-- -- packages/acs-kernel/sql/site-nodes-create.sql -- -- @author rhs@mit.edu -- @creation-date 2000-09-05 -- @cvs-id $Id: site-nodes-create.sql,v 2020/03/14 19:03:08 gustafn Exp $ -- -- -- procedure inline_0/0 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION inline_0( ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE dummy integer; BEGIN PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( 'site_node', 'Site Node', 'Site Nodes', 'acs_object', 'site_nodes', 'node_id', 'site_node', 'f', null, null ); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); -- This table allows urls to be mapped to a node_ids. create table site_nodes ( node_id integer constraint site_nodes_node_id_fk references acs_objects (object_id) constraint site_nodes_node_id_pk primary key, parent_id integer constraint site_nodes_parent_id_fk references site_nodes (node_id), name text constraint site_nodes_name_ck check (name not like '%/%'), constraint site_nodes_un unique (parent_id, name), -- Is it legal to create a child node? directory_p boolean not null, -- Should urls that are logical children of this node be -- mapped to this node? pattern_p boolean default false not null, object_id integer constraint site_nodes_object_id_fk references acs_objects (object_id) ); create index site_nodes_object_id_idx on site_nodes (object_id); create index site_nodes_parent_object_node_id_idx on site_nodes(parent_id, object_id, node_id); create index site_nodes_parent_id_idx on site_nodes(parent_id); -- -- procedure site_node__new/8 -- select define_function_args('site_node__new','node_id;null,parent_id;null,name,object_id;null,directory_p,pattern_p;f,creation_user;null,creation_ip;null'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION site_node__new( new__node_id integer, -- default null new__parent_id integer, -- default null new__name varchar, new__object_id integer, -- default null new__directory_p boolean, new__pattern_p boolean, -- default 'f' new__creation_user integer, -- default null new__creation_ip varchar -- default null ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_node_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; v_directory_p site_nodes.directory_p%TYPE; BEGIN if new__parent_id is not null then select directory_p into v_directory_p from site_nodes where node_id = new__parent_id; if v_directory_p = 'f' then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: Node % is not a directory', new__parent_id; end if; end if; v_node_id := acs_object__new ( new__node_id, 'site_node', now(), new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, null, 't', new__name, new__object_id ); insert into site_nodes (node_id, parent_id, name, object_id, directory_p, pattern_p) values (v_node_id, new__parent_id, new__name, new__object_id, new__directory_p, new__pattern_p); return v_node_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- procedure delete -- added select define_function_args('site_node__delete','node_id'); -- -- procedure site_node__delete/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION site_node__delete( delete__node_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN delete from site_nodes where node_id = delete__node_id; PERFORM acs_object__delete(delete__node_id); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- function find_pattern -- added select define_function_args('site_node__find_pattern','node_id'); -- -- procedure site_node__find_pattern/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION site_node__find_pattern( find_pattern__node_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_pattern_p site_nodes.pattern_p%TYPE; v_parent_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; BEGIN if find_pattern__node_id is null then -- raise no_data_found; raise exception 'NO DATA FOUND'; end if; select pattern_p, parent_id into v_pattern_p, v_parent_id from site_nodes where node_id = find_pattern__node_id; if v_pattern_p = 't' then return find_pattern__node_id; else return site_node__find_pattern(v_parent_id); end if; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select define_function_args('site_node__node_id','url,parent_id;null'); -- -- procedure site_node__node_id/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION site_node__node_id( p_url varchar, p_parent_id integer default null ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_pos integer; v_first site_nodes.name%TYPE; v_rest text; v_node_id integer; v_pattern_p site_nodes.pattern_p%TYPE; v_url text; v_directory_p site_nodes.directory_p%TYPE; v_trailing_slash_p boolean; BEGIN v_url := p_url; if substr(v_url, length(v_url), 1) = '/' then -- -- The URL ends with a / so it must be a directory. Strip the -- trailing slash. -- v_trailing_slash_p := true; v_url := substr(v_url, 1, length(v_url) - 1); end if; -- -- Split the URL on the first "/" into v_first and v_rest. -- select position('/' in v_url) into v_pos; if v_pos = 0 then -- -- No slash found -- v_first := v_url; v_rest := null; else -- -- Split URL -- v_first := substr(v_url, 1, v_pos - 1); v_rest := substr(v_url, v_pos + 1); end if; if p_parent_id is not null then select node_id, directory_p into v_node_id, v_directory_p from site_nodes where parent_id = p_parent_id and name = v_first; else -- -- This is typically just the query on the (empty) top-node. -- select node_id, directory_p into v_node_id, v_directory_p from site_nodes where parent_id is null and name = v_first; end if; if NOT FOUND then return site_node__find_pattern(p_parent_id); end if; -- -- v_first was found. -- if v_rest is null then -- -- We are at the end of the URL. If we have a trailing slash and -- the site node is not a directory, return the result of -- find_pattern(). Otherwise, return the found node_id -- if v_trailing_slash_p is true and v_directory_p is false then return site_node__find_pattern(p_parent_id); else return v_node_id; end if; else -- -- Call the function recursively on the v_rest chunk -- return site_node__node_id(v_rest, v_node_id); end if; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select define_function_args('site_node__url','node_id'); -- -- procedure site_node__url/1 -- CREATE FUNCTION inline_0() RETURNS integer AS $inline_0$ BEGIN raise notice 'starting site-nodes doing the recursive part -- vguerra'; IF cmp_pg_version('8.4') >= 0 THEN -- recursive site_nodes recursive - START CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION site_node__url( url__node_id integer ) RETURNS varchar AS $$ WITH RECURSIVE site_nodes_path(parent_id, path, directory_p, node_id) as ( select parent_id, ARRAY[name || case when directory_p then '/' else ' ' end]::text[] as path, directory_p, node_id from site_nodes where node_id = url__node_id UNION ALL select sn.parent_id, sn.name::text || snr.path , sn.directory_p, snr.parent_id from site_nodes sn join site_nodes_path snr on sn.node_id = snr.parent_id where snr.parent_id is not null ) select array_to_string(path,'/') from site_nodes_path where parent_id is null $$ LANGUAGE sql strict stable; -- recursive site_nodes END ELSE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION site_node__url( url__node_id integer ) RETURNS varchar AS $$ DECLARE v_parent_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; v_name site_nodes.name%TYPE; v_directory_p site_nodes.directory_p%TYPE; BEGIN if url__node_id is null then return ''; end if; select parent_id, name, directory_p into v_parent_id, v_name, v_directory_p from site_nodes where node_id = url__node_id; if v_directory_p = 't' then return site_node__url(v_parent_id) || v_name || '/'; else return site_node__url(v_parent_id) || v_name; end if; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; END IF; return null; END; $inline_0$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select inline_0(); drop function inline_0();