select photo_album__get_root_folder(:package_id)
select photo_album__new_root_folder(:package_id)
select acs__magic_object_id('$party')
select acs_permission__grant_permission (
:new_folder_id, -- object_id
:grantee_id, -- grantee_id
:privilege -- privilege
select content_folder__get_label(:folder_id)
select parent_id as start_id,
content_item__get_title(item_id,'t') as final
from cr_items
where item_id = :item_id
select case
when content_item__get_content_type(i.item_id) = 'content_folder'
then 'index?folder_id='
when content_item__get_content_type(i.item_id) = 'pa_album'
then 'album?album_id='
else 'photo?photo_id='
end || i.item_id,
from cr_items i,
(select tree_ancestor_keys(cr_items_get_tree_sortkey(:start_id)) as tree_sortkey) parents,
(select tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = :root_folder_id) as root
where i.tree_sortkey = parents.tree_sortkey
and i.tree_sortkey > root.tree_sortkey
order by i.tree_sortkey asc
select exists (select 1
from cr_items i, cr_items i2
where i.item_id = :item_id
and i.tree_sortkey between i2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(i2.tree_sortkey)
and i2.item_id = :root_folder
and content_item__get_content_type(:item_id) = :content_type
select acs_permission__grant_permission (
:object_id, -- object_id
:user_id, -- grantee_id
:privilege -- privilege
select pa_photo__new (
:image_name, -- name
:album_id, -- parent_id
:photo_id, -- item_id
:photo_rev_id, -- revision_id
current_timestamp, -- creation_date
:user_id, -- creation_user
:peeraddr, -- creation_ip
null, -- locale
:album_id, -- context_id
:client_filename, -- title
:description, -- description
't', -- is_live
current_timestamp, -- publish_date
null, -- nls_lang
:caption, -- caption
:story -- story
select image__new (
:name, -- name
:photo_id, -- parent_id
:item_id, -- item_id
:rev_id, -- revision_id
:mime_type, -- mime_type
:user_id, -- creation_user
:peeraddr, -- creation_ip
:relation, -- relation_tag
:title, -- title
:description, -- description
:is_live, -- is_live
current_timestamp, -- publish_date
:path, -- path
:size, -- file_size
:height, -- height
:width -- width
UPDATE pa_photos
SET camera_model = :tmp_exif_Cameramodel,
user_filename = :upload_name,
date_taken = to_timestamp(:tmp_exif_DateTime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
flash = :tmp_exif_Flashused,
aperture = :tmp_exif_Aperture,
metering = :tmp_exif_MeteringMode,
focal_length = :tmp_exif_Focallength,
exposure_time = :tmp_exif_Exposuretime,
focus_distance = :tmp_exif_FocusDist,
sha256 = :base_sha256
WHERE pa_photo_id = :photo_rev_id
select i.image_id, crr.content as filename, i.width, i.height
from cr_items cri, cr_revisions crr, images i
where cri.parent_id = :id
and crr.revision_id = cri.latest_revision
and i.image_id = cri.latest_revision
order by crr.content_length desc