insert into category_temp
values (:tree_id)
delete from category_temp
select t.tree_id
from category_trees t, category_temp tmp
where (t.site_wide_p = 't'
or exists (select 1
from acs_object_party_privilege_map oppm
where oppm.object_id = t.tree_id
and oppm.party_id = :user_id
and oppm.privilege = 'category_tree_read'))
and t.tree_id = tmp.category_id
and (upper(n.object_name) < 'A' or upper(n.object_name) > 'Z')
and upper(n.object_name) like :bind_letter
and n.package_id = :package_id
select v.object_id
from (select distinct m.object_id, c.category_id
from category_object_map m, categories c,
categories c_sub, category_temp t
where c.category_id = t.category_id
and m.category_id = c_sub.category_id
and c_sub.tree_id = c.tree_id
and c_sub.left_ind >= c.left_ind
and c_sub.left_ind < c.right_ind) v
group by v.object_id having count(*) = :category_ids_length
select m.object_id
from category_object_map m, category_temp t
where m.category_id = t.category_id
group by m.object_id having count(*) = :category_ids_length
select distinct m.object_id
from category_object_map m, categories c,
categories c_sub, category_temp t
where c.category_id = t.category_id
and m.category_id = c_sub.category_id
and c_sub.tree_id = c.tree_id
and c_sub.left_ind >= c.left_ind
and c_sub.left_ind < c.right_ind
select distinct m.object_id
from category_object_map m, category_temp t
where m.category_id = t.category_id
insert into category_temp
values (:category_id)
select n.object_id
from acs_named_objects n, ($subtree_sql) s
where n.object_id = s.object_id
and exists (select 1
from acs_object_party_privilege_map oppm
where oppm.object_id = n.object_id
and oppm.party_id = :user_id
and oppm.privilege = 'read')