-- set serveroutput on create function content_test__put_line(text) returns integer as ' begin raise NOTICE ''%'', $1; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function cast_char(boolean) returns char as ' begin return case when $1 then ''t''::char else ''f''::char end; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function test_content() returns integer as ' declare folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; folder_b_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; sub_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; sub_sub_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; simple_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; live_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; late_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; item_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; type_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; def_type_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; dum_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; symlink_a_id cr_symlinks.symlink_id%TYPE; symlink_b_id cr_symlinks.symlink_id%TYPE; found_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; begin -- create folders and an item folder_id := content_folder__new(''grandpa'',''Grandpa'',NULL,-100); folder_b_id := content_folder__new(''grandma'',''Grandma'',NULL,-100); sub_folder_id := content_folder__new(''pa'',''Pa'',NULL,folder_id); sub_sub_folder_id := content_folder__new(''me'',''Me'',NULL,sub_folder_id); item_id := content_item__new(''puppy'',sub_sub_folder_id); simple_item_id := content_item__new( ''bunny'', sub_sub_folder_id, ''Bugs Bunny'', ''Simple (Revisionless) Item Test'', ''Simple (Revisionless) Item Test Text'' ); live_revision_id := content_revision__new( ''Live Revision of Puppy'', ''Live Revision of Puppy Description'', to_date(''1999-08-12'',''YYYY-MM-DD''), ''text/html'', ''Text for Live Revision of Puppy'', item_id ); late_revision_id := content_revision__new( ''Latest Revision of Puppy'', ''Latest Revision of Puppy Description'', to_date(''2001-09-22'',''YYYY-MM-DD''), ''text/html'', ''Text for Latest Revision of Puppy'', item_id ); item_template_id := content_template__new( ''Item Template'' ); type_template_id := content_template__new( ''Type Template'' ); def_type_template_id := content_template__new( ''Dumb Default Type Template'' ); dum_template_id := content_template__new( ''Default Type Template'' ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''-------------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''CREATING CONTENT FOLDERS AND ITEMS...''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''...all tests passed''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Folder grandpa is '' || folder_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Folder grandma is '' || folder_b_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Sub folder pa is '' || sub_folder_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Sub sub folder me is '' || sub_sub_folder_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Added item puppy to sub sub folder me at '' || item_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Created simple item bunny to sub sub folder me at '' || simple_item_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Added a revision to puppy at '' || live_revision_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Added a revision to puppy at '' || late_revision_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Created Item Template at '' || item_template_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Created Type Template at '' || type_template_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Created Def Type Template at '' || def_type_template_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Created Dum Def Type Template at '' || dum_template_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''-----------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''FOLDERS AND EMPTY FOLDERS AND SUBFOLDERS''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''...all tests passed''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is folder '' || folder_id || '' empty? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_empty(folder_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is folder '' || sub_sub_folder_id || '' empty? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_empty(sub_sub_folder_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is folder '' || sub_folder_id || '' empty? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_empty(sub_folder_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is folder '' || folder_b_id || '' empty? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_empty(folder_b_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is folder '' || folder_id || ''? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_folder(folder_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is folder '' || item_id || ''? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_folder(item_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is '' || folder_id || '' a subfolder of '' || sub_folder_id || ''? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_sub_folder(sub_folder_id, folder_id )) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is '' || sub_folder_id || '' a subfolder of '' || folder_id || ''? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_sub_folder(folder_id, sub_folder_id )) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is '' || sub_sub_folder_id || '' a subfolder of '' || folder_id || ''? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_sub_folder(folder_id, sub_sub_folder_id )) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is '' || sub_folder_id || '' a subfolder of '' || -1 || ''? '' || cast_char(content_folder__is_sub_folder(-1, sub_folder_id )) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''-------------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''LIVE AND LATEST REVISIONS...''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''...all tests passed''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get live_revision_id for item puppy '' || item_id || '' is '' || coalesce(content_item__get_live_revision(item_id)::varchar,''null'') ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(live_revision_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Set '' || live_revision_id || '' as the live revision for item puppy '' || item_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get live_revision_id for item puppy '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_live_revision(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get live_revision_id for item kitty '' || simple_item_id || '' is '' || coalesce(content_item__get_live_revision(simple_item_id)::varchar,''null'') ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get late_revision_id for item puppy '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_latest_revision(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get late_revision_id for item bunny '' || simple_item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_latest_revision(simple_item_id) ); /* PERFORM content_item__register_template(item_id, item_template_id, ''public'' ); */ PERFORM content_type__register_template(''content_revision'', type_template_id, ''public'', ''f'' ); PERFORM content_type__register_template(''content_revision'', def_type_template_id, ''admin'', ''f'' ); PERFORM content_type__register_template(''content_revision'', dum_template_id, ''admin'', ''t'' ); PERFORM content_type__set_default_template(''content_revision'', def_type_template_id, ''admin'' ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''-------------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''REGISTERING TEMPLATES TO ITEMS AND TYPES...''