postgresql7.1 select site_node__url(sn2.node_id) from site_nodes sn1, site_nodes sn2, apm_packages p where sn1.object_id = :package_id and sn2.parent_id = sn1.node_id and sn2.object_id = p.package_id and p.package_key = 'clickthrough' update clickthrough_log set click_count = click_count + :cached_click_count where local_url = :cached_local_url and foreign_url = :cached_foreign_url and package_id = :cached_package_id and trunc(entry_date) = trunc(current_time) insert into clickthrough_log (local_url, foreign_url, entry_date, click_count, package_id) select :cached_local_url, :cached_foreign_url, trunc(current_time), :cached_click_count, :cached_package_id where 0 = ( select count(*) from clickthrough_log where local_url = :cached_local_url and foreign_url = :cached_foreign_url and package_id = :cached_package_id and trunc(entry_date) = trunc(current_time) )