-- Data model to support content repository of the ArsDigita Community -- System -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- Authors: Michael Pih (pihman@arsdigita.com) -- Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) -- $Id: content-type.sql,v 1.27 2003/03/05 17:02:10 lars Exp $ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- Create a trigger to make sure that there will never be more than -- one default template for a given content type and use context --set serveroutput on create function cr_type_template_map_tr () returns opaque as ' begin if new.is_default = ''t'' then update cr_type_template_map set is_default = ''f'' where content_type = new.content_type and use_context = new.use_context and template_id <> new.template_id and is_default = ''t''; end if; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger cr_type_template_map_tr before insert on cr_type_template_map for each row execute procedure cr_type_template_map_tr (); -- show errors -- create or replace package body content_type is -- procedure create_type create function content_type__create_type (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare create_type__content_type alias for $1; create_type__supertype alias for $2; -- default ''content_revision'' create_type__pretty_name alias for $3; create_type__pretty_plural alias for $4; create_type__table_name alias for $5; -- default null create_type__id_column alias for $6; -- default ''XXX'' create_type__name_method alias for $7; -- default null table_exists boolean; v_supertype_table acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; begin -- create the attribute table if not already created select count(*) > 0 into table_exists from pg_class where relname = lower(create_type__table_name); if NOT table_exists then select table_name into v_supertype_table from acs_object_types where object_type = create_type__supertype; execute ''create table '' || create_type__table_name || '' ('' || create_type__id_column || '' integer primary key references '' || v_supertype_table || '')''; end if; PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( create_type__content_type, create_type__pretty_name, create_type__pretty_plural, create_type__supertype, create_type__table_name, create_type__id_column, null, ''f'', null, create_type__name_method ); PERFORM content_type__refresh_view(create_type__content_type); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function content_type__drop_type (varchar,boolean,boolean) returns integer as ' declare drop_type__content_type alias for $1; drop_type__drop_children_p alias for $2; -- default ''f'' drop_type__drop_table_p alias for $3; -- default ''f'' table_exists_p boolean; v_table_name varchar; is_subclassed_p boolean; child_rec record; attr_row record; begin -- first we''ll rid ourselves of any dependent child types, if any , -- along with their own dependent grandchild types select count(*) > 0 into is_subclassed_p from acs_object_types where supertype = drop_type__content_type; -- this is weak and will probably break; -- to remove grand child types, the process will probably -- require some sort of querying for drop_type -- methods within the children''s packages to make -- certain there are no additional unanticipated -- restraints preventing a clean drop if drop_type__drop_children_p and is_subclassed_p then for child_rec in select object_type from acs_object_types where supertype = drop_type__content_type LOOP PERFORM content_type__drop_type(child_rec.object_type, ''t'', ''f''); end LOOP; end if; -- now drop all the attributes related to this type for attr_row in select attribute_name from acs_attributes where object_type = drop_type__content_type LOOP PERFORM content_type__drop_attribute(drop_type__content_type, attr_row.attribute_name, ''f'' ); end LOOP; -- we''ll remove the associated table if it exists select table_exists(lower(table_name)) into table_exists_p from acs_object_types where object_type = drop_type__content_type; if table_exists_p and drop_type__drop_table_p then select table_name into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = drop_type__content_type; -- drop the rule and input/output views for the type -- being dropped. -- FIXME: this did not exist in the oracle code and it needs to be -- tested. Thanks to Vinod Kurup for pointing this out. -- The rule dropping might be redundant as the rule might be dropped -- when the view is dropped. -- different syntax for dropping a rule in 7.2 and 7.3 so check which -- version is being used (olah). if version() like ''%7.2%'' then execute ''drop rule '' || v_table_name || ''_r''; else -- 7.3 syntax execute ''drop rule '' || v_table_name || ''_r '' || ''on '' || v_table_name || ''i''; end if; execute ''drop view '' || v_table_name || ''x''; execute ''drop view '' || v_table_name || ''i''; execute ''drop table '' || v_table_name; end if; PERFORM acs_object_type__drop_type(drop_type__content_type, ''f''); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function create_attribute create function content_type__create_attribute (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare