-- function check_representation create or replace function acs_group__check_representation (integer) returns boolean as ' declare group_id alias for $1; res boolean; comp record; memb record; begin if group_id is null then --maybe we should just return ''f'' instead? raise exception ''acs_group__check_representation called with null group_id''; end if; res := ''t''; PERFORM acs_log__notice(''acs_group.check_representation'', ''Running check_representation on group '' || group_id); if acs_object__check_representation(group_id) = ''f'' then res := ''f''; end if; for comp in select c.rel_id from acs_rels r, composition_rels c where r.rel_id = c.rel_id and r.object_id_one = group_id LOOP if composition_rel__check_representation(comp.rel_id) = ''f'' then res := ''f''; end if; end loop; for memb in select m.rel_id from acs_rels r, membership_rels m where r.rel_id = m.rel_id and r.object_id_one = group_id LOOP if membership_rel__check_representation(memb.rel_id) = ''f'' then res := ''f''; end if; end loop; PERFORM acs_log__notice(''acs_group.check_representation'', ''Done running check_representation on group '' || group_id); return res; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- check for null input raise exception. create or replace function acs_object__check_context_index (integer,integer,integer) returns boolean as ' declare check_context_index__object_id alias for $1; check_context_index__ancestor_id alias for $2; check_context_index__n_generations alias for $3; n_rows integer; n_gens integer; begin -- Verify that this row exists in the index. if check_context_index__object_id is null or check_context_index__ancestor_id is null then raise exception ''object_id or ancestor_id is null in acs_object__check_context_index''; end if; select case when count(*) = 0 then 0 else 1 end into n_rows from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_context_index__object_id and ancestor_id = check_context_index__ancestor_id; if n_rows = 1 then -- Verify that the count is correct. select n_generations into n_gens from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_context_index__object_id and ancestor_id = check_context_index__ancestor_id; if n_gens != check_context_index__n_generations then PERFORM acs_log__error(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''Ancestor '' || check_context_index__ancestor_id || '' of object '' || check_context_index__object_id || '' reports being generation '' || n_gens || '' when it is actually generation '' || check_context_index__n_generations || ''.''); return ''f''; else return ''t''; end if; else PERFORM acs_log__error(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''Ancestor '' || check_context_index__ancestor_id || '' of object '' || check_context_index__object_id || '' is missing an entry in acs_object_context_index.''); return ''f''; end if; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function check_path create or replace function acs_object__check_path (integer,integer) returns boolean as ' declare check_path__object_id alias for $1; check_path__ancestor_id alias for $2; check_path__context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; check_path__security_inherit_p acs_objects.security_inherit_p%TYPE; begin if check_path__object_id is null or check_path__ancestor_id then raise exception ''acs_object__check_path called with null object_id or ancestor_id''; end if; if check_path__object_id = check_path__ancestor_id then return ''t''; end if; select context_id, security_inherit_p into check_path__context_id, check_path__security_inherit_p from acs_objects where object_id = check_path__object_id; -- we should be able to handle the case where check_path fails -- should we not? if check_path__object_id = 0 and check_path__context_id is null then return ''f''; end if; if check_path__context_id is null or check_path__security_inherit_p = ''f'' then check_path__context_id := 0; end if; return acs_object__check_path(check_path__context_id, check_path__ancestor_id); end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function acs_object__check_representation (integer) returns boolean as ' declare check_representation__object_id alias for $1; result boolean; check_representation__object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; n_rows integer; v_rec record; row record; begin if check_representation__object_id is null then raise exception ''acs_object__check_representation called for null object_id''; end if; result := ''t''; PERFORM acs_log__notice(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''Running acs_object.check_representation on object_id = '' || check_representation__object_id || ''.''); select object_type into check_representation__object_type from acs_objects where object_id = check_representation__object_id; PERFORM acs_log__notice(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''OBJECT STORAGE INTEGRITY TEST''); for v_rec in select t.object_type, t.table_name, t.id_column from acs_object_type_supertype_map m, acs_object_types t where m.ancestor_type = t.object_type and m.object_type = check_representation__object_type union select object_type, table_name, id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = check_representation__object_type LOOP for row in execute ''select case when count(*) = 0 then 0 else 1 end as n_rows from '' || quote_ident(v_rec.table_name) || '' where '' || quote_ident(v_rec.id_column) || '' = '' || check_representation__object_id LOOP n_rows := row.n_rows; exit; end LOOP; if n_rows = 