UoS Key The varying colours convey the different requisites for the selected Unit of Study. A white Unit of Study box indicates that the Unit of Study does not affect the selected Unit of Study. Select a Graduate Attribute: The varying colours convey the level of focus that a Unit of Study has for the selected Graduate Attribute. A white Unit of Study box indicates that the Unit of Study does not facilitate the selected Graduate Attribute. Graduate Attribute Map View Selected UoS Requisites Edit Stream to UoS Relation Add Stream to UoS Relation Enter a name for a degree stream to UoS relation. Examples include: core; recommended; elective. View Degree Stream Relations Add a Degree Stream Relation Add Relation No Stream to UoS Relations have been created. Add Relation to List. Edit stream relation information. Stream to UoS Relations All Units of Study Overview Edit UoS Name General Description Enter a general description for this Graduate Attribute. Tutors Select tutors from the list for this Unit of Study. Note: You can select more than one tutor from the list by holding down the CTRL button whilst selecting. Note Enter a note, if required. List of all Units of Study. All Units of Study No Units of Study have been created. View all Units of Study. Select a name for this UoS. Enter credit value for the UoS. View UoS Names Add UoS Name Add UoS name to list Enter the UoS alpha-numeric code. Enter the UoS name. No UoS names have been created Unit of Study Names No vocabulary for years have been created. View Units of Study offered by: Edit Year Edit Schedule Week Edit Session overview map Map View Add UoS Delete Stream mapping has been deleted. Core Recommended Elective Select the relationship that this Unit of Study has with the Degree Stream. Choose from either Core, Recommended or Elective. Core, Recommended or Elective UoS Units of Study Not Offered in any Years Status: Modified Status: Published Publish Stream overview has been published. Stream Overview Enter a name for a school year. Eg Year 1. Select UoS to map to the %stream_name% degree stream. Select the sessions that this UoS is offered. Note: You can select multiple entries by holding down the CTRL key whilst selecting. Select the year that this UoS is offered. Select prerequisite UoS for the mapped UoS. Note: You can select multiple entries by holding down the CTRL key whilst selecting. Select assumed knowledge for the mapped UoS. Note: You can select multiple entries by holding down the CTRL key whilst selecting. Select co-requisites for the mapped UoS. Note: You can select multiple entries by holding down the CTRL key whilst selecting. Select prohibitions for the mapped UoS. Note: You can select multiple entries by holding down the CTRL key whilst selecting. Select (prohibited) UoS that are no longer offered for the mapped UoS. Note: You can select multiple entries by holding down the CTRL key whilst selecting. Assumed Knowledge Co-Requisites Co-Requisite Prohibitions Prohibition Units no longer offered Map UoS to Stream Edit UoS to Stream Mapping Select the sessions that apply to the school year. Note: Hold the CTRL key down to select more than one session. Select years that apply to this degree stream. Note: Hold the CTRL key down to select more than one year. You are not the coordinator for any degree streams. Map a Unit of Study to this stream. You have been assigned as the Stream Coordinator for the following degree streams. Your Streams Start date must be set before end date. Start Date End Date Years Enter the name for a session. Eg 1st Session, Spring, Fall, 2nd Term, etc. Enter a start date. Enter an end date. View Years Add a Year Add Year Edit Year Add year to list. View Sessions Add a Session Add Session No sessions created Add session to list. Enter the number of sessions in a year. Sessions in a Year Sessions Session Only stream coordinators can develop a stream View Graduate Attributes Add a Graduate Attribute Select textbooks from the list that will be used for this Unit of Study. Hold the Ctrl key down whilst selecting to add more than one selection. None Course Content Enter a name for a scheduled week. For example, enter either Week 1, Week 2, Study Vacation, or Exam Period. UoS Schedule UoS Schedules Add Schedule Week Add week to list Schedule Week No schedule weeks created. Schedule Add a Schedule Week View Schedule Template Edit Schedule Edited Schedule Assessment The following are grade descriptors for this Unit of Study. Enter details of what a student must acheive to earn this grade. View Grade Descriptors Add a Grade Descriptor Enter a name for the grade type. Eg High Distinction or Pass. Enter a lower bound for the grade type. For example, a lower bound for a Fail might be 0, a lower bound for a high distinction might be 85. Enter an upper bound for the grade