Group Administration Administer All members Archive Archive this group Closed Copy this group Email Members Add/Remove %pretty_name% members can send bulk mail to this community. Change Bulk Mail Policy Change Enrollment Policy Create a new Limited Access user Create a new Limited Access Guest user Customize Portal Layout No %subcomm_pretty_plural% Only use this to create an account for cross-registered students who do not have accounts from a previous class. Only use this to create accounts for non-affiliated users who do not already have an account. Information about other members of this community will not be available to this user. Sorry, this functionality is not available to guests This group is archived Manage Applets Manage Membership Member List Members Staff List Needs Approval New %sub_pretty_name% No %course_assistant_role_pretty_plural% No %instructor_role_pretty_plural% No %teaching_assistant_role_pretty_plural% Only admins Open Sort Sort/manage