oracle8.1.6 select o.object_id, nvl(f.label, as name, fs_tree.live_revision as version_id, fs_tree.content_type, r.content_length, r.title, fs_tree.parent_id as folder_id, content_item.get_path(o.object_id) as item_path, lpad(' ',(the_level - 1), ' ') as spaces, rels.related_object_id as homework_file_id, c.first_names || ' ' || c.last_name as file_owner_name, o.creation_user from cr_item_rels rels, acs_objects o, cr_revisions r, cr_folders f, cc_users c, (select cr_items.*, level as the_level from cr_items where level >= :min_level and level <= :max_level start with item_id in ([join $list_of_folder_ids ", "]) connect by parent_id = prior item_id) fs_tree where o.object_id = fs_tree.item_id and c.user_id(+) = o.creation_user and f.folder_id(+) = fs_tree.item_id $qualify_by_owner and r.item_id(+) = fs_tree.item_id and rels.item_id(+) = o.object_id and rels.relation_tag(+) = 'homework_correction' and not exists (select 1 from cr_item_rels where related_object_id = o.object_id and relation_tag = 'homework_correction') order by item_path