type. For example, an upper bound for a high distinction might be 100, whereas an upper bound for a Fail might be 49. Add grade type to list. No grade types have been created. Edit Grade Type Add Grade Type Grade Type Lower Bound Upper Bound Grade Types Grade Descriptor Set Grade Descriptor Sets Grade Descriptor Set Revision Grade Descriptor Set Revisions Grade Descriptor Grade Descriptors Manage your list of textbooks Enter the title of the textbook. Enter the author of the textbook. Enter the publisher's details. Enter the ISBN for the book. Title Author Publisher ISBN No textbooks have been added to the list. Add Textbook Add textbook to list. Edit Textbook Textbook Textbooks UoS Textbooks UoS Textbook Set UoS Textbook Sets UoS Textbook Set Revision UoS Textbook Set Revisions Current Assessment Total Select one or more assessment methods that are used in this Unit of Study. To select more than one item from the list, hold down the CTRL key whilst selecting an item. If an item doesn't appear in the list, then click <a href="assess-method-ae?return_url=%return_url%">here</a> to add it (Note: clicking on the link will redirect you to another page). Assessment Methods Enter a name for the type of assessment. Enter an identifier to distinguish this assessment method from other assessment methods that you have created. Use something like GENERAL for generic methods, or the UoS code such as ELEC1000 for more specific assessment methods. Enter a description for this assessment method. The weighting of the assessment as a percentage. Enter a value between 0 and 100 inclusive. Add Assessment Method No assessment methods have been created. Add assessment method to list Weighting Edit Assessment Method Add Assessment Method Assessment Methods Edit Assessment Edited Assessment Uos Assessment Uos Assessments Uos Assessment Revision Uos Assessment Revisions No graduate attributes have been created Add graduate attributes to the list. Select one or more graduate attributes from the list that are associated with this Unit of Study. To select more than one item from the list, hold down the CTRL key whilst selecting an item. If an item doesn't appear in the list, then click <a href="gradattr-ae?return_url=%return_url%">here</a> to add it (Note: clicking on the link will redirect you to another page). Very Low Low Moderate High Very High Level Enter a name for the graduate attribute. Enter an identifier for the graduate attribute. Use the Unit of Study code if you want this graduate attribute to be associated with a specific Unit of Study, eg ELEC1001. Enter a description for the graduate attribute. What are the qualities associated with this type of graduate attribute? To what level of contribution does the Unit of Study have towards the associated Unit of Study? Add Graduate Attribute Edit Graduate Attribute Graduate Attribute Graduate Attributes Graduate Attribute Revision Graduate Attribute Revisions Assumed Concepts Concepts that are assumed students already know or are familiar with. Formal Contact Hours Total number of hours of attendance for lecture, tutorial, lab, etc. Informal Study Hours Informal study hours required to master concepts. Student Commitment to UoS Students are expected to commit to this UoS by... Feedback Expected by Students Students can expect feedback for this UoS in the nature of... Feedback Provided by Students Students can provide feedback for this UoS by... Select the lecturer for this Unit of Study. Note: You can select more than one lecturer from the list by holding down the CTRL button whilst selecting. What are the aims and objectives for this Unit of Study? What are the learning outcomes for this Unit of Study? What are the subjects or topics that will be taught in this course? Relevance of the concepts taught in this Unit of Study with respect to the degree stream and/or discipline/industry. The URL of the Unit of Study website where students can read the course content online, or interact with web-based learning activities. UoS Workload For future reference, enter a short review of changes that were made. Select one or more teaching and learning approaches that are used in this Unit of Study. To select more than one item from the list, hold down the CTRL key whilst selecting an item. If an item doesn't appear in the list, then click <a href="tl-method-ae?return_url=%return_url%">here</a> to add it (Note: clicking on the link will redirect you to another page). View Details View All Add T&L Approach Edit T&L Approach Add T&L approach to list Add T&L Approaches No T&L approaches have been created. Manage your list of teaching & learning approaches Manage your list of graduate attributes Manage your list of assessment methods Enter the type of teaching delivery method. Eg. Lecture, Seminar, Tutorial, Online Discussions, etc. Identifier