postgresql7.2 select na_source__new ( :source_id, :package_id, :owner_id, :feed_url, :link, :title, :description, '0', now(), :last_modified, 'na_source', :owner_id, :creation_ip ) select na_item__new ( :source_id, :link, :title, :description, now(), '0' ); select na_item__new ( :source_id, :link, :title, :description, now(), '0' ); delete from na_items where date + interval '2 month' < now() update na_sources set link = :link, title = :title, description = :description, updates = (updates + 1), last_scanned = now(), last_modified = :last_modified where source_id = :source_id select deleted_p, item_id, i.title as item_title, i.description as item_description from na_sources s, na_items i where owner_id = :owner_id and s.source_id = i.source_id and i.$identifier = :$identifier and feed_url = :feed_url order by item_id limit 1