select crr.title, crr.description, gl.source_category_id, gl.target_category_id, gl.owner_id, gl.etat_id from gl_glossars gl, cr_items cr, cr_revisions crr where cr.latest_revision = crr.revision_id and crr.revision_id = gl.glossar_id and cr.item_id = :glossar_id select object_id from acs_objects where title = '#glossar.from_default_object_id#' select object_id from acs_objects where title = '#glossar.to_default_object_id#' select count(*) from group_member_map where group_id = :group_id and member_id = :owner_id SELECT name, organization_id as etat_id FROM organizations WHERE organization_id in (SELECT CASE WHEN object_id_one = :owner_id THEN object_id_two ELSE object_id_one END as organization_id FROM acs_rels ar, acs_rel_types art WHERE ar.rel_type = art.rel_type AND (object_id_one = :owner_id or object_id_two = :owner_id) AND ar.rel_type = 'contact_rels_etat') SELECT ar.rel_id as owner_id FROM acs_rels ar WHERE ((object_id_one = :owner_id and object_id_two = :target_id) OR (object_id_one = :target_id and object_id_two = :owner_id)) AND ar.rel_type = 'contact_rels_etat'