if { [catch { # Source Tcl libraries set script_dir [file dirname [info script]] source "${script_dir}/../../../etc/install/tcl/test-procs.tcl" source "${script_dir}/simulation-test-procs.tcl" # Test Execution START ::twt::log_section "Login the site wide admin" ::twt::user::login_site_wide_admin ::twt::set_crawler_exclude_links {delete remove} # NOTE: The crawler needs the trailing slash when first invoked set simulation_uri /simulation/ ::twt::log_section "crawling links starting from $simulation_uri" ::twt::crawl_links $simulation_uri ::twt::log "Did not visit the following URLs because of exclude list: [join [::twt::get_excluded_urls] "\n"]" ::twt::log "TODO B: Should we visit the delete links for better coverage? It tears down demo data though." } result] } { global errorInfo # Output error stack trace and HTML response body ::twt::log $result ::twt::log "*** Tcl TRACE ***" ::twt::log $errorInfo ::twt::log "The response body is: [response body]" error "Test failed: $result" }