@title;noquote@ @context;noquote@


All fields are optional except Product Name.

@export_form_vars_html;noquote@ @stock_status_html;noquote@
Product Name
SKU It's not necessary to include a SKU because the system generates its own internal product_id to uniquely distinguish products.
Product Category @product_category_html;noquote@ Choose as many categories as you like. The product will be displayed on the web site in each of the categories you select.
Stock Status @stock_status_html;noquote@
Regular Price All prices are in @currency@. The price should be written as a decimal number (no special characters like "$").
Shipping Price The "Shipping Price", "Shipping Price - Additional", and "Weight" fields may or may not be applicable, depending on the shipping rules you have set up for your ecommerce system.
Shipping Price - Additional per item if ordering more than 1 (leave blank if same as Shipping Price above)
One-Line Description
Additional Descriptive Text

Search Keywords

Data from Product's Name, One Line Description, and Other Detailed Description are automatically included in product searches. No need to repeat as keywords.

Your current picture is:
This picture (.gif or .jpg format) can be as large as you like. A thumbnail will be automatically generated. Note that file uploading doesn't work with Internet Explorer 3.0.
Color Choices This should be a comma-separated list of colors the user is allowed to choose from when ordering. If there are no choices, leave this blank.
Size Choices This should be a comma-separated list of sizes the user is allowed to choose from when ordering. If there are no choices, leave this blank.
Style Choices This should be a comma-separated list of styles the user is allowed to choose from when ordering. If there are no choices, leave this blank.
Email on Purchase This should be a comma-separated list of recipients to notify when a purchase is made. If you do not wish email to be sent, leave this blank.
URL where the consumer can get more info on the product
Is this product shippable? Yes    No You might choose "No" if this product is actually a service.
Should this product be displayed when the user does a search? Yes    No You might choose "No" if this product is part of a series.
When does this product become available for purchase? @available_date_html;noquote@
Weight (@weight_units_html@)
Template @template_widget_html;noquote@ Select a template to use when displaying this product. If none is selected, the product will be displayed with the system default template.

Special Prices for User Classes


Custom Fields
