-- This file defines the datamodel used by the RTE for persistent storage. They -- don't need to be acs objects and are taken directly from ilias, with referential -- integrity constraints added for sanity's sake and to reinforce the notion that -- MYSQL+MyISAM sucks. -- cp_package references scorm_courses but probably doesn't need to be an object itself. -- If we need it to be in the future, we can always create this as a subtype of -- scorm_course. create table cp_package ( cp_package_id integer constraint cp_package_cp_package_id_fk references scorm_courses on delete cascade constraint cp_package_obj_id_pk primary key, c_identifier text, jsdata text, activitytree text, global_to_system boolean, persistpreviousattempts integer, c_settings text, xmldata text ); create index cp_package_identifier_idx on cp_package (c_identifier); -- This sequence isn't strictly necessary but it makes the cp_tree easier to -- read (for humans). create sequence cp_node_seq; create table cp_node ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_node_cp_node_id_pk primary key, nodename text, cp_package_id integer constraint cp_node_cp_package_id_fk references cp_package on delete cascade ); create index cp_node_nodename_idx on cp_node (nodename); create table cp_sequencing ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_sequencing_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_sequencing_cp_node_id_pk primary key, sequencingid text, activityabsolutedurationlimit text, activityexperienceddurationlimit text, attemptabsolutedurationlimit text, attemptexperienceddurationlimit text, attemptlimit integer, begintimelimit text, choice boolean, choiceexit boolean, completionsetbycontent boolean, constrainchoice boolean, endtimelimit text, flow boolean, forwardonly boolean, id text, measuresatisfactionifactive boolean, objectivemeasureweight real, objectivesetbycontent boolean, preventactivation boolean, randomizationtiming text, reorderchildren boolean, requiredforcompleted text, requiredforincomplete text, requiredfornotsatisfied text, requiredsatisfied text, rollupobjectivesatisfied boolean, rollupprogresscompletion boolean, selectcount boolean, selectiontiming text, tracked boolean, usecurrentattemptobjectiveinfo boolean, usecurrentattemptprogressinfo boolean ); create index cp_sequencing_id_idx on cp_sequencing(id); create table cp_hidelmsui ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_hidelmsui_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade, value text ); create index cp_hidelmsui_ss_sequencing_id_idx on cp_hidelmsui (value); create table cp_auxilaryresource ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_auxilaryresource_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade, auxiliaryresourceid text, purpose text ); create table cp_objective ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_objective_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_objective_cp_node_id_pk primary key, minnormalizedmeasure text, objectiveid text, c_primary boolean, satisfiedbymeasure boolean ); create table cp_condition ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_condition_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_condition_cp_node_id_pk primary key, c_condition text, measurethreshold text, c_operator text, referencedobjective text ); create table cp_dependency ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_dependency_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_dependency_cp_node_id_pk primary key, resourceid text ); create index cp_dependency_identifierref_idx on cp_dependency (resourceid); create table cp_file ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_file_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_file_cp_node_id_pk primary key, href text ); create table cp_item ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_item_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_item_cp_node_id_pk primary key, completionthreshold text, datafromlms text, id text, isvisible text, parameters text, resourceid text, sequencingid text, timelimitaction text, title text ); create index cp_item_id_idx on cp_item (id); create index cp_item_ss_sequencing_id_idx on cp_item (sequencingid); create table cp_resource ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_resource_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_resource_cp_node_id_pk primary key, base text, href text, id text, scormtype text, c_type text ); create index cp_resource_import_id_idx on cp_resource (id); create table cp_manifest ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_manifest_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_manifest_cp_node_id_pk primary key, base text, defaultorganization text, id text, title text, uri text, version text ); create index cp_manifest_id_idx on cp_manifest (id); create table cp_mapinfo ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_mapinfo_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_mapinfo_cp_node_id_pk primary key, readnormalizedmeasure boolean, readsatisfiedstatus boolean, targetobjectiveid text, writenormalizedmeasure boolean, writesatisfiedstatus boolean ); create index cp_mapinfo_targetobjectiveid_idx on cp_mapinfo (targetobjectiveid); create table cp_organization ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_organization_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_organization_cp_node_id_pk primary key, id text, objectivesglobaltosys boolean, sequencingid text, structure text, title text ); create index cp_organization_id_idx on cp_organization (id); create index cp_organization_ss_sequencing_id on cp_organization (sequencingid); create table cp_rule ( cp_node_id integer constraint cp_rule_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade constraint cp_rule_cp_node_id_pk primary key, action text, childactivityset text, conditioncombination text, minimumcount integer, minimumpercent text, c_type text ); create table cp_tree ( child integer constraint cp_tree_child_fk references cp_node on delete cascade, depth