The dotLRN FAQ

part of dotLRN

Last updated: $Date: 2015/06/16 20:57:02 $



Q: What is dotLRN?

dotLRN is a full-featured application for rapidly developing web-based learning communities, specifically in the context of Course Management. The dotLRN software relies on a development version of OpenACS v5.2 and includes data model, application logic, and templates to get you up and running very quickly.

Q: How can I contribute?

If you are actively interested in helping us, join at

State of dotLRN Development

Q: So what version of OpenACS do I need to use?

dotLRN will work with OpenACS 5.2.3

Q: Can I get a tarball of the dotLRN CVS?

Yes. Check the dotlrn download page.

dotLRN and OpenACS

Q: Is dotLRN a part of the OpenACS project?

dotLRN is part of the OpenACS project, it is an OpenACS application. This means that dotLRN will install on a OpenACS without additional modifications and through the regular, accepted OpenACS API. While dotLRN developers happen to also be core OpenACS developers, the dotLRN team is taking all possible measures to ensure that any modification suggested to the OpenACS core is approved by other OpenACS developers that do not have a direct stake in dotLRN.


Q: What are the terms of use for dotLRN?

dotLRN is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2.


Q: How is dotLRN spelled and pronounced?

It's sometimes written as .LRN, but the spelling and capitalization dotLRN is preferred. hackers who type a lot usually write dotlrn. dotLRN is pronounced "daught-learn" We are currently accepting voice applications for the dotLRN MP3 pronounciation file.