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Assistant Instructors Assistant Instuctors (awaiting approval) Back to Balance Balance due: Bill to: body Cancel Cash change Change Participant Check Choose Participant click here Community User Pages Continue default template Course Catalog Course Page: Course Quick Jump Courses: Credit Card Credit card number CSV file Currently Selected Date delete Discount Display All Orders Display Course E-mail address: edit Edit My Application Email Email selected applicants Email is required Approve application Submit application Email Templates Email templates Enter Offer Code Expense Tracking Expenses Expires Export For PreReq Approval Fully Paid Gift Certificate: Go to My Account Grade spot from waiting list Grant Scholarships I'm a new customer: In the last In the last 24 hours In the last week In Waiting List (incomplete) info Instructor Instructors Internal Account Invoice Item Item Description join waiting list List List Registrants List Users Lock Box 1. Please review your order list for accuracy. 2. Complete this information. A full credit card expiration date (month and year) is required A space has opened up in %community_name%. A space has opened up in %community_name%. Please register via the website or call to get registered via phone. Added to waiting list for %community_name% You have been added to the waiting list for %community_name%. You will be notified by email if a space opens up. Alternately, you can use a Application approval (default <i>Note: this is customizable on a per section basis</i>) Application approval (granted spot from waiting list) Application approval (waiver of prerequisites approved) Waiting list request confirmed Applications that can be approved now Applications that can be approved immediately Approve the following applications: Approved Applications Approved PreReq Applications Approved Users from Waiting List Approved Waiting List Applications Back to shopping cart Bulk Approve Applications Bulk Reject Applications Community Admin Pages Completing Your Order: Verify and submit order Completing Your Order Continue Registration. Continue Registration Course listing Create a Participant Account Credit card information eCommerce Administration Edit Section Information Edit your application Email templates for %course_name% | Financial Transactions for %first_names% %last_name% (if you're not %first_names% %last_name% for the current purchases Waiting list Request an exception This person is your I am a returning customer: if you prefer using some of your other addresses on file with us. I'm participating in this course Internal account number Manage Category Trees Manage Course Attributes Manage Registration Assessment Manage Relationship Types multi-page order process No courses/sections found. Please try again No orders for this section %num_attendees% participants registered Number in Waiting List number %waiting_lists.waiting_list_number% on waiting list One or more prerequisites for this section have not been met: Or create an account for the participant Put this purchase in the waiting list Order Details for %order_id% Orders in the Last 7 Days Participant pays for course <p>At this time we are unable to receive authorization to charge your credit card. Please check the number and the expiration date and try again or use a different credit card.</p> <p>If this message persists, there may be a temporary problem, such as the system not being able to reach the merchant banking system. </p> %patron_name% also pays for the course Please enter a credit card number Please enter a name for the group Please enter a search string Please enter a value greater than 1 Please enter an internal account code Please enter the number of attendees Please select a credit card type Please select a section from the list Please select a section under this course Process Purchase for %section_name% Purchase another Course/Section Purchase another Course/Section Purchaser's Relationship to Participant Register for Another Course Register for another course Registering for classes with %service_name% is quick and easy Registration assessment Reject and Send Email Reject the following applications: Reject waiver of prerequisites Waiver of prerequites for %community_name% You request for waiver of prerequisites for %community_name% has been received. Required %prereqs.field% was not met Return to course catalog Return to main course registration administration Section Prerequisites Select a payment method Select another purchaser Sessions and Attendance Site wide default email templates for new sections Sorry, the offer code was not accepted. Sorry, There seems to be a problem with completing this transaction. Test email sent to %user.email%. Please check your inbox. Thank you for putting yourself on the waiting list for %section_name%. We will notify you if a space becomes available. Thank You For Your Order The applications have been rejected. The course only has $available_slots slots left The following applications need to be handled separately because a section specific approval email needs to be sent: The following applications are already approved: The following applications need to be handled separately because a section specific rejection email needs to be sent: The following has been sent to the purchaser The offer code was accepted. You save $savings! There is no fee for this course This section is currently full, but we are taking names for the waiting list. To complete your order, submit this form, and confirm the information on the following page. to send us your order, or click "back" on your browser to make changes. Total Charge Application approved Slot available to come off waiting list - waiting for purchase Prequisite has been approved - waiting for purchase User has submitted an application and is waiting for approval User is already registered to this section or has a pending application. User is in waiting list User requests for approval Users in waiting list Users related to the %patron_name% Waiting List and Prerequisite Applications %full_name%, welcome to %course_name%. We look forward to a great course. This course willl be held on: %sessions% Instructors: %instructor_names% Who is taking the course? Who's participating in this course? (You are number @course_list.waiting_list_number@ on the wait list) You have no applications You may continue with the purchase You may only enter up to the amount Would you like to be placed on the waiting list? Would you be interested in taking a different course? Your application is incomplete Your application to join $community_name was approved. Please register via the MOS website or call to get registered via phone. Your application to join %community_name% was rejected. Your application was approved. Your waiver of prerequisites to %community_name% was approved. Please come back to the site or call to process the registration for your course. Your waiver of prerequisites for %community_name% was rejected. We would like to require that the prerequiste is met. Your request has been submitted. You may purchase for someone else. Your Shopping Cart is empty. You've already purchased this course. You may purchase for someone else. Make a donation Manage Course List Medical Issues Member Request More Information: My Shopping Cart No No applications No orders No related users No waiting lists Notes Offer Code: Order Details Order History Order ID Order list Order Summary Orders with Outstanding balance Paid By Paid Via: Participant Participants Payment Information Payment Method Payment method Pending applications Per User Phone Number Please select one PreReq Approval List Price/Item Proceed Process Registration Product Public Pages Purchase membership Purchaser Purchaser is Click Quantity Quick Links Reason Recipients Register Register for this Course Registered By Admin Registration Regsitered By Admin Reject waiver of prerequitsites application Reject application Reject Only Reject waiver of prerequisite Expert Administartion Options Related Users <a href="%return_url%">Return</a> to where you were. Revert to default Review your application Role Scholarship Scholarship Funds Scholarships Section specific template Name Advanced Options Section Name Section Quick Jump a payment method Send test email to yourself after application is approved and payment is required after application is approved after application is submitted after user is added to group after user is added to group from waiting list after user is added to group when waiver of prerequisites has been requested after request for waiver of prerequisites is rejected after application is rejected after application is submitted and user is added to waiting list after application is submitted with request for waiver of prerequisites Set Relationship Shopping Cart default template Site wide defaults Skip Special Needs subject Subtotal: Subtotal System Setup Tax: Test email sent The section is full. TOTAL: Total: Total Total Amount Total Refunds Type Type of Request User has no email User Info User information for Users related to you View View All view applications view bio view bios View Calendar View Orders View Pending View sent emails View User Requests Waiting List message Welcome message Welcome to %course_name% Yes You have no orders Your Applications Your Order Your Order History Your Requests to Override Prerequisites Your Relationship Your Waiting Lists Zone Zones