oracle8.1.6 begin :1 := ( question_id => NULL, section_id => :section_id, sort_order => :new_sort_order, question_text => empty_clob(), abstract_data_type => :abstract_data_type, presentation_type => :presentation_type, presentation_alignment => :presentation_alignment, presentation_options => :presentation_options, active_p => :active_p, required_p => :required_p, context_id => :section_id, creation_user => :user_id ); end; select survey_choice_id_sequence.nextval as choice_id from dual select count(distinct survey_response.initial_user_id(response_id)) from survey_responses where survey_id=:survey_id begin :1 := ( survey_id => NULL, name => :name, description => :description, description_html_p => :description_html_p, editable_p => :editable_p, single_response_p => :single_response_p, enabled_p => :enabled_p, single_section_p => :single_section_p, type => :type, display_type => :display_type, package_id => :package_id, context_id => :package_id, creation_user => :user_id ); end; begin :1 := ( section_id=>NULL, survey_id=>:new_survey_id, name=>:name, description=>empty_clob(), description_html_p=>:description_html_p, context_id =>:new_survey_id ); end; select r.initial_response_id, r.responding_user_id, r.response_id, u.first_names || ' ' || u.last_name as user_name, edit_p, o.creation_date as response_date from (select survey_response.initial_user_id(response_id) as responding_user_id, survey_response.initial_response_id(response_id) as initial_response_id, response_id, (case when initial_response_id is NULL then 'f' else 't' end) as edit_p from survey_responses) r, acs_objects o, cc_users u where r.response_id=:response_id and r.responding_user_id = u.user_id and r.response_id = o.object_id