integer, cp_package_id integer constraint cp_tree_cp_package_id_fk references cp_package on delete cascade, parent integer, rgt integer ); create index cp_tree_child_idx on cp_tree (child); create index cp_tree_parent_idx on cp_tree (parent); create index cp_tree_cp_package_id_idx on cp_tree (cp_package_id); comment on table cp_tree is ' To find all of the children of a node, execute the query: select children.child from cp_tree parent, cp_tree children where children.child between parent.child+1 and parent.rgt and children.cp_package_id = (the course id) order by children.child To restrict the query to the immediate children, add and children.parent = parent.child The restriction by course id is necessary because we do not guarantee that the nodes for a course are numbered consecutively (they will not be after a course is edited). '; create table cp_suspend ( user_id integer constraint cp_suspend_user_id_fk references users on delete cascade, cp_package_id integer constraint cp_suspend_cp_package_id_fk references cp_package on delete cascade, constraint cp_suspend_pk primary key (user_id, cp_package_id), data text ); create table lng_data ( module varchar(30) constraint lng_data_pk primary key, identifier varchar(50), lang_key varchar(2), value text ); create index lng_data_lang_key on lng_data (lang_key); -- MS: was a circular key reference in orig (cmi_node_id was both autoincrement here -- and fk to cmi_interactions, which in turn referenced this table) create table cmi_node ( cmi_node_id integer constraint cmi_node_cmi_node_id_pk primary key, cp_node_id integer constraint cp_node_cp_node_id_fk references cp_node (cp_node_id) on delete cascade, accesscount integer, accessduration text, accessed text, activityabsoluteduration text, activityattemptcount integer, activityexperiencedduration text, activityprogressstatus integer, attemptabsoluteduration text, attemptcompletionamount real, attemptcompletionstatus integer, attemptexperiencedduration text, attemptprogressstatus integer, audio_captioning integer, audio_level real, availablechildren text, completion real, completion_status text, completion_threshold text, created text, credit text, delivery_speed real, c_entry text, c_exit text, c_language text, launch_data text, learner_name text, location text, c_max real, c_min real, c_mode text, modified text, progress_measure real, c_raw real, scaled real, scaled_passing_score real, session_time text, success_status text, suspend_data text, total_time text, user_id integer constraint cp_node_user_id_fk references users on delete cascade, c_timestamp timestamptz ); create index cmi_node_cp_node_id_idx on cmi_node (cp_node_id); create index cmi_node_completion_status_idx on cmi_node (completion_status); create index cmi_node_credit_idx on cmi_node (credit); create index cmi_node_cmi_node_id on cmi_node (cmi_node_id); create index cmi_node_user_id on cmi_node (user_id); create table cmi_interaction ( cmi_interaction_id integer constraint cmi_interactions_interaction_id_pk primary key, cmi_node_id integer constraint cmi_interaction_cmi_node_id_fk references cmi_node (cmi_node_id) on delete cascade, description text, id text, latency text, learner_response text, result text, c_timestamp timestamptz, c_type text, weighting real ); create index cmi_interactions_id_idx on cmi_interaction (id); create index cmi_interactions_type_idx on cmi_interaction (c_type); create table cmi_correct_response ( cmi_correct_response_id integer constraint cmi_correct_responses_response_id_pk primary key, cmi_interaction_id integer constraint cmi_correct_responses_interaction_id_fk references cmi_interaction (cmi_interaction_id) on delete cascade, pattern varchar(255) ); create index cmi_correct_responses_interaction_id_idx on cmi_correct_response (cmi_interaction_id); create table cmi_objective ( cmi_objective_id integer constraint cmi_objective_objective_id_pk primary key, cmi_interaction_id integer constraint cmi_objective_interaction_id_fk references cmi_interaction (cmi_interaction_id) on delete cascade, cmi_node_id integer constraint cmi_objective_cmi_node_id_fk references cmi_node (cmi_node_id) on delete cascade, completion_status real, description text, id varchar(255), c_max real, c_min real, c_raw real, scaled real, progress_measure real, success_status varchar(32), scope varchar(16) ); create index cmi_objectives_interaction_id_idx on cmi_objective (cmi_interaction_id); create index cmi_objectives_id_idx on cmi_objective (id); create index cmi_objectives_success_status_idx on cmi_objective (success_status); create table cmi_gobjective ( user_id integer constraint cmi_gobjective_user_id_fk references users on delete cascade, satisfied text, measure text, scope_id integer, status text, objective_id text, constraint cmi_gobjective_pk primary key (user_id, objective_id, scope_id) ); create table cmi_comment ( cmi_comment_id integer constraint cmi_comment_pk primary key, cmi_node_id integer constraint cmi_comment_cmi_node_id_fk references cmi_node (cmi_node_id) on delete cascade, c_comment text, c_timestamp timestamptz, location varchar(255), sourceislms integer ); create index cmi_comment_cmi_node_id_idx on cmi_comment(cmi_node_id); -- scorm stuff? not part of scorm 2004 data model in ilias but is used -- what is sco_id ???? create table scorm_tracking ( user_id integer constraint scorm_tracking_user_id_fk references users on delete cascade, cp_package_id integer constraint scorm_tracking_cp_package_id_fk references cp_package on delete cascade, sco_id integer, c_timestamp timestamptz, lvalue text, rvalue text, constraint scorm_tracking_pk primary key (user_id, cp_package_id, sco_id, lvalue) ); -- same for this table (wtf??) create table cmi_custom ( user_id integer constraint cmi_custom_user_id_fk references users on delete cascade, cp_package_id integer constraint cmi_custom_cp_package_id_fk references cp_package on delete cascade, sco_id integer, c_timestamp timestamptz, lvalue text, rvalue text, constraint cmi_custom_pk primary key (user_id, cp_package_id, sco_id, lvalue) );