0 then result := ''f''; PERFORM acs_log__error(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''Table '' || v_rec.table_name || '' (primary storage for '' || v_rec.object_type || '') doesn''''t have a row for object '' || check_representation__object_id || '' of type '' || check_representation__object_type || ''.''); end if; end loop; PERFORM acs_log__notice(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''OBJECT CONTEXT INTEGRITY TEST''); if acs_object__check_object_ancestors(check_representation__object_id, check_representation__object_id, 0) = ''f'' then result := ''f''; end if; if acs_object__check_object_descendants(check_representation__object_id, check_representation__object_id, 0) = ''f'' then result := ''f''; end if; for row in select object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_representation__object_id or ancestor_id = check_representation__object_id LOOP if acs_object__check_path(row.object_id, row.ancestor_id) = ''f'' then PERFORM acs_log__error(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''acs_object_context_index contains an extraneous row: '' || ''object_id = '' || row.object_id || '', ancestor_id = '' || row.ancestor_id || '', n_generations = '' || row.n_generations || ''.''); result := ''f''; end if; end loop; PERFORM acs_log__notice(''acs_object.check_representation'', ''Done running acs_object.check_representation '' || ''on object_id = '' || check_representation__object_id || ''.''); return result; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function acs_object__get_attr_storage_column(text) returns text as ' declare v_vals alias for $1; v_idx integer; begin v_idx := strpos(v_vals,'',''); if v_idx = 0 or v_vals is null then raise exception ''invalid storage format: acs_object.get_attr_storage_column %'',v_vals; end if; return substr(v_vals,1,v_idx - 1); end;' language 'plpgsql' immutable; create or replace function acs_object__get_attr_storage_table(text) returns text as ' declare v_vals alias for $1; v_idx integer; v_tmp varchar; begin v_idx := strpos(v_vals,'',''); if v_idx = 0 or v_vals is null then raise exception ''invalid storage format: acs_object.get_attr_storage_table %'',v_vals; end if; v_tmp := substr(v_vals,v_idx + 1); v_idx := strpos(v_tmp,'',''); if v_idx = 0 then raise exception ''invalid storage format: acs_object.get_attr_storage_table %'',v_vals; end if; return substr(v_tmp,1,v_idx - 1); end;' language 'plpgsql' immutable; create or replace function acs_object__get_attr_storage_sql(text) returns text as ' declare v_vals alias for $1; v_idx integer; v_tmp varchar; begin v_idx := strpos(v_vals, '',''); if v_idx = 0 or v_vals is null then raise exception ''invalid storage format: acs_object.get_attr_storage_sql %'',v_vals; end if; v_tmp := substr(v_vals, v_idx + 1); v_idx := strpos(v_tmp, '',''); if v_idx = 0 then raise exception ''invalid storage format: acs_object.get_attr_storage_sql %'',v_vals; end if; return substr(v_tmp, v_idx + 1); end;' language 'plpgsql' immutable; create or replace function acs_object__get_attribute_storage (integer,varchar) returns text as ' declare object_id_in alias for $1; attribute_name_in alias for $2; -- these three are the out variables v_column varchar; v_table_name varchar; v_key_sql text; v_object_type acs_attributes.object_type%TYPE; v_static acs_attributes.static_p%TYPE; v_attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; v_storage acs_attributes.storage%TYPE; v_attr_name acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE; v_id_column varchar(200); v_sql text; v_return text; v_rec record; begin -- select -- object_type, id_column -- from -- acs_object_types -- connect by -- object_type = prior supertype -- start with -- object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects -- where object_id = object_id_in) -- Determine the attribute parameters select a.attribute_id, a.static_p, a.storage, a.table_name, a.attribute_name, a.object_type, a.column_name, t.id_column into v_attr_id, v_static, v_storage, v_table_name, v_attr_name, v_object_type, v_column, v_id_column from acs_attributes a, (select o2.object_type, o2.id_column from acs_object_types o1, acs_object_types o2 where o1.object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects o where o.object_id = object_id_in) and o1.tree_sortkey between o2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(o2.tree_sortkey) ) t where a.attribute_name = attribute_name_in and a.object_type = t.object_type; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: No such attribute % for object % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.'', attribute_name_in, object_id_in; end if; -- This should really be done in a trigger on acs_attributes, -- instead of generating it each time in this function -- If there is no specific table name for this attribute, -- figure it out based on the object type if v_table_name is null or v_table_name = '''' then -- Determine the appropriate table name if v_storage = ''generic'' then -- Generic attribute: table name/column are hardcoded v_column := ''attr_value''; if v_static = ''f'' then v_table_name := ''acs_attribute_values''; v_key_sql := ''(object_id = '' || object_id_in || '' and '' || ''attribute_id = '' || v_attr_id || '')''; else v_table_name := ''acs_static_attr_values''; v_key_sql := ''(object_type = '''''' || v_object_type || '''''' and '' || ''attribute_id = '' || v_attr_id || '')''; end if; else -- Specific attribute: table name/column need to be retreived if v_static = ''f'' then select