select ci.item_id as photo_id,
(select pp.caption
from pa_photos pp
where pp.pa_photo_id = ci.live_revision) as caption,
i.image_id as thumb_path,
i.height as thumb_height,
i.width as thumb_width,
random() as seed
from cr_items ci, cr_items ci2, cr_child_rels ccr2, images i
where $size_clause
and ci.item_id = ccr2.parent_id
and ccr2.child_id = ci2.item_id
and ci2.live_revision = i.image_id
and ci.live_revision is not null
order by seed limit 1
select site_node__url(sn.node_id)
from site_nodes sn
inner join pa_package_root_folder_map pm on (sn.object_id = pm.package_id)
inner join cr_items parent on (pm.folder_id = parent.item_id)
inner join cr_items child on (parent.tree_sortkey <= child.tree_sortkey)
where child.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey)
and tree_level(parent.tree_sortkey) = 2
and child.item_id = :photo_id
select ci.item_id as photo_id,
(select pp.caption
from pa_photos pp
where pp.pa_photo_id = ci.live_revision) as caption,
i.image_id as thumb_path,
i.height as thumb_height,
i.width as thumb_width,
random() as seed
from cr_items ci, cr_items ci2, cr_items root, cr_child_rels ccr2, images i
where $size_clause
and ci.item_id = ccr2.parent_id
and ccr2.child_id = ci2.item_id
and ci2.live_revision = i.image_id
and ci.live_revision is not null
and ci.tree_sortkey between root.tree_sortkey and tree_right(root.tree_sortkey)
and root.item_id = :root_folder_id
order by seed limit 1
and ci.item_id = :photo_id
ccr2.relation_tag = 'viewer'
ccr2.relation_tag = 'thumb'