----------------------------------------------------- -- -- Create the data model for the timecard application -- Author: Matthew Geddert geddert@yahoo.com -- Creation Date: 2004-02-16 -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table t_processes ( process_id integer constraint t_process_id_pk primary key constraint t_process_id_fk references acs_objects, title varchar(1000), description text, mime_type varchar(200) default 'text/plain', workflow_id integer constraint t_process_workflow_fk references workflows ); create table t_process_instances ( process_instance_id integer constraint t_process_instances_id_pk primary key constraint t_process_instances_id_fk references acs_objects, process_id integer constraint t_process_instances_process_fk references t_processes, case_id integer, party_id integer constraint t_process_instances_party_fk references parties, object_id integer constraint t_process_instances_tasks_object_fk references acs_objects ); create sequence t_task_status_seq start 3; create table t_task_status ( status_id integer constraint t_task_status_pk primary key, short_name varchar(100), title varchar(100), -- closed or open status_type char(1) default 'c' constraint t_task_status_type_ck check (status_type in ('c', 'o')) ); insert into t_task_status (status_id, short_name, title, status_type) values (1, 'open', '#acs-kernel.common_Open#', 'o'); insert into t_task_status (status_id, short_name, title, status_type) values (2, 'closed', '#acs-kernel.common_Closed#', 'c'); create table t_process_tasks ( task_id integer constraint t_process_tasks_task_pk primary key constraint t_process_tasks_task_fk references acs_objects, process_id integer constraint t_process_tasks_process_fk references t_processes, -- action creating this task open_action_id integer constraint t_process_tasks_open_action_fk references workflow_actions, -- action when closing task closing_action_id integer constraint t_process_tasks_close_action_fk references workflow_actions, party_id integer constraint t_process_tasks_party_fk references parties, object_id integer constraint t_process_tasks_object_fk references acs_objects, title varchar(1000), description text, mime_type varchar(200) default 'text/plain', comment text, status_id integer constraint t_process_tasks_status_fk references t_task_status, priority integer, -- start date relative to current date start numeric, -- due date relative to current date due numeric, assignee_id integer ); create table t_tasks ( task_id integer constraint t_tasks_task_pk primary key constraint t_tasks_task_fk references acs_objects, process_instance_id integer constraint t_tasks_instance_fk references t_process_instances, process_task_id integer constraint t_tasks_process_task_fk references t_process_tasks, -- The party_id is the party whom this task is associated with (e.g. the contact) party_id integer constraint t_tasks_party_fk references parties, -- The object_id of the Object that triggered this task. If you created an offer -- and want to have a reminder to phone, the party_id would be the recipient of the offer -- the object_id would be the offer_id and the creation_user (assignee who is doing the job) -- would be yourself. -- As we are very bad in design we realized too late that it might make sense to change the -- assignee at a later stage, we now modify the creation_user for this. object_id integer constraint t_tasks_object_fk references acs_objects, -- I wish this were content_items... title varchar(1000), description text, mime_type varchar(200) default 'text/plain', comment text, status_id integer constraint t_tasks_status_fk references t_task_status, priority integer, start_date timestamptz, due_date timestamptz, completed_date timestamptz, assignee_id integer ); CREATE FUNCTION inline_0() RETURNS integer AS 'declare begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type( ''tasks_task'', -- object_type ''Task'', -- pretty_name ''Tasks'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''t_tasks'', -- table_name ''task_id'', -- id_column ''tasks_task'', -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table null -- name_method ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type( ''tasks_process'', -- object_type ''Task Process'', -- pretty_name ''Task Processes'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''t_processes'', -- table_name ''process_id'', -- id_column ''tasks_process'', -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table null -- name_method ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type( ''tasks_process_instance'', -- object_type ''Task Process Instance'', -- pretty_name ''Task Process Instances'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''t_process_instances'', -- table_name ''process_instance_id'', -- id_column ''tasks_process_instance'', -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table null -- name_method ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type( ''tasks_process_task'', -- object_type ''Process Task'', -- pretty_name ''Process Tasks'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''t_process_tasks'', -- table_name ''task_id'', -- id_column ''tasks_process_task'', -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table null -- name_method ); return 0; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; SELECT inline_0(); DROP function inline_0(); create or replace function tasks__relative_date ( timestamptz -- date_comparative ) returns varchar as ' declare p_date alias for $1; v_date varchar; begin v_date := CASE WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY'') = to_char(now(),''YYYY'') THEN CASE WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY-MM-DD'') = to_char(now(),''YYYY-MM-DD'') THEN ''Today'' WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY-MM-DD'') = to_char((now() - ''1 day''::interval),''YYYY-MM-DD'') THEN ''Yesterday'' WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY-MM-DD'') = to_char((now() - ''2 day''::interval),''YYYY-MM-DD'') THEN ''Two Days Ago'' WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY-MM-DD'') = to_char((now() + ''1 day''::interval),''YYYY-MM-DD'') THEN ''Tomorrow'' WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY-MM-DD'') = to_char((now() + ''2 day''::interval),''YYYY-MM-DD'') THEN CASE WHEN to_char(p_date,''FMDay'') not in ( ''Sunday'', ''Saturday'', ''Monday'', ''Tuesday'') THEN to_char(p_date,''Day'') ELSE to_char(p_date,''Mon DD (Dy)'') END WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY-MM-DD'') = to_char((now() + ''3 day''::interval),''YYYY-MM-DD'') THEN CASE WHEN to_char(p_date,''FMDay'') not in ( ''Sunday'', ''Saturday'', ''Monday'', ''Tuesday'') THEN to_char(p_date,''Day'') ELSE to_char(p_date,''Mon DD (Dy)'') END WHEN to_char(p_date,''YYYY-MM-DD'') = to_char((now() + ''4 day''::interval),''YYYY-MM-DD'') THEN CASE WHEN to_char(p_date,''FMDay'') not in ( ''Sunday'', ''Saturday'', ''Monday'', ''Tuesday'') THEN to_char(p_date,''Day'') ELSE to_char(p_date,''Mon DD (Dy)'') END ELSE to_char(p_date,''Mon DD (Dy)'') END ELSE to_char(p_date,''Mon DD, YYYY'') END; return v_date; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function tasks__completion_date ( integer ) returns timestamptz as ' declare p_task_id alias for $1; v_complete_p boolean; v_date varchar; v_previous_p boolean; revision record; begin v_complete_p := ''1'' from pm_tasks where task_id = p_task_id and status = ''2''; v_date := NULL; IF v_complete_p THEN v_previous_p := ''t''; FOR revision IN select ptr.percent_complete, ao.creation_date from cr_revisions cr, pm_tasks_revisions ptr, acs_objects ao where cr.item_id = p_task_id and cr.revision_id = ao.object_id and cr.revision_id = ptr.task_revision_id order by ao.creation_date desc LOOP IF revision.percent_complete = ''100'' AND v_previous_p THEN v_date := revision.creation_date; ELSE v_previous_p := ''f''; EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; return v_date; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function tasks__completion_user ( integer ) returns integer as ' declare p_task_id alias for $1; v_complete_p boolean; v_user varchar; v_previous_p boolean; revision record; begin v_complete_p := ''1'' from pm_tasks where task_id = p_task_id and status = ''2''; v_user := NULL; IF v_complete_p THEN v_previous_p := ''t''; FOR revision IN select ptr.percent_complete, ao.creation_user from cr_revisions cr, pm_tasks_revisions ptr, acs_objects ao where cr.item_id = p_task_id and cr.revision_id = ao.object_id and cr.revision_id = ptr.task_revision_id order by ao.creation_date desc LOOP IF revision.percent_complete = ''100'' AND v_previous_p THEN v_user := revision.creation_user; ELSE v_previous_p := ''f''; EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; return v_user; end;' language 'plpgsql'; ----------------------------- select define_function_args('tasks_task__new','task_id,process_instance_id,process_task_id,party_id,object_id,title,description,mime_type,comment,status_id,priority,start_date,due_date,package_id,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id,assignee_id'); create or replace function tasks_task__new (integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,varchar,text,varchar,text,integer,integer,timestamptz,timestamptz,integer,integer,varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_task_id alias for $1; p_process_instance_id alias for $2; p_process_task_id alias for $3; p_party_id alias for $4; p_object_id alias for $5; p_title alias for $6; p_description alias for $7; p_mime_type alias for $8; p_comment alias for $9; p_status_id alias for $10; p_priority alias for $11; p_start_date alias for $12; p_due_date alias for $13; p_package_id alias for $14; p_creation_user alias for $15; p_creation_ip alias for $16; p_context_id alias for $17; p_assignee_id alias for $18; v_task_id integer; v_start_date timestamptz; begin v_task_id:= acs_object__new( p_task_id, ''tasks_task'', now(), p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, coalesce(p_context_id, p_package_id), ''t'', p_title, p_package_id ); if p_start_date is null then v_start_date := now(); else v_start_date := p_start_date; end if; insert into t_tasks (task_id, process_instance_id, process_task_id, party_id, object_id, title, description, mime_type, comment, status_id, priority, start_date, due_date, assignee_id) values (v_task_id, p_process_instance_id, p_process_task_id, p_party_id, p_object_id, p_title, p_description, p_mime_type, p_comment, p_status_id, p_priority, v_start_date, p_due_date, p_assignee_id); return v_task_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('tasks_process_task__new','task_id,process_id,open_action_id,closing_action_id,party_id,object_id,title,description,mime_type,comment,status_id,priority,start,due,package_id,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id,assignee_id'); create or replace function tasks_process_task__new (integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,varchar,text,varchar,text,integer,integer,numeric,numeric,integer,integer,varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_task_id alias for $1; p_process_id alias for $2; p_open_action_id alias for $3; p_closing_action_id alias for $4; p_party_id alias for $5; p_object_id alias for $6; p_title alias for $7; p_description alias for $8; p_mime_type alias for $9; p_comment alias for $10; p_status_id alias for $11; p_priority alias for $12; p_start alias for $13; p_due alias for $14; p_package_id alias for $15; p_creation_user alias for $16; p_creation_ip alias for $17; p_context_id alias for $18; p_assignee_id alias for $19; v_task_id integer; begin v_task_id:= acs_object__new( p_task_id, ''tasks_process_task'', now(), p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, coalesce(p_context_id, p_package_id), ''t'', p_title, p_package_id ); insert into t_process_tasks (task_id, process_id, open_action_id, closing_action_id, party_id, object_id, title, description, mime_type, comment, status_id, priority, start, due, assignee_id) values (v_task_id, p_process_id, p_open_action_id, p_closing_action_id, p_party_id, p_object_id, p_title, p_description, p_mime_type, p_comment, p_status_id, p_priority, p_start, p_due, p_assignee_id); return v_task_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('tasks_process__new','process_id,title,description,mime_type,workflow_id,package_id,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id'); create or replace function tasks_process__new (integer,varchar,text,varchar,integer,integer,integer,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_process_id alias for $1; p_title alias for $2; p_description alias for $3; p_mime_type alias for $4; p_workflow_id alias for $5; p_package_id alias for $6; p_creation_user alias for $7; p_creation_ip alias for $8; p_context_id alias for $9; v_process_id integer; begin v_process_id:= acs_object__new( p_process_id, ''tasks_process'', now(), p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, coalesce(p_context_id, p_package_id), ''t'', p_title, p_package_id ); insert into t_processes (process_id, title, description, mime_type, workflow_id) values (v_process_id, p_title, p_description, p_mime_type, p_workflow_id); return v_process_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('tasks_process_instance__new','process_instance_id,process_id,case_id,party_id,object_id,package_id,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id'); create or replace function tasks_process_instance__new (integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_process_instance_id alias for $1; p_process_id alias for $2; p_case_id alias for $3; p_party_id alias for $4; p_object_id alias for $5; p_package_id alias for $6; p_creation_user alias for $7; p_creation_ip alias for $8; p_context_id alias for $9; v_process_instance_id integer; begin v_process_instance_id:= acs_object__new( p_process_instance_id, ''tasks_process_instance'', now(), p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, coalesce(p_context_id, p_package_id), ''t'', ''process instance of process '' || p_process_id || '' for object '' || p_object_id, p_package_id ); insert into t_process_instances (process_instance_id, process_id, case_id, party_id, object_id) values (v_process_instance_id, p_process_id, p_case_id, p_party_id, p_object_id); return v_process_instance_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql';