postgresql7.1 select content_item__get_id(:path, content_template__get_root_folder(), 'f') select content_template__get_root_folder() select content_item__get_path(:folder_id, null) select t.template_id, t.template_id as item_id,, to_char(o.last_modified, 'MM/DD/YY HH:MI AM') as modified, coalesce(round(r.content_length::numeric / 1000,2), 0)::float8::text || ' KB'::text as file_size from cr_templates t, acs_objects o, cr_revisions r RIGHT OUTER JOIN cr_items i ON i.latest_revision = r.revision_id where i.parent_id = :folder_id and i.item_id = t.template_id and i.item_id = o.object_id order by upper( select parent_id, coalesce(label, name) as label, description from cr_items i, cr_folders f where i.item_id = f.folder_id and f.folder_id = :folder_id