table_name, id_column into v_table_name, v_id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = v_object_type; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: No data found for attribute %::% object_id % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage'', v_object_type, attribute_name_in, object_id_in; end if; else raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: No table name specified for storage specific static attribute %::% object_id % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.'',v_object_type, attribute_name_in, object_id_in; end if; end if; else -- There is a custom table name for this attribute. -- Get the id column out of the acs_object_tables -- Raise an error if not found select id_column into v_id_column from acs_object_type_tables where object_type = v_object_type and table_name = v_table_name; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: No data found for attribute %::% object_id % in acs_object.get_attribute_storage'', v_object_type, attribute_name_in, object_id_in; end if; end if; if v_column is null or v_column = '''' then if v_storage = ''generic'' then v_column := ''attr_value''; else v_column := v_attr_name; end if; end if; if v_key_sql is null or v_key_sql = '''' then if v_static = ''f'' then v_key_sql := v_id_column || '' = '' || object_id_in ; else v_key_sql := v_id_column || '' = '''''' || v_object_type || ''''''''; end if; end if; return v_column || '','' || v_table_name || '','' || v_key_sql; end;' language 'plpgsql' strict; create or replace function acs_object__initialize_attributes (integer) returns integer as ' declare initialize_attributes__object_id alias for $1; v_object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; begin if initialize_attributes__object_id is null then raise exception ''acs_object__initialize_attributes called with null object_id''; end if; -- Initialize dynamic attributes insert into acs_attribute_values (object_id, attribute_id, attr_value) select initialize_attributes__object_id, a.attribute_id, a.default_value from acs_attributes a, acs_objects o where a.object_type = o.object_type and o.object_id = initialize_attributes__object_id and a.storage = ''generic'' and a.static_p = ''f''; -- Retrieve type for static attributes select object_type into v_object_type from acs_objects where object_id = initialize_attributes__object_id; -- Initialize static attributes -- begin insert into acs_static_attr_values (object_type, attribute_id, attr_value) select v_object_type, a.attribute_id, a.default_value from acs_attributes a, acs_objects o where a.object_type = o.object_type and o.object_id = initialize_attributes__object_id and a.storage = ''generic'' and a.static_p = ''t'' and not exists (select 1 from acs_static_attr_values where object_type = a.object_type); -- exception when no_data_found then null; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function acs_object__set_attribute (integer,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare object_id_in alias for $1; attribute_name_in alias for $2; value_in alias for $3; v_table_name varchar; v_column varchar; v_key_sql text; v_return text; v_storage text; begin if value_in is null then -- this will fail more cryptically in the execute so catch now. raise exception ''acs_object__set_attribute: attempt to set % to null for object_id %'',attribute_name_in, object_id_in; end if; v_storage := acs_object__get_attribute_storage(object_id_in, attribute_name_in); v_column := acs_object__get_attr_storage_column(v_storage); v_table_name := acs_object__get_attr_storage_table(v_storage); v_key_sql := acs_object__get_attr_storage_sql(v_storage); execute ''update '' || v_table_name || '' set '' || quote_ident(v_column) || '' = '' || quote_literal(value_in) || '' where '' || v_key_sql; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function acs_object_util__get_object_type (integer) returns varchar as ' declare p_object_id alias for $1; v_object_type varchar(100); begin select object_type into v_object_type from acs_objects where object_id = p_object_id; if not found then raise exception ''acs_object_util__get_object_type: Invalid Object id: % '', p_object_id; end if; return v_object_type; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable; create or replace function acs_objects_get_tree_sortkey(integer) returns varbit as ' declare p_object_id alias for $1; begin return tree_sortkey from acs_objects where object_id = p_object_id; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; create or replace function acs_rel_type__drop_type (varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare drop_type__rel_type alias for $1; drop_type__cascade_p alias for $2; -- default ''f'' begin -- XXX do cascade_p. -- JCD: cascade_p seems to be ignored in acs_o_type__drop_type anyway... if drop_type__cascade_p is null then drop_type__cascade_p := ''f''; end if; delete from acs_rel_types where rel_type = drop_type__rel_type; PERFORM acs_object_type__drop_type(drop_type__rel_type, drop_type__cascade_p); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function apm__unregister_package (varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare package_key alias for $1; cascade_p alias for $2; -- default ''t'' begin if cascade_p is null then cascade_p := ''t''; end if; PERFORM apm_package_type__drop_type( package_key, cascade_p ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function apm__unregister_service (varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare package_key