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''...all tests passed''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Registered Item Template '' || item_template_id || '' to item puppy '' || item_id || '' with public context'' ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Registered Type Template '' || type_template_id || '' to content_revision '' || item_id || '' with public context'' ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Registered Default Type Template '' || def_type_template_id || '' to content_revision '' || item_id || '' with admin context'' ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get template id for item puppy '' || item_id || '' and context public is '' || coalesce(content_item__get_template(item_id, ''public'' )::varchar,''null'') ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get template id for item puppy '' || item_id || '' and context admin is '' || content_item__get_template(item_id, ''admin'' ) ); found_folder_id := content_item__get_id(''grandpa/pa/me'', -100, ''f''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''-------------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''LOCATING CONTENT FOLDERS AND ITEMS...''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''...all tests passed!''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found me at grandpa/pa/me: '' || found_folder_id ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || found_folder_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(found_folder_id,null) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for puppy '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id,null) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for puppy '' || item_id || '' from folder_id: '' || folder_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id,folder_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for puppy '' || item_id || '' from sub_folder_id: '' || sub_folder_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id, sub_folder_id ) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for puppy '' || item_id || '' from sub_sub_folder_id: '' || sub_sub_folder_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id, sub_sub_folder_id ) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get id of item with invalid path - shouldn''''t return anything''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found item at '' || content_item__get_id(''grandpa/me'', -200,''f'') ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Get id of item using subpath''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found item at '' || content_item__get_id(''pa/me/puppy'', folder_id, ''f'' ) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''This is the path to a folder from a subfolder''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || sub_folder_id || '' from sub_sub_folder_id: '' || sub_sub_folder_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(sub_folder_id, sub_sub_folder_id ) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''This is a path to an item from a non-existant item''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || item_id || '' from nonexistant_id: '' || -300 || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id,-300) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''This is a path to an item from a non-related branch''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || item_id || '' from unrelated branch: '' || folder_b_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id,folder_b_id) ); /* PERFORM content_test__put_line(''-------------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''MOVING/RENAMING CONTENT FOLDERS...''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''...all tests passed''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Moving me from under pa to under grandpa''); PERFORM content_item__move(sub_sub_folder_id, folder_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Moving grandpa to pa - this should''''nt work''); PERFORM content_folder__move(folder_id, sub_folder_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Renaming puppy to kitty...''); PERFORM content_item__rename(item_id, ''kitty''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Renaming me to aunty...''); PERFORM content_folder__rename(sub_sub_folder_id, ''aunty''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Renaming kitty to pa -- this should work''); PERFORM content_item__rename(item_id, ''pa''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''-------------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''SYMLINKS...''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''...all tests passed''); symlink_a_id := content_symlink__new(''link_a'', sub_sub_folder_id, sub_folder_id ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Create a link in pa to aunty: Symlink is '' || symlink_a_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is '' || symlink_a_id || '' a symlink?: '' || cast_char(content_symlink__is_symlink(symlink_a_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Is '' || folder_id || '' a symlink?: '' || cast_char(content_symlink__is_symlink(folder_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for symlink '' || symlink_a_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(symlink_a_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Resolving symlink '' || symlink_a_id || '' is '' || content_symlink__resolve(symlink_a_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Resolved path for symlink '' || symlink_a_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(content_symlink__resolve(symlink_a_id)) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path to item '' || item_id || '' from symlink '' || symlink_a_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id, symlink_a_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path to item '' || item_id || '' from aunty '' || sub_sub_folder_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id, sub_sub_folder_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path to pa '' || sub_folder_id || '' from symlink '' || symlink_a_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(sub_folder_id, symlink_a_id ) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found item '' || item_id || '' at '' || content_item__get_id(''/grandpa/aunty/kitty'') ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found item '' || item_id || '' at '' || content_item__get_id(''/grandpa/pa/link_a/kitty'') ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found item '' || item_id || '' starting at aunty '' || sub_sub_folder_id || '' at '' || content_item__get_id(''kitty'', sub_sub_folder_id ) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found item '' || item_id || '' starting at symlink '' || symlink_a_id || '' at '' || content_item__get_id(''kitty'',symlink_a_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Found item '' || item_id || '' starting at pa '' || sub_folder_id || '' at '' || content_item__get_id(''link_a/kitty'', sub_folder_id ) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''--------------------------------''); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Moving item '' || item_id || '' to grandma '' || folder_b_id ); PERFORM content_item__move(item_id,folder_b_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for item '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Moving folder '' || folder_b_id || '' to aunty '' || sub_sub_folder_id ); PERFORM content_item__move(folder_b_id,sub_sub_folder_id); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''Path for item '' || item_id || '' is '' || content_item__get_path(item_id) ); PERFORM content_test__put_line(''--------------------------------''); -- symlinks/revisions should be deleted automatically PERFORM content_item__delete(simple_item_id); PERFORM content_template__delete(item_template_id); PERFORM content_item__delete(item_id); PERFORM content_template__delete(type_template_id); PERFORM content_template__delete(def_type_template_id); PERFORM content_template__delete(dum_template_id); PERFORM content_folder__delete(sub_sub_folder_id); PERFORM content_folder__delete(sub_folder_id); PERFORM content_folder__delete(folder_id); PERFORM content_folder__delete(folder_b_id); */ return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select test_content(); drop function test_content(); drop function content_test__put_line(text); drop function cast_char(boolean);