a problem Administration approve approve email ban User's Browser: <b> Comments: </b><br> <span style="color:red;"> (Please explain what you were trying to do) </span> delete Details: Email: Error Description: error Error Description Error Details Error Report errors File with error: There was an error Inserting the Information to the Data Base: , and resubmit your entry. Argspec '%element%' is invalid, because it contains more than two elements. Error Submitted Automatically Error Report in %system_name% Filter type must be 'filter' or 'post' Flag name must be a valid identifier Flag names must be all lowercase Invalid date: %date_element% is missing Invalid date: %date_element% is not a natural number Invalid date: %date.month% %date.day% %date.year% Invalid date: The year must contain 4 digits. Invalid number of arguments declared for the proc: the argument name and the value and possibly parameters Invalid number of parameters passed to filter range/ Invalid object type Invalid time: %time_element% is missing Invalid time: time is missing Invalid time: %time.time% is in invalid format Invalid time: %time.time% %time.ampm% Invalid time: %time.time% Multiple definitions of ad_page_contract filter \"%name%\" in %script% and %prior_script% %name% contains invalid characters %name% does not appear to be a valid email address. %name% does not appear to be a valid US phone number. %name% does not appear to be a Boolean value. %name% is not a natural number, that is an integer greater than or equal to 0. %name% is not a valid SQL identifier %name% contains non-word characters %name% is not an integer %name% is not an object_id %name% is not in the range [%min%, %max%] %name% is not valid %name% is too long. Please enter a value of maximum %max_length% characters. The value you entered is %actual_length% characters long. This string looks broken! %name% is too long. Please enter a value of maximum %max_length% characters. The value you entered is %actual_length% characters long. This message text looks broken! %name% is too short. Please enter a value of at least %min_length% characters long. The value you entered is %actual_length% characters long. %name% is too short. Please enter a value of at least %min_length% characters long. The value you entered is %actual_length% characters long. This error was submitted Please back up using your browser, correct the above Problem with a Page (or maybe Your Input) Problem with a Templated Page Problem with your input require email verification The -requires element \"%element%\" has a comma in it. The -requires element \"%element%\" has too many colons Please, enter a valid email address. The flag name \"%name%\" is reserved for ad_page_contract The proc must accept two arguments, the name of the variable and a list of filters The signature for the variable '%formal_name%' was incorrect. There's no greble with that value User ID: Valid switches are: -requires Validation block names cannot contain colon Validation \"%key%\" complained %value% does not appear to be a valid U.S. phone number. Value for %name% contains HTML tags Value is not a decimal number. Value is not an integer We had a problem processing your request: You can't have two validation blocks named '%name%' You can't name your validation blocks the same as a formal argument You must specify something for %formal_name% You must supply a value for %formal_name% You specified a path to a file that is not allowed on the system. You've supplied two values for '%formal_name%' Deprecated Immature Maturity level is visible in the Installer and when browsing the repository Level 1: Immature. Meets Level 0 Criterion Current release has no open priority 1 or priority 2 bugs. Has been available in a final major-minor release for at least one month and major-minor-dot release for one week. All API functions have documentation Source code is available at published location. http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message%5fid=161393 Compatibility problems Mature Maturity level is visible in the Installer and when browsing the repository. Level 2: Mature. Meets all Level 1 criteria Has installation guide and user documentation OCT member verifies no serious deviations from general coding practices Has no namespace conflicts with existing level 2 packages. http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message%5fid=161393 Mature and Standard Maturity level is visible in the Installer and when browsing the repository. Level 3: Mature and Standard. Meets all Level 2 Criteria OCT member verifies code meets published coding standards Contains no non-internationalized text Available on all supported databases. http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message%5fid=161393 New Submission or Maturity Unknown Maturity level is visible in the Installer and when browsing the repository. Level 0: New Submission. This is the default for packages that don't have it set explicitly, and for new contributions. The only criterion for level 0 is that at package is uploaded into the repository. http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message%5fid=161393 Page with error: Page %current% of %total% Percentage complete Previous Page: Public User reject Report Error Take me back where I was (before the error) Server Error some problems Sorry. The Error has been reported to the developers Thank you. The error was the following: There was a server error processing your request. We apologize. There was a server error This file has generated an error. undelete User's Comments: User Name: We would appreciate if you can specify some details about what you were trying to do. We had with your input: