postgresql7.3 select eg.grade_id, eg.item_id, eg.grade_plural_name, eg.comments, eg.weight from evaluation_gradesx eg, acs_objects ao where content_revision__is_live(eg.grade_id) = true and eg.item_id = ao.object_id and ao.context_id = :package_id $orderby select coalesce(sum(eg.weight),0) as total_weight from evaluation_gradesi eg, acs_objects ao where content_revision__is_live(eg.grade_id) = true and ao.context_id = :package_id and eg.item_id = ao.object_id select coalesce(sum(eg.weight),0) from evaluation_gradesx eg, acs_objects ao where content_revision__is_live(eg.grade_id) = true and eg.item_id = ao.object_id and ao.context_id = :package_id