-- -- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT -- -- This file is part of dotLRN. -- -- dotLRN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software -- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- dotLRN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more -- details. -- create function dotlrn_community_types_in_tr() returns opaque as ' declare v_parent_sortkey dotlrn_community_types.tree_sortkey%TYPE; v_max_child_sortkey dotlrn_community_types.max_child_sortkey%TYPE; begin if new.supertype is null then -- if this is the root community_type we leave it''s sortkey as null return new; else -- else get the max_child_sortkey of the parent community_type select coalesce(tree_sortkey, ''''), max_child_sortkey into v_parent_sortkey, v_max_child_sortkey from dotlrn_community_types where community_type = new.supertype for update; end if; -- increment the sort_key v_max_child_sortkey := tree_increment_key(v_max_child_sortkey); update dotlrn_community_types set max_child_sortkey = v_max_child_sortkey where community_type = new.supertype; -- generate the sortkey for the current row new.tree_sortkey := v_parent_sortkey || v_max_child_sortkey; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger dotlrn_community_types_in_tr before insert on dotlrn_community_types for each row execute procedure dotlrn_community_types_in_tr(); create function dotlrn_communities_in_tr() returns opaque as ' declare v_parent_sortkey dotlrn_communities_all.tree_sortkey%TYPE; v_max_child_sortkey dotlrn_communities_all.max_child_sortkey%TYPE; begin if new.parent_community_id is null then select coalesce(tree_sortkey, ''''), max_child_sortkey into v_parent_sortkey, v_max_child_sortkey from dotlrn_community_types where community_type = new.community_type for update; v_max_child_sortkey := tree_increment_key(v_max_child_sortkey); update dotlrn_community_types set max_child_sortkey = v_max_child_sortkey where community_type = new.community_type; else select coalesce(tree_sortkey, ''''), max_child_sortkey into v_parent_sortkey, v_max_child_sortkey from dotlrn_communities_all where community_id = new.parent_community_id for update; v_max_child_sortkey := tree_increment_key(v_max_child_sortkey); update dotlrn_communities_all set max_child_sortkey = v_max_child_sortkey where community_id = new.parent_community_id; end if; new.tree_sortkey := v_parent_sortkey || v_max_child_sortkey; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger dotlrn_communities_in_tr before insert on dotlrn_communities_all for each row execute procedure dotlrn_communities_in_tr();