postgresql7.1 insert into acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif (user_id, notification_count, notification_time) select party_id, 0 as notification_count, date_trunc('day', current_timestamp - to_interval(1 + :notification_interval, 'days')) as notification_time from acs_mail_lite_bounce where bounce_count >= :max_bounce_count select u.user_id,, u.first_names || ' ' || u.last_name as name from cc_users u, acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif n where u.user_id = n.user_id and u.email_bouncing_p = 't' and n.notification_time < current_timestamp - to_interval(:notification_interval, 'days') and n.notification_count < :max_notification_count update acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif set notification_time = date_trunc('day',current_timestamp), notification_count = notification_count + 1 where user_id = :user_id delete from acs_mail_lite_bounce where party_id in (select party_id from acs_mail_lite_mail_log where last_mail_date < current_timestamp - to_interval(:max_days_to_bounce, 'days')) insert into acs_mail_lite_queue (message_id, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body, extra_headers, bcc, package_id, valid_email_p) values (nextval('acs_mail_lite_id_seq'), :to_addr, :from_addr, :subject, :body, :eh_list, :bcc, :package_id, (case when :valid_email_p = '1' then TRUE else FALSE end)) update acs_mail_lite_mail_log set last_mail_date = current_timestamp where party_id = :user_id insert into acs_mail_lite_mail_log (party_id, last_mail_date) values (:user_id, current_timestamp) select message_id, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body, extra_headers, bcc, package_id, (case when valid_email_p = TRUE then 1 else 0 end) as valid_email_p from acs_mail_lite_queue insert into acs_mail_lite_queue (message_id, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body, extra_headers, bcc, package_id, valid_email_p) values (nextval('acs_mail_lite_id_seq'), :to_addr, :from_addr, :subject, :body, :extraheaders, :bcc, :package_id, (case when :valid_email_p = '1' then TRUE else FALSE end)) insert into acs_mail_lite_complex_queue (creation_date, locking_server, to_party_ids, cc_party_ids, bcc_party_ids, to_group_ids, cc_group_ids, bcc_group_ids, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr, from_addr, subject, body, package_id, files, file_ids, folder_ids, mime_type, object_id, single_email_p, no_callback_p, extraheaders, alternative_part_p, use_sender_p ) values (:creation_date, :locking_server, :to_party_ids, :cc_party_ids, :bcc_party_ids, :to_group_ids, :cc_group_ids, :bcc_group_ids, :to_addr, :cc_addr, :bcc_addr, :from_addr, :subject, :body, :package_id, :files, :file_ids, :folder_ids, :mime_type, :object_id, (case when :single_email_p = '1' then TRUE else FALSE end), (case when :no_callback_p = '1' then TRUE else FALSE end), :extraheaders, (case when :alternative_part_p = '1' then TRUE else FALSE end), (case when :use_sender_p = '1' then TRUE else FALSE end) ) select id, creation_date, locking_server, to_party_ids, cc_party_ids, bcc_party_ids, to_group_ids, cc_group_ids, bcc_group_ids, to_addr, cc_addr, bcc_addr, from_addr, subject, body, package_id, files, file_ids, folder_ids, mime_type, object_id, (case when single_email_p = TRUE then 1 else 0 end) as single_email_p, (case when no_callback_p = TRUE then 1 else 0 end) as no_callback_p, extraheaders, (case when alternative_part_p = TRUE then 1 else 0 end) as alternative_part_p, (case when use_sender_p = TRUE then 1 else 0 end) as use_sender_p from acs_mail_lite_complex_queue where locking_server = '' or locking_server is NULL select id from acs_mail_lite_complex_queue where id=:id and (locking_server = '' or locking_server is NULL) update acs_mail_lite_complex_queue set locking_server = :locking_server where id=:id delete from acs_mail_lite_complex_queue where id=:id