-- -- Categories Relation -- -- @author Miguel Marin (miguelmarin@viaro.net) -- @author Viaro Networks www.viaro.net -- @creation-date 2005-07-26 -- create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin -- We create the roles to use them on the rel_type create PERFORM acs_rel_type__create_role(''party'', ''Party'', ''Parties''); PERFORM acs_rel_type__create_role(''category'', ''Category'', ''Categories''); PERFORM acs_rel_type__create_role(''meta_category'', ''Meta Category'', ''Meta Categories''); -- Creating two new rel_types PERFORM acs_rel_type__create_type ( ''meta_category_rel'', -- rel_type ''Meta Category Relation'', -- pretty_name ''Meta Category Relation'', -- pretty_plural ''relationship'', -- supertype null, -- table_name null, -- id_column null, -- package_name ''category'', -- object_type_one ''category'', -- role_one 1, -- min_n_rels_one 1, -- max_n_rels_one ''category'', -- object_type_two ''category'', -- role_two 1, -- min_n_rels_two 1 -- max_n_rels_two ); PERFORM acs_rel_type__create_type ( ''user_meta_category_rel'', -- rel_type ''User Meta Category Relation'', -- pretty_name ''User Meta Category Relation'', -- pretty_plural ''relationship'', -- supertype null, -- table_name null, -- id_column null, -- package_name ''meta_category_rel'', -- object_type_one ''meta_category'', -- role_one 1, -- min_n_rels_one 1, -- max_n_rels_one ''party'', -- object_type_two ''party'', -- role_two 1, -- min_n_rels_two 1 -- max_n_rels_two ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 ();