Enter an identifier (such as the UoS code, eg. ELEC1000 or something more generic such as GENERAL) to distinguish this Teaching & Learning approach from others. This must be entered to allow for multiple types of lectures or online activities that have the same name but have different descriptions. History Description Enter a description of the T&L approach, and describe the objectives of the approach. Why do you feel that this delivery approach is appropriate and will successfully develop student learning? Add T&L Method Edit T&L Method Edit T&L Edited T&L Teaching & Learning (T&L) Arrangements and Requirements Teaching and Learning Approach UoS Teaching and Learning UoS Teaching and Learning Revision UoS Teaching and Learning Revisions UoS Detail UoS Details UoS Detail Revision UoS Detail Revisions Edit Details Edited Details pending Relevance Only stream coordinators may create Units of Study. All Pending Units of Study Your Pending Units of Study List of all pending Units of Study: Pending Units of Study You are the Unit Coordinator of the following pending Units of Study: None Pending Go Live Current State Search Activity Log Coordinate UoS info UoS Code UoS Name Credit Value Edit Unit of Study Session Offering Online Course Content Contact Hours Before using Curriculum Central, you need to create at least one stream. A stream can be a degree, diploma or even a certificate. Please visit the <a href="admin/streams">stream administration</a> pages to define a stream. Please contact an administrator to get a stream set up. NOTE: Need to <a href="faculties">create a faculty</a> and associated departments before proceeding. Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Suburb Assessments Core UoS for Recommended UoS for Prerequisite Prerequisites Aims and Objectives Learning Outcomes Syllabus State Postcode Country Enter the first line of the address. For example, office, room, unit number, etc. Enter the second line of the address. For example, building, street, etc. Enter the suburb/town/city. Enter the state. Enter the postcode. Enter country component of address. Stream Coordinator Stream Coordinators Unit Coordinator Unit Coordinators Lecturer Lecturers Coordinator Open Opened Closed Comment Commented Edit Edited Reassign Reassigned Submit Submitted Reopen Reopened Close Closed Address Phone Fax Homepage URL Enter the staff member's office address. Enter the staff member's contact number. Enter the staff member's fax number. Enter a URL for the staff member's personal homepage. Admin Assign roles to users. Create streams. Add a Stream View Streams All Units of Study offered by this department View Units of Study by degree streams: View Units of Study for: View degree streams for: View curriculum for: Create faculties. Faculties Roles Admin Streams Admin Streams Stream Code Stream Name Staff Name Staff Admin Staff Name Add staff. Add Staff Member Add a member of staff to this list. No staff View Staff Department Faculty Add Stream Edit Stream Add Staff Details Edit Staff Details No streams have been created. No faculties have been created. Edit stream information Edit staff information Edit faculty information Delete staff member Are you sure you want to delete @staff.staff_name@? Note: This will not delete the user’s account. Faculty Name Dean Add Faculty Edit Faculty Add a faculty to this list. Add a stream to this list. View faculty departments View Faculties %faculty_name% Departments Faculty Departments Add Department Edit Department No departments have been created. Head of Department Department Name Add a department to the list Edit department information Delete department Are you sure you want to delete @depts.department_name@? Select a department. Note: A <a href=faculties>faculty</a> and department must be created before a list of departments appears in the drop-down box. Select a coordinator for the stream. Enter a code for this stream. Enter a name for this stream. Examples: Bachelor of Engineering; or Diploma of Applied Finance. Enter a name for this department. Examples: School of Electrical and Information Engineering; or Department of Chemical Engineering. Select the Head of Department. Note: The Head of Department must have an account on the system. Select the Dean. Note: The Dean must have an account on the system. Enter a name for this faculty. Example: Faculty of Engineering. Select a staff member from the list of users. Select the Unit Coordinator from the list of staff. Enter the staff member's title. For example: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Associate Professor, Professor, etc. Enter the staff member's position. For example: Honorary Associate Professor, Research Fellow, Adjunct Lecturer, etc. Select the department that the staff member belongs to. Staff Title Staff Position Add Unit of Study