# This file affects handling of files based on their names.
# The -t/-f options allow one to treat directories of files
# as a single file, or to transform a file in other ways on
# its way in and out of CVS.
# The -m option specifies whether CVS attempts to merge files.
# The -k option specifies keyword expansion (e.g. -kb for binary).
# Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers)
#  wildcard	[option value][option value]...
#  where option is one of
#  -f		from cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -t		to cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -m		update methodology	value: MERGE or COPY
#  -k		expansion mode		value: b, o, kkv, &c
#  and value is a single-quote delimited value.
# For example:
*.gif -k 'b'
*.GIF -k 'b'
*.png -k 'b'
*.PNG -k 'b'
*.mng -k 'b'
*.MNG -k 'b'
*.jpeg -k 'b'
*.JPEG -k 'b'
*.jpg -k 'b'
*.JPG -k 'b'
*.gz -k 'b'
*.GZ -k 'b'
*.class -k 'b'
*.CLASS -k 'b'
*.PDF -k 'b'
*.pdf -k 'b'
*.doc -k 'b'
*.DOC -k 'b'
*.TIFF -k 'b'
*.tiff -k 'b'
*.MOV -k 'b'
*.mov -k 'b'
*.au -k 'b'
*.AU -k 'b'
*.wav -k 'b'
*.WAV -k 'b'
*.zip -k 'b'
*.ZIP -k 'b'
*.jar -k 'b'
*.JAR -k 'b'
*.cab -k 'b'
*.CAB -k 'b'
*.dll -k 'b'
*.DLL -k 'b'
*.so -k 'b'
*.SO -k 'b'
*.exe -k 'b'
*.EXE -k 'b'
*.tar -k 'b'
*.TAR -k 'b'
*.tgz -k 'b'
*.TGZ -k 'b'
*.zoo -k 'b'
*.ZOO -k 'b'
*.xls -k 'b'
*.XLS -k 'b'
*.ppt -k 'b'
*.PPT -k 'b'
*.rtf -k 'b'
*.RTF -k 'b'
*.wk1 -k 'b'
*.WK1 -k 'b'
*.wk3 -k 'b'
*.WK3 -k 'b'
*.bz2 -k 'b'
*.BZ2 -k 'b'
*.rar -k 'b'
*.RAR -k 'b'
*.swf -k 'b'
*.SWF -k 'b'
*.ico -k 'b'
*.ICO -k 'b'
*.bmp -k 'b'
*.BMP -k 'b'
*.mp3 -k 'b'
*.MP3 -k 'b'
*.avi -k 'b'
*.AVI -k 'b'
*.eps -k 'b'
*.EPS -k 'b'