will send the new user's password to the given email address. &lt;none set up&gt; maroon Members must - must be one of navy new New no There is no community member with the user_id of %user_id% none set up Not-A-Member none set up Not a User nuke of type olive optional, defaults to or or by RGB number or, return to Password: Portal Templates properties. purple red Thank you. Your registration request has been sent to the System Administrator reject required revoke rrggbb search seconds. Send Email silver Student Students Calendar Files Subgroup Home Subgroup Info Subgroup Subgroups Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistants teal Term term properties. Terms Thank you The format of this value is a comma-separated list of domains (usually preceded by the *@ string which match &lt;anything&gt;@&lt;email-domain&gt;). For example, you might use: There are no users matching %search_text%. this user is deleted this user to dotLRN. to be able to create type upload You have been added as a user to %system_name% at %system_url%. Login: %user_email% Password: %user_password% You have been added as a user to %system_name% at %system_url% User %user_email% already exists... storing user_id User %user_email% created.... Calendar My Files MySpace User External Staff Users Visit yes You have been added as a user to you may change your password after you log in Your icon is too large. The publisher of %system_name% has chosen to limit attachments to %max_attachments_bytes% bytes.\n