select parties.party_id from parties left join cr_items on (parties.party_id = cr_items.item_id) left join cr_revisions on (cr_items.latest_revision = cr_revisions.revision_id ) , group_distinct_member_map where parties.party_id = group_distinct_member_map.member_id and group_distinct_member_map.group_id = '-2' $search_clause [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name "contacts"] select admin_role.pretty_name as admin_role_pretty, member_role.pretty_name as member_role_pretty from acs_rel_roles admin_role, acs_rel_roles member_role where admin_role.role = 'admin' and member_role.role = 'member' select title, search_id from contact_searches where owner_id = :owner_id and title is not null order by lower(title) select arr.pretty_plural, art.rel_type as relation_type, ( select count(distinct gmm.member_id) from group_approved_member_map gmm where gmm.group_id = :group_id and gmm.rel_type = art.rel_type ) as member_count from acs_rel_types art, acs_rel_roles arr where art.rel_type in ( select distinct gmm.rel_type from group_approved_member_map gmm where gmm.group_id = :group_id ) and art.role_two = arr.role select contact__name(parties.party_id), parties.party_id, cr_revisions.revision_id, contact__name(parties.party_id,:name_order) as name,, ( select first_names from persons where person_id = party_id ) as first_names, ( select last_name from persons where person_id = party_id ) as last_name, ( select name from organizations where organization_id = party_id ) as organization from parties left join cr_items on (parties.party_id = cr_items.item_id) left join cr_revisions on (cr_items.latest_revision = cr_revisions.revision_id ) , group_distinct_member_map where parties.party_id = group_distinct_member_map.member_id and group_distinct_member_map.group_id = '-2' [template::list::page_where_clause -and -name "contacts" -key "party_id"] [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name "contacts"] select mr.member_state as state, count(mr.rel_id) as num_contacts from membership_rels mr, acs_rels r where r.rel_id = mr.rel_id and r.object_id_one = :group_id and r.rel_type = 'membership_rel' group by mr.member_state