select variable_id from logger_entries le, acs_objects ao where ao.creation_date = (select max(ao.creation_date) from logger_entries le, acs_objects ao where ao.object_id = le.entry_id [ad_decode $project_clause "" "" "and $project_clause"] ) and ao.object_id = le.entry_id [ad_decode $project_clause "" "" "and $project_clause"] select as label, lp.project_id as project_id, (select count(*) from logger_entries e where e.project_id = lp.project_id and variable_id = :variable_id) as count from logger_projects lp, logger_project_pkg_map lppm where lp.project_id = lppm.project_id and lppm.package_id = :package_id and lp.active_p = 't' $project_where order by select distinct || ' (' || lv.unit || ')' as name, lv.variable_id from logger_variables lv, logger_project_var_map lpvm, logger_project_pkg_map lppm where lppm.package_id = :package_id and lpvm.project_id = lppm.project_id and lv.variable_id = lpvm.variable_id select submitter.first_names || ' ' || submitter.last_name as label, submitter.person_id as user_id from persons submitter, logger_entries le, acs_objects ao where ao.object_id = le.entry_id and submitter.person_id = ao.creation_user and exists (select 1 from logger_project_pkg_map where project_id = le.project_id and package_id = :package_id) group by submitter.person_id, submitter.first_names, submitter.last_name order by submitter.first_names, submitter.last_name select p.projection_id,, to_char(p.start_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date_ansi, to_char(p.end_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as end_date_ansi from logger_projections p where p.project_id = :project_id order by p.start_time, p.end_time, lower(