Revoke site-wide administrative privileges. Grant site-wide administrative privileges. Username Groups {Group Members} Group Members No members have been added to this group. Delete Select adviser... Create Group Create Adviser Group Name No groups have been created. Group Members (Admin) Members of group: %group_name% Creating dotFOLIO site for Non-members that can be added to group: %group_name% Nuke You have been added as a user to %system_name% at %system_url% You have been added as a user to %system_name% at %system_url%. Login: %user_email% Password: %user_password% Enter a valid username. The username will be used to create the dotfolio space. Successfully created a dotfolio space for %username% Error creating a dotfolio space for %username% Create a new dotFOLIO Select User Type Please select a user type for dotFOLIO Admin Create a folio space Add A New User Add A User Add User Admin Username must not be null. Username does not exist. ID Name Edit dotFOLIO properties for this user. Email Return to Some of the emails failed. Those users had random passwords generated for them, however. The best way to proceed is to have these users log in and ask them to click on 'I have forgotten my password'. <p>Database error while trying to create the last user in the list above!<br> The transaction has been aborted, no users have been entered, and no e-mail notifications have been sent.<p> Screen name Registration date Last Visit User has not visited yet Portrait Member state dotFOLIO Information None set up Message Users User ID User Management General Information Administrative Actions Update this user's password Become this user Update Password Confirm New Password You need to confirm the password that you typed. (Type the same password again.) Your passwords don't match! Presumably, you made a typing error while entering one of them. Your password on %system_name% Please follow the following link to reset your password: %change_password_url% Error sending email to %email% from password-update-2.tcl emailing this user failed! Error sending email There was an error sending email to %email%. Update Creating user Create A New User Search Users Bulk Upload Bulk uploading in progress. Upload User %user_username% created.... User %user_username% already exists... storing user_id <p>CSV file must include at least the first_names, last_name, email, username, and type fields. The password field is optional.<p> Example File Here you can create several users at once using a correctly formatted CSV (comma-separated values) file. You can create a spreadsheet and save it as a CSV file to import here. Be sure to use valid email addresses since the process will send the new user's password to the given email address. No Users Fields Required Upload Formatted CSV File Optional field that defaults to the following value: random value Field must have one of the following values: CSV File Format First Line The first line of the file must have the following header line: Adviser Guest Owner Role Type User Site-Wide Admin User Type Staff .FOLIO Administration Yes No Create Edit User You've chosen to add You've chosen to edit has been added to Edit the message below and hit "Send Email" to notify this user. Send Email The following email was just sent from %system_name% The following email was just sent from %system_name% Sent by: %email_from% Sent to: %email% Subject: %subject% Message: %message% %first_names% %last_name%, You have been added as a user to %system_name% at %system_url% Login information: Email %email% Password: %password% (you may change your password after you log in) Thank you %administration_name% Your %system_name% membership has been approved. Your %system_name% membership has been approved. Please return to %system_url% to log into %system_name%. dotFOLIO Space {Welcome to %first_names% %last_name%'s portfolio!} text/enhanced No. of Blog Entries