postgresql7.1 select workflow_key from glossariesx where item_id = :glossary_item_id and revision_id = content_item__get_live_revision(:glossary_item_id) select workflow_key from glossariesx g, cr_child_rels ch where g.item_id = ch.parent_id and ch.child_id = :item_id and revision_id = content_item__get_live_revision(g.item_id) select term, definition, publish_status, live_revision, latest_revision, name, mime_type, case acs_permission__permission_p(item_id, :user_id, 'glossary_term_add_illustration') when 't' then 1 when 'f' then 0 end as illustration_add_p from glossary_terms_latest where item_id = :item_id select acs_object_id_seq.nextval update cr_revisions set content = :definition where revision_id = :revision_id select content_item__new ( varchar :name, NULL, NULL, NULL, current_timestamp, :user_id, :glossary_item_id, :peeraddr, 'content_item', 'glossary_term', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); select content_revision__new( :term, NULL, current_timestamp, :mime_type, NULL, NULL, :new_item_id, NULL, current_timestamp, :user_id, :peeraddr ); update cr_revisions set content = :definition where revision_id = :new_revision_id select acs_object__new( NULL, 'cr_item_child_rel', current_timestamp, NULL, NULL, :glossary_item_id );