-- /packages/acs-subsite/sql/subsite-group-callbacks-create.sql -- Defines a simple callback system to allow other applications to -- register callbacks when groups of a given type are created. -- Copyright (C) 2001 ArsDigita Corporation -- @author Michael Bryzek (mbryzek@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2001-02-20 -- $Id: subsite-callbacks-create.sql,v 1.3 2024/09/03 15:37:33 gustafn Exp $ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- What about instead of? -- insead_of viewing the group, go to the portal -- instead of inserting the group with package_instantiate_object, go here create table subsite_callbacks ( callback_id integer constraint sgc_callback_id_pk primary key, event_type varchar(100) not null constraint sgc_event_type_ck check(event_type in ('insert','update','delete')), object_type varchar(100) not null constraint sgc_object_type_fk references acs_object_types on delete cascade, callback varchar(300) not null, callback_type varchar(100) not null constraint sgc_callback_type_ck check(callback_type in ('tcl')), sort_order integer default(1) not null constraint sgc_sort_order_ck check(sort_order >= 1), -- allow only one callback of a given type for given constraint subsite_callbacks_un unique (object_type, event_type, callback_type, callback) ); comment on table subsite_callbacks is ' Applications can register callbacks that are triggered whenever a group of a specified type is created. The callback must expect the following arguments: * object_id: The object that just got created * node_id: The node_id where the object got created * package_id: The package_id from where the object got created These are passed in the following way: * tcl procedure: Using named parameters (e.g. -object_id $object_id) All callbacks must accept all of these parameters. '; comment on column subsite_callbacks.event_type is ' The type of event we are monitoring. The keywords here are used by the applications to determine which callbacks to trigger. '; comment on column subsite_callbacks.object_type is ' The object type to monitor. Whenever an object of this type is created, the subsite package will check for a registered callbacks. '; comment on column subsite_callbacks.callback_type is ' The type of the callback. This determines how the callback is executed. Currently only a tcl type is supported but other types may be added in the future. '; comment on column subsite_callbacks.callback is ' The actual callback. This can be the name of a plsql function or procedure, a URL stub relative to the node at which package id is mounted, or the name of a tcl function. '; comment on column subsite_callbacks.sort_order is ' The order in which the callbacks should fire. This is important when you need to ensure that one event fires before another (e.g. you must mount a portals application before the bboard application) '; create or replace package subsite_callback as function new ( --/** Registers a new callback. If the same callback exists as -- defined in the unique constraint on the table, does -- nothing but returns the existing callback_id. -- -- @author Michael Bryzek (mbryzek@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2001-02-20 -- --*/ callback_id IN subsite_callbacks.callback_id%TYPE default null, event_type IN subsite_callbacks.event_type%TYPE, object_type IN subsite_callbacks.object_type%TYPE, callback IN subsite_callbacks.callback%TYPE, callback_type IN subsite_callbacks.callback_type%TYPE, sort_order IN subsite_callbacks.sort_order%TYPE default null ) return subsite_callbacks.callback_id%TYPE; procedure del ( --/** Deletes the specified callback -- -- @author Michael Bryzek (mbryzek@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2001-02-20 -- --*/ callback_id IN subsite_callbacks.callback_id%TYPE ); end subsite_callback; / show errors; create or replace package body subsite_callback as function new ( callback_id IN subsite_callbacks.callback_id%TYPE default null, event_type IN subsite_callbacks.event_type%TYPE, object_type IN subsite_callbacks.object_type%TYPE, callback IN subsite_callbacks.callback%TYPE, callback_type IN subsite_callbacks.callback_type%TYPE, sort_order IN subsite_callbacks.sort_order%TYPE default null ) return subsite_callbacks.callback_id%TYPE IS v_callback_id subsite_callbacks.callback_id%TYPE; v_sort_order subsite_callbacks.sort_order%TYPE; BEGIN if new.callback_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_callback_id from dual; else v_callback_id := new.callback_id; end if; if new.sort_order is null then -- Make this the next event for this object_type/event_type combination select nvl(max(sort_order),0) + 1 into v_sort_order from subsite_callbacks where object_type = new.object_type and event_type = new.event_type; else v_sort_order := new.sort_order; end if; begin insert into subsite_callbacks (callback_id, event_type, object_type, callback, callback_type, sort_order) values (v_callback_id, new.event_type, new.object_type, new.callback, new.callback_type, v_sort_order); exception when dup_val_on_index then select callback_id into v_callback_id from subsite_callbacks where event_type = new.event_type and object_type = new.object_type and callback_type = new.callback_type and callback = new.callback; end; return v_callback_id; END new; procedure del ( callback_id IN subsite_callbacks.callback_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from subsite_callbacks where callback_id=subsite_callback.del.callback_id; end del; end subsite_callback; / show errors;