-- -- packages/bookmarks/sql/bookmarks-drop.sql -- -- Credit for the ACS 3 version of this module goes to: -- @author David Hill (dh@arsdigita.com) -- @author Aurelius Prochazka (aure@arsdigita.com) -- -- The upgrade of this module to ACS 4 was done by -- @author Peter Marklund (pmarklun@arsdigita.com) -- @author Ken Kennedy (kenzoid@io.com) -- in December 2000. -- -- @creation-date December 2000 -- @cvs-id $Id -- Delete all bookmark objects and corresponding acs objects create function inline_3 () returns integer as ' DECLARE v_bookmark_id RECORD; begin FOR v_bookmark_id IN select bookmark_id from bm_bookmarks WHERE parent_id NOT IN (select bookmark_id from bm_bookmarks) LOOP PERFORM bookmark__delete (v_bookmark_id.bookmark_id); END LOOP; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_3 (); drop function inline_3 (); drop table bm_in_closed_p; drop index bm_bookmarks_local_title_idx ; drop index bm_bookmarks_access_date_idx ; drop index bm_bookmarks_idx1; -- drop index bm_bookmarks_idx2; -- Drop bookmark table and package drop table bm_bookmarks; DROP FUNCTION bm_bookmarks_insert_tr (); DROP FUNCTION bm_bookmarks_update_tr (); -- Drop all functions named bookmark__.* SELECT drop_package('bookmark'); DROP FUNCTION bm_bookmarks_get_tree_sortkey(integer); -- Delete all url objects and corresponding acs objects create function inline_2 () returns integer as ' DECLARE v_url_id RECORD; begin FOR v_url_id IN select url_id from bm_urls LOOP PERFORM url__delete (v_url_id.url_id); END LOOP; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_2 (); drop function inline_2 (); -- Drop url table and package drop table bm_urls; -- Drop all functions named url__.* SELECT drop_package('url'); -- Drop the url and bookmark object types create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__drop_type ( ''url'', ''f'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); create function inline_1 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__drop_type ( ''bookmark'', ''f'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_1 (); drop function inline_1 ();