update calendars set calendar_name = :calendar_name where calendar_id = :calendar_id select calendar_id from calendars where owner_id = :party_id and private_p = 't' select calendar_id from calendars where owner_id = :party_id and private_p = 't' and calendar_id in ([join $calendar_id_list ", "]) select type, item_type_id from cal_item_types where calendar_id= :calendar_id insert into cal_item_types (item_type_id, calendar_id, type) values (:item_type_id, :calendar_id, :type) update cal_items set item_type_id= NULL where item_type_id = :item_type_id and on_which_calendar= :calendar_id delete from cal_item_types where item_type_id= :item_type_id and calendar_id= :calendar_id select calendar_name from calendars where calendar_id = :calendar_id; select calendar_id, calendar_name, private_p, owner_id, package_id from calendars where calendar_id = :calendar_id select calendar_name from calendars where owner_id = :user_id select calendar_id,package_id from calendars where owner_id = :from_user_id select count(*) from calendars where owner_id = :to_user_id and package_id = :l_pkg_id update calendars set owner_id = :to_user_id where owner_id = :from_user_id and calendar_id = :l_cal_id select calendar_id from calendars where package_id = :l_pkg_id and owner_id = :to_user_id update cal_items set on_which_calendar = :to_cal_id where on_which_calendar = :l_cal_id delete from calendars where calendar_id = :l_cal_id