-- packages/glossary/sql/glossary-drop.sql -- @author Walter McGinnis (walter@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2000-10-03 -- @cvs-id $ID:$ -- NOTE THIS SCRIPT IS PRETTY CLOSE TO COMPLETE BUT NOT QUITE -- drop scripts have become a real pain in ACS 4.0 -- will debug for final release -- in the meantime this is a good starting point and will get most everything -- the main sticking point is dropping privileges -- drop the glossary data model drop package glossary; begin content_folder.unregister_content_type( -100, 'glossary_term', 't'); content_folder.unregister_content_type( -100, 'glossary', 't'); end; / show errors -- drop all grantings of privleges -- and then drop privileges on glossaries -- DRB: friggin drop script did not work as inherited from aD begin acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_create'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_modify'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_delete'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_comment_read'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_comment_on'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_create'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_modify'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_delete'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_remove_illustration'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_modify_illustration'); acs_privilege.remove_child('glossary_admin','glossary_term_delete_illustration'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_create'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_modify'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_delete'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_comment_on'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_comment_read'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_create'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_modify'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_delete'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_add_illustration'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_modify_illustration'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_term_delete_illustration'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('glossary_admin'); end; / show errors -- delete all mappings of illustrations -- (this leaves the source images in place) -- and then the mapping type begin delete from cr_child_rels where relation_tag = 'illustration'; content_type.unregister_child_type('glossary_term','image','illustration'); end; / show errors -- delete all glosary_term objects -- we must clear out our term objects, -- otherwise there will be foreign key constraint problems -- hopedully the 'on delete cascade' in glossary_terms.term_id -- will clear out the objects that reference the terms in cr_revisions and acs_objects -- with the acs_objects table when we try dropping the -- object types declare cursor terms_drop is select term_id from glossary_terms; object_id integer; begin open terms_drop; loop fetch terms_drop into object_id; exit when terms_drop%NOTFOUND; content_item.delete( item_id => object_id); end loop; commit; end; / show errors begin acs_object_type.drop_type('glossary_term'); end; / show errors drop view glossary_termsi; drop view glossary_termsx; drop table glossary_terms; declare -- we must clear out our glossary objects, -- otherwise there will be foreign key constraint problems -- with the acs_objects table when we try dropping the -- object types cursor glossaries_drop is select glossary_id from glossaries; object_id integer; begin open glossaries_drop; loop fetch glossaries_drop into object_id; exit when glossaries_drop%NOTFOUND; content_item.delete( item_id => object_id); end loop; commit; end; / show errors begin content_type.unregister_child_type('glossary_term','image','illustration'); end; / show errors -- dropping the attributes for glossaries begin acs_attribute.drop_attribute ( object_type => 'glossary', attribute_name => 'title' ); acs_attribute.drop_attribute ( object_type => 'glossary', attribute_name => 'description' ); acs_attribute.drop_attribute ( object_type => 'glossary', attribute_name => 'owner_id' ); acs_object_type.drop_type('glossary'); commit; end; / show errors -- drop workflows drop table full_term_publish_proces_cases; begin workflow.drop_workflow('full_term_publish_process_wf'); end; / show errors drop table term_submission_process_cases; begin workflow.drop_workflow('term_submission_process_wf'); end; / show errors drop table term_go_live_process_cases; begin workflow.drop_workflow('term_go_live_wf'); end; / show errors -- finish up drop view glossary_terms_latest; drop view glossary_terms_live_definition; drop view glossariesi; drop view glossariesx; drop table glossaries;