@page_title;noquote@ @context;noquote@
Enabled in state
[i] Initialize is a special task. It is automatically run when a workflow is initialized. it (TODO: can, can't) be run in other states."
Other Preconditions
[i] All of these conditions must also be true for the task to be enabled.
Time Limit
[i] The action will automatically execute its Transformation this long after it is enabled. Leave blank to never timeout
Transformation Automatic
Child Workflow
[i] What happens when this task is executed? TODO - how do we make a "conditional conditional" - ie, how do we indicate that conditional action is available if role is uncast? "default transformation?"
Next State
[i] Activating this task changes "Elementary Private Law Template" to this state
Additional Effects
[i] When this task is completed, these things also happen