-- -- The Categories Package -- -- @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) -- @creation-date 2003-04-16 -- -- create the object types create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''category_tree'', -- object_type ''Category Tree'', -- pretty_name ''Category Trees'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''category_trees'', -- table_name ''tree_id'', -- id_column ''category_tree.name'', -- name_method ''f'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''category'', -- object_type ''Category'', -- pretty_name ''Categories'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''categories'', -- table_name ''category_id'', -- id_column ''category.name'', -- name_method ''f'', null, null ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); create table category_trees ( tree_id integer primary key constraint cat_trees_tree_id_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, site_wide_p char(1) default 't' constraint cat_trees_site_wide_p_ck check (site_wide_p in ('t','f')) ); comment on table category_trees is ' This is general data for each category tree. '; comment on column category_trees.tree_id is ' ID of a tree. '; comment on column category_trees.site_wide_p is ' Declares if a tree is site-wide or local (only usable by users/groups that have permissions). '; create table category_tree_translations ( tree_id integer constraint cat_tree_trans_tree_id_fk references category_trees on delete cascade, locale varchar(5) not null constraint cat_tree_trans_locale_fk references ad_locales, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(1000), primary key (tree_id, locale) ); comment on table category_tree_translations is ' Translations for names and descriptions of trees in different languages. '; comment on column category_tree_translations.tree_id is ' ID of a tree (see category_trees). '; comment on column category_tree_translations.locale is ' ACS-Lang style locale if language ad country. '; comment on column category_tree_translations.name is ' Name of the tree in the specified language. '; comment on column category_tree_translations.description is ' Description of the tree in the specified language. '; create table categories ( category_id integer primary key constraint cat_category_id_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, tree_id integer constraint cat_tree_id_fk references category_trees on delete cascade, parent_id integer constraint cat_parent_id_fk references categories, deprecated_p char(1) default 'f' constraint cat_deprecated_p_ck check (deprecated_p in ('t','f')), left_ind integer, right_ind integer ); create index categories_left_ix on categories(tree_id, left_ind); create index categories_parent_ix on categories(parent_id, category_id); -- create unique index categories_left_ix on categories(tree_id, left_ind); -- create unique index categories_parent_ix on categories(parent_id, category_id); -- analyze table categories compute statistics; comment on table categories is ' Information about the categories in the tree structure. '; comment on column categories.category_id is ' ID of a category. '; comment on column categories.tree_id is ' ID of a tree (see category_trees). '; comment on column categories.parent_id is ' Points to a parent category in the tree or null (if topmost category). '; comment on column categories.deprecated_p is ' Marks categories to be no longer supported. '; comment on column categories.left_ind is ' Left index in nested set structure of a tree. '; comment on column categories.right_ind is ' Right index in nested set structure of a tree. '; create table category_translations ( category_id integer constraint cat_trans_category_id_fk references categories on delete cascade, locale varchar(5) not null constraint cat_trans_locale_fk references ad_locales, name varchar(200), description varchar(4000), primary key (category_id, locale) ); comment on table category_translations is ' Translations for names and descriptions of categories in different languages. '; comment on column category_translations.category_id is ' ID of a category (see categories). '; comment on column category_translations.locale is ' ACS-Lang style locale if language ad country. '; comment on column category_translations.name is ' Name of the category in the specified language. '; comment on column category_translations.description is ' Description of the category in the specified language. '; create table category_tree_map ( tree_id integer constraint cat_tree_map_tree_id_fk references category_trees on delete cascade, object_id integer constraint cat_tree_map_object_id_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, subtree_category_id integer default null constraint cat_tree_map_subtree_id_fk references categories, assign_single_p char(1) default 'f' constraint cat_tree_map_single_p_ck check (assign_single_p in ('t','f')), require_category_p char(1) default 'f' constraint cat_tree_map_categ_p_ck check (require_category_p in ('t','f')), primary key (object_id, tree_id) ); create unique index cat_tree_map_ix on category_tree_map(tree_id, object_id); comment on table category_tree_map is ' Maps trees to objects (usually package instances) so that other objects can be categorized. '; comment on column category_tree_map.tree_id is ' ID of the mapped tree (see category_trees). '; comment on column category_tree_map.object_id is ' ID of the mapped object (usually an apm_package if trees are to be used in a whole package instance, i.e. file-storage). '; comment on column category_tree_map.subtree_category_id is ' If a subtree is mapped, then this is the ID of the category on top of the subtree, null otherwise. '; comment on column category_tree_map.assign_single_p is ' Are the users allowed to assign multiple or only a single category to objects? '; comment on column category_tree_map.require_category_p is ' Do the users have to assign at least one category to objects? '; create table category_object_map ( category_id integer constraint cat_object_map_category_id_fk references categories on delete cascade, object_id integer constraint cat_object_map_object_id_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, primary key (category_id, object_id) ); create unique index cat_object_map_ix on category_object_map(object_id, category_id); comment on table category_object_map is ' Maps categories to objects and thus categorizes and object. '; comment on column category_object_map.category_id is ' ID of the mapped category (see categories). '; comment on column category_object_map.object_id is ' ID of the mapped object. '; -- create global temporary table category_temp ( -- category_id integer -- ) on commit delete rows; create table category_temp ( category_id integer ); comment on table category_temp is ' Used mainly for multi-dimensional browsing to use only bind vars in queries '; create or replace view category_object_map_tree as select c.category_id, c.tree_id, m.object_id from category_object_map m, categories c where c.category_id = m.category_id; ----- -- category links ----- create table category_links ( link_id integer not null constraint category_links_pk primary key, from_category_id integer not null constraint category_links_from_fk references categories on delete cascade, to_category_id integer not null constraint category_links_to_fk references categories on delete cascade, constraint category_links_un unique (from_category_id, to_category_id) ); create unique index category_links_rev_ix on category_links (to_category_id, from_category_id); create sequence category_links_id_seq; comment on table category_links is ' Stores directed graph of linked categories. If category A and category B are linked, then any categorization on A will result in an additional categorization in B. '; comment on column category_links.link_id is ' Primary key. '; comment on column category_links.from_category_id is ' Category the link is coming from. Any categorization in this category will trigger a categorization in the other category. '; comment on column category_links.to_category_id is ' Category the link is coming to. Any categorization in the other category will trigger a categorization in this category. '; \i category-tree-package.sql \i category-package.sql \i category-link-package.sql \i categories-permissions.sql \i categories-init.sql