alias for $1; cascade_p alias for $2; -- default ''f'' begin if cascade_p is null then cascade_p := ''f''; end if; PERFORM apm__unregister_package ( package_key, cascade_p ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function apm_package__num_instances (varchar) returns integer as ' declare num_instances__package_key alias for $1; v_num_instances integer; begin select count(*) into v_num_instances from apm_packages where package_key = num_instances__package_key; return v_num_instances; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable; create or replace function lob_copy(integer, integer) returns integer as ' declare from_id alias for $1; to_id alias for $2; begin if from_id is null then raise exception ''lob_copy: attempt to copy null from_id to % to_id'',to_id; end if; insert into lobs (lob_id,refcount) values (to_id,0); insert into lob_data select to_id as lob_id, segment, byte_len, data from lob_data where lob_id = from_id; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function apm_package__parent_id (integer) returns integer as ' declare apm_package__parent_id__package_id alias for $1; v_package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; begin select sn1.object_id into v_package_id from site_nodes sn1 where sn1.node_id = (select sn2.parent_id from site_nodes sn2 where sn2.object_id = apm_package__parent_id__package_id); return v_package_id; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; create or replace function apm_package__singleton_p (varchar) returns integer as ' declare singleton_p__package_key alias for $1; v_singleton_p integer; begin select count(*) into v_singleton_p from apm_package_types where package_key = singleton_p__package_key and singleton_p = ''t''; return v_singleton_p; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable; create or replace function number_src(text) returns text as ' declare v_src alias for $1; v_pos integer; v_ret text default ''''; v_tmp text; v_cnt integer default -1; begin if v_src is null then return null; end if; v_tmp := v_src; LOOP v_pos := position(''\n'' in v_tmp); v_cnt := v_cnt + 1; exit when v_pos = 0; if v_cnt != 0 then v_ret := v_ret || rpad(v_cnt,10) || substr(v_tmp,1,v_pos); end if; v_tmp := substr(v_tmp,v_pos + 1); end LOOP; return v_ret || rpad(v_cnt,10) || v_tmp; end;' language 'plpgsql' immutable strict; create or replace function party__email (integer) returns varchar as ' declare email__party_id alias for $1; begin return email from parties where party_id = email__party_id; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; create or replace function person__first_names (integer) returns varchar as ' declare first_names__person_id alias for $1; begin return first_names from persons where person_id = first_names__person_id; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; create or replace function person__last_name (integer) returns varchar as ' declare last_name__person_id alias for $1; begin return last_name from persons where person_id = last_name__person_id; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; create or replace function person__name (integer) returns varchar as ' declare name__person_id alias for $1; begin return first_names || '' '' || last_name from persons where person_id = name__person_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function rel_constraint__get_constraint_id (integer,char,integer) returns integer as ' declare get_constraint_id__rel_segment alias for $1; get_constraint_id__rel_side alias for $2; get_constraint_id__required_rel_segment alias for $3; v_constraint_id rel_constraints.constraint_id%TYPE; begin return constraint_id from rel_constraints where rel_segment = get_constraint_id__rel_segment and rel_side = get_constraint_id__rel_side and required_rel_segment = get_constraint_id__required_rel_segment; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; create or replace function rel_segment__get (integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare get__group_id alias for $1; get__rel_type alias for $2; begin return min(segment_id) from rel_segments where group_id = get__group_id and rel_type = get__rel_type; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; create or replace function rel_segment__name (integer) returns varchar as ' declare name__segment_id alias for $1; name__segment_name varchar(200); begin return segment_name from rel_segments where segment_id = name__segment_id; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable strict; ---- DRB: fixes bug 1144 create or replace view registered_users as select p.email, p.url, pe.first_names, pe.last_name, u.*, mr.member_state from parties p, persons pe, users u, group_member_map m, membership_rels mr, acs_magic_objects amo where party_id = person_id and person_id = user_id and u.user_id = m.member_id and m.rel_id = mr.rel_id and amo.name = 'registered_users' and m.group_id = amo.object_id and m.container_id = m.group_id and m.rel_type = 'membership_rel' and mr.member_state = 'approved' and u.email_verified_p = 't'; create or replace view cc_users as select o.*, pa.*, pe.*, u.*, mr.member_state, mr.rel_id from acs_objects o, parties pa, persons pe, users u, group_member_map m, membership_rels mr, acs_magic_objects amo where o.object_id = pa.party_id and pa.party_id = pe.person_id and pe.person_id = u.user_id and u.user_id = m.member_id and amo.name = 'registered_users' and m.group_id = amo.object_id and m.rel_id = mr.rel_id and m.container_id = m.group_id and m.rel_type = 'membership_rel';