-- packages/acs-events/sql/postgres/oracle-compat-create.sql -- -- Functions to ease porting from Postgres to Oracle -- -- @author jowell@jsabino.com -- @creation-date 2001-06-26 -- -- $Id: oracle-compat-create.sql,v 1.4 2003/05/17 09:46:57 jeffd Exp $ create function dow_to_int ( -- -- Convert string to day of the week -- -- Note that the output of extract(dow from timestamp) and to_char(timestamp,'D') -- are different! to_char is more consistent with Oracle, so we only use to_char. -- -- @author jowell@jsabino.com -- -- @param weekday Day of the week string to be converted to Postgres int representation -- -- @return integer corresponding to Postgres representation of day of the week (Sunday = 0) -- varchar ) returns integer as ' declare dow_to_int__weekday alias for $1; v_dow integer; begin -- Brute force (what can I say?). select (case trim(upper(dow_to_int__weekday)) when ''SUNDAY'' then 1 when ''SUN'' then 1 when ''MONDAY'' then 2 when ''MON'' then 2 when ''TUESDAY'' then 3 when ''TUES'' then 3 when ''TUE'' then 3 when ''WEDNESDAY'' then 4 when ''WED'' then 4 when ''WEDS'' then 4 when ''THURSDAY'' then 5 when ''THURS'' then 5 when ''THUR'' then 5 when ''THU'' then 5 when ''FRIDAY'' then 6 when ''FRI'' then 6 when ''SATURDAY'' then 7 when ''SAT'' then 7 else -1 end) into v_dow from dual; if v_dow < 0 then raise exception ''Day of the week unknown''; end if; return v_dow; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function to_interval ( -- -- Convert an integer to the specified interval -- -- Utility function so we do not have to remember how to escape -- double quotes when we typecast an integer to an interval -- -- @author jowell@jsabino.com -- -- @param interval_number Integer to convert to interval -- @param interval_units Interval units -- -- @return interval equivalent of interval_number, in interval_units units -- integer, varchar ) returns interval as ' declare interval__number alias for $1; interval__units alias for $2; begin -- We should probably do unit checking at some point return ('''''''' || interval__number || '' '' || interval__units || '''''''')::interval; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function next_day ( -- -- Equivalent of Oracle next_day function -- -- @author jowell@jsabino.com -- -- @param somedate Reference date -- @param weekday Day of the week to find -- -- @return The date of the next weekday that is later than somedate -- timestamptz, -- somedate varchar -- weekday ) returns timestamptz as ' declare next_day__somedate alias for $1; next_day__weekday alias for $2; v_dow integer; v_ref_dow integer; v_add_days integer; begin -- I cant find a function that converts days of the week to -- the corresponding integer value, so I roll my own (above) -- We avoid extract(dow from timestamp) because of incompatible output with to_char. v_ref_dow := dow_to_int(next_day__weekday); v_dow := to_number(to_char(next_day__somedate,''D''),''9''); -- If next_day___weekday is the same day of the week as -- next_day__somedate, we add a full week. if v_dow < v_ref_dow then v_add_days := v_ref_dow - v_dow; else v_add_days := v_ref_dow - v_dow + 7; end if; -- Do date math return next_day__somedate + to_interval(v_add_days,''days''); end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function add_months ( -- -- Equivalent of Oracle add_months function -- -- @author jowell@jsabino.com -- -- @param somedate Reference date -- @param n_months Day of the week to find -- -- @return The date plus n_months full months -- timestamptz, integer ) returns timestamptz as ' declare add_months__somedate alias for $1; add_months__n_months alias for $2; begin -- Date math magic return add_months__somedate + to_interval(add_months__n_months,''months''); end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function last_day ( -- -- Equivalent of Oracle last_day function -- -- @author jowell@jsabino.com -- -- @param somedate Reference date -- -- @return The last day of the month containing somedate -- timestamptz ) returns timestamptz as ' declare last_day__somedate alias for $1; v_month integer; v_targetmonth integer; v_date timestamptz; v_targetdate timestamptz; begin -- Initial values v_targetdate := last_day__somedate; v_targetmonth := extract(month from last_day__somedate); -- Add up to 31 days to the given date, stop if month changes. FOR i IN 1..31 LOOP v_date := last_day__somedate + to_interval(i,''days''); v_month := extract(month from v_date); if v_month != v_targetmonth then exit; else v_targetdate := v_date; end if; END LOOP; return v_targetdate; end;' language 'plpgsql';