postgresql7.1 select b.bug_id, b.project_id, b.bug_number, b.summary, b.component_id, b.creation_date, to_char(b.creation_date, 'fmMM/DDfm/YYYY') as creation_date_pretty, b.resolution, b.user_agent, b.found_in_version, b.found_in_version, b.fix_for_version, b.fixed_in_version, to_char(now(), 'fmMM/DDfm/YYYY') as now_pretty from bt_bugs b where b.bug_id = :bug_id select bt_bug_revision__new ( null, :bug_id, :component_id, :found_in_version, :fix_for_version, :fixed_in_version, :resolution, :user_agent, :summary, now(), :creation_user, :creation_ip ); select current_timestamp select workflow_case_pkg__delete(:case_id); select notification__delete(:notification_id); select content_item__delete(:bug_id); select kw.heading, km.keyword_id, count(b.bug_id) from cr_keywords kw join cr_item_keyword_map km using (keyword_id) left outer join bt_bugs b on (b.bug_id = km.item_id) where kw.parent_id = :parent_id and b.project_id = :package_id group by kw.heading, km.keyword_id order by kw.heading select p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name as name, crum.user_id, count(b.bug_id) as num_bugs from bt_bugs b, workflow_case_assigned_actions aa left outer join workflow_case_role_user_map crum on (crum.case_id = aa.case_id and crum.role_id = aa.role_id) left outer join persons p on (p.person_id = crum.user_id) where b.project_id = :package_id and aa.workflow_id = :workflow_id and aa.action_id = :action_id and aa.object_id = b.bug_id group by p.first_names, p.last_name, crum.user_id select v.version_name, b.fix_for_version, count(b.bug_id) as num_bugs from bt_bugs b left outer join bt_versions v on (v.version_id = b.fix_for_version) where b.project_id = :package_id group by b.fix_for_version, v.anticipated_freeze_date, v.version_name order by v.anticipated_freeze_date, v.version_name content_keyword__is_assigned(b.bug_id, :f_category_$parent_id, 'none') = 't' left outer join cr_item_keyword_map km_order on (km_order.item_id = b.bug_id) join cr_keywords kw_order on (km_order.keyword_id = kw_order.keyword_id and kw_order.parent_id = '[db_quote $orderby_parent_id]') select q.*, km.keyword_id, assign_info.* from ( select b.bug_id, b.bug_number, b.summary, lower(b.summary) as lower_summary, b.comment_content, b.comment_format, b.component_id, b.creation_date, to_char(b.creation_date, 'fmMM/DDfm/YYYY') as creation_date_pretty, b.creation_user as submitter_user_id, submitter.first_names as submitter_first_names, submitter.last_name as submitter_last_name, as submitter_email, lower(submitter.first_names) as lower_submitter_first_names, lower(submitter.last_name) as lower_submitter_last_name, lower( as lower_submitter_email, st.pretty_name as pretty_state, st.short_name as state_short_name, st.state_id, st.hide_fields, b.resolution, b.found_in_version, b.fix_for_version, b.fixed_in_version, cas.case_id $more_columns from $from_bug_clause, acs_users_all submitter, workflow_cases cas, workflow_case_fsm cfsm, workflow_fsm_states st where submitter.user_id = b.creation_user and cas.workflow_id = :workflow_id and cas.object_id = b.bug_id and cfsm.case_id = cas.case_id and cfsm.parent_enabled_action_id is null and st.state_id = cfsm.current_state $orderby_category_where_clause [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name "bugs"] ) q left outer join cr_item_keyword_map km on (bug_id = km.item_id) left outer join (select cru.user_id as assigned_user_id, aa.action_id, aa.case_id, wa.pretty_name as action_pretty_name, p.first_names as assignee_first_names, p.last_name as assignee_last_name from workflow_case_assigned_actions aa, workflow_case_role_user_map cru, workflow_actions wa, persons p where aa.case_id = cru.case_id and aa.role_id = cru.role_id and cru.user_id = p.person_id and wa.action_id = aa.action_id ) assign_info on (q.case_id = assign_info.case_id) [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name "bugs"] exists (select 1 from workflow_case_assigned_actions aa left outer join workflow_case_role_user_map crum on (crum.case_id = aa.case_id and crum.role_id = aa.role_id) where aa.case_id = cas.case_id and aa.action_id = $action_id and crum.user_id is null )