-- -- IMS-LD Status Data Model. -- Theese tables are used to determine the status of the learner, staff or any other "IMS-LD object" -- inside the unit of learning. -- -- @author jopez@inv.it.uc3m.es -- @creation-date sept-2005 -- create table imsld_runs ( run_id integer constraint imsld_run_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade constraint imsld_run_pk primary key, imsld_id integer constraint imsld_run_imsld_id_fk references imsld_imslds not null, status varchar(15), creation_date timestamptz not null, status_date timestamptz default current_timestamp not null ); create index imsld_run_imsld_idx on imsld_runs(imsld_id); comment on table imsld_runs is ' This table holds the runs of a UoL as suggested in the specification. In this case a run is just an identifier mapped to the UoL, and the users, roles, properties and status will be mapped to the run_id, allowing multiple instances of the same UoL.'; create table imsld_status_user ( imsld_id integer constraint imsld_stat_imsldid_fk references imsld_imslds not null, run_id integer constraint imsld_stat_rn_fk references imsld_runs, play_id integer constraint imsld_stat_pl_fk references imsld_plays, act_id integer constraint imsld_stat_act_fk references imsld_acts, role_part_id integer constraint imsld_stat_rp_fk references imsld_role_parts, related_id integer constraint imsld_stat_aid_fk references cr_revisions -- reference to a learning_activity OR support_activity OR not null, -- activity_structure OR environment OR role_part OR act OR play user_id integer constraint imsld_stat_user_fk references users not null, role_id integer constraint imsld_stat_role_fk references cr_revisions, -- imsld_roles (not implemented, add not null then) type varchar(20) check (type in ('learning','support','structure','act','role-part','play','method','resource')), status_date timestamptz default current_timestamp not null, status varchar(20) check (status in ('started','finished')), constraint imsld_status_un unique (run_id,related_id,user_id,status) ); create index imsld_stat_imsld_idx on imsld_status_user(imsld_id); create index imsld_stat_run_idx on imsld_status_user(run_id); create index imsld_stat_rp_idx on imsld_status_user(role_part_id); create index imsld_stat_comp_idx on imsld_status_user(related_id); create index imsld_stat_user_idx on imsld_status_user(user_id); comment on table imsld_status_user is ' This table holds the status of each user in the run of the unit of learning. Each entry in this table says that the user referenced by user_id(role_id) has already started or completed the event referenced by _id. Extra information like the imsld_id, play_id, etc. is stored as cache purposes.'; create table imsld_property_instances ( instance_id integer constraint imsld_pin_pk primary key, property_id integer constraint imsld_pin_pro_fk references imsld_properties -- since this table will only be used during run time, and because not null, -- of performance issues, the reference is directly to the imsld_properties table. identifier varchar(100) -- the same identifier that the corresponding propert (cache) not null, party_id integer references parties, -- for the property of type loc, locpers, locrole or globpers run_id integer constraint imsld_pin_rn_fk references imsld_runs, value varchar(4000) ); create index imsld_prop_pin_pro_idx on imsld_property_instances(property_id); create index imsld_prop_pin_party_idx on imsld_property_instances(party_id); create index imsld_prop_pin_run_idx on imsld_property_instances(run_id); comment on table imsld_property_instances is ' This table holds the property instance values of the unit of learning. The property may refer to a role (role instance, which is a group) or a single user, using the party_id field.'; create table imsld_attribute_instances ( instance_id integer constraint imsld_attri_pk primary key, owner_id integer constraint imsld_atri_own_fk references cr_revisions, -- learning or support acctivity, item, play, learning object or service type varchar(10) -- isvissible or class check (type in ('isvisible','class')), name varchar(100), -- for instance, for the class attribute we need to know the class name run_id integer constraint imsld_pin_rn_fk references imsld_runs, is_visible_p char(1) check (is_visible_p in ('t','f')) ); create index imsld_attri_own_idx on imsld_attribute_instances(owner_id); create index imsld_attri_run_idx on imsld_attribute_instances(run_id); comment on table imsld_attribute_instances is ' This table holds the attribute instances for those attributes like isvisible or class (by the moment only used to indicate if the activity, play or whatever is visible or not) which scope is the current run. So every time a run is created, those attributes can be initializated according to the initial parsed values from the manifest, not being affected by a previous run.';