create_attribute__content_type alias for $1; create_attribute__attribute_name alias for $2; create_attribute__datatype alias for $3; create_attribute__pretty_name alias for $4; create_attribute__pretty_plural alias for $5; -- default null create_attribute__sort_order alias for $6; -- default null create_attribute__default_value alias for $7; -- default null create_attribute__column_spec alias for $8; -- default ''text'' v_attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; v_column_exists boolean; begin -- add the appropriate column to the table select table_name into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = create_attribute__content_type; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Content type % does not exist in content_type.create_attribute'', create_attribute__content_type; end if; select count(*) > 0 into v_column_exists from pg_class c, pg_attribute a where c.relname::varchar = v_table_name and c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attname = lower(create_attribute__attribute_name); if NOT v_column_exists then execute ''alter table '' || v_table_name || '' add '' || create_attribute__attribute_name || '' '' || create_attribute__column_spec; end if; v_attr_id := acs_attribute__create_attribute ( create_attribute__content_type, create_attribute__attribute_name, create_attribute__datatype, create_attribute__pretty_name, create_attribute__pretty_plural, null, null, create_attribute__default_value, 1, 1, create_attribute__sort_order, ''type_specific'', ''f'' ); PERFORM content_type__refresh_view(create_attribute__content_type); return v_attr_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure drop_attribute create function content_type__drop_attribute (varchar,varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare drop_attribute__content_type alias for $1; drop_attribute__attribute_name alias for $2; drop_attribute__drop_column alias for $3; -- default ''f'' v_attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; v_table acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; begin -- Get attribute information select upper(t.table_name), a.attribute_id into v_table, v_attr_id from acs_object_types t, acs_attributes a where t.object_type = drop_attribute__content_type and a.object_type = drop_attribute__content_type and a.attribute_name = drop_attribute__attribute_name; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Attribute %:% does not exist in content_type.drop_attribute'', drop_attribute__content_type, drop_attribute__attribute_name; end if; -- Drop the attribute PERFORM acs_attribute__drop_attribute(drop_attribute__content_type, drop_attribute__attribute_name); -- FIXME: postgresql does not support drop column. -- Drop the column if neccessary if drop_attribute__drop_column and ''f''::boolean then execute ''alter table '' || v_table || '' drop column '' || drop_attribute__attribute_name; -- exception when others then -- raise_application_error(-20000, ''Unable to drop column '' || -- v_table || ''.'' || attribute_name || '' in content_type.drop_attribute''); end if; PERFORM content_type__refresh_view(drop_attribute__content_type); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure register_template create function content_type__register_template (varchar,integer,varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare register_template__content_type alias for $1; register_template__template_id alias for $2; register_template__use_context alias for $3; register_template__is_default alias for $4; -- default ''f'' v_template_registered boolean; begin select count(*) > 0 into v_template_registered from cr_type_template_map where content_type = register_template__content_type and use_context = register_template__use_context and template_id = register_template__template_id; -- register the template if NOT v_template_registered then insert into cr_type_template_map ( template_id, content_type, use_context, is_default ) values ( register_template__template_id, register_template__content_type, register_template__use_context, register_template__is_default ); -- update the registration status of the template else -- unset the default template before setting this one as the default if register_template__is_default then update cr_type_template_map set is_default = ''f'' where content_type = register_template__content_type and use_context = register_template__use_context; end if; update cr_type_template_map set is_default = register_template__is_default where template_id = register_template__template_id and content_type = register_template__content_type and use_context = register_template__use_context; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure set_default_template create function content_type__set_default_template (varchar,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare set_default_template__content_type alias for $1; set_default_template__template_id alias for $2; set_default_template__use_context alias for $3; begin update cr_type_template_map set is_default = ''t'' where template_id = set_default_template__template_id and content_type = set_default_template__content_type and use_context = set_default_template__use_context; -- make sure there is only one default template for -- any given content_type/use_context pair update cr_type_template_map set is_default = ''f'' where template_id <> set_default_template__template_id and content_type = set_default_template__content_type and use_context = set_default_template__use_context and is_default = ''t''; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_template create function content_type__get_template (varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare get_template__content_type alias for $1; get_template__use_context alias for $2; v_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; begin select template_id into v_template_id from cr_type_template_map where content_type = get_template__content_type and use_context = get_template__use_context and is_default = ''t''; if NOT FOUND then return null; else return v_template_id; end if; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure unregister_template create function content_type__unregister_template (varchar,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare unregister_template__content_type alias for $1; -- default null unregister_template__template_id alias for $2; unregister_template__use_context alias for $3; -- default null begin if unregister_template__use_context is null and unregister_template__content_type is null then delete from cr_type_template_map where template_id = unregister_template__template_id; else if unregister_template__use_context is null then delete from cr_type_template_map where template_id = unregister_template__template_id and content_type = unregister_template__content_type; else if unregister_template__content_type is null then delete from cr_type_template_map where template_id = unregister_template__template_id and use_context = unregister_template__use_context; else delete from cr_type_template_map where template_id = unregister_template__template_id and content_type = unregister_template__content_type and use_context = unregister_template__use_context; end if; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function trigger_insert_statement create function content_type__trigger_insert_statement (varchar) returns varchar as ' declare trigger_insert_statement__content_type alias for $1; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; v_id_column acs_object_types.id_column%TYPE; cols varchar default ''''; vals varchar default ''''; attr_rec record; begin select table_name, id_column into v_table_name, v_id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = trigger_insert_statement__content_type; for attr_rec in select attribute_name from acs_attributes where object_type = trigger_insert_statement__content_type LOOP cols := cols || '', '' || attr_rec.attribute_name; vals := vals || '', new.'' || attr_rec.attribute_name; end LOOP; return ''insert into '' || v_table_name || '' ( '' || v_id_column || cols || '' ) values (cr_dummy.val'' || vals || '')''; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- dummy table provides a target for updates in dynamically generated trigger -- statements. If type is cr_revisions then rule would end up having only a -- select statement which causes an error to be thrown by the dml command. -- dml command checks for NS_ROWS result and throws an error if found. -- Using a dummy update causes NS_OK to be returned which satisfies the dml -- result checking. -- DCW, 2001-06-09 create table cr_dummy ( val integer ); insert into cr_dummy (val) values (null); create function cr_dummy_ins_del_tr () returns opaque as ' begin raise execption ''Only updates are allowed on cr_dummy''; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger cr_dummy_ins_del_tr before insert or delete on cr_dummy for each row execute procedure cr_dummy_ins_del_tr (); -- FIXME: need to look at this in more detail. This probably can't be made -- to work reliably in postgresql. Currently we are using a rule to insert -- into the input view when a new content revision is added. Pg locks the -- underlying table when the rule is dropped, so the dropping and recreating -- of the new content revisons seems like it would be reliable, but the -- possiblity of a race condition exists for either the initial creation -- of dropping of a type. I'm not sure if the possiblity of a race condition -- acually exists in practice. The thing to do here might be to just create -- a function that dynamically builds the insert strings and does the -- each time an insert is done on the content_type view. Trade-off being -- that the inserts would be slower due to the use of dynamic code in pl/psql. -- More digging required ... -- DCW, 2001-03-30. -- Create or replace a trigger on insert for simplifying addition of -- revisions for any content type -- procedure refresh_trigger create function content_type__refresh_trigger (varchar) returns integer as ' declare refresh_trigger__content_type alias for $1; rule_text text default ''''; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; type_rec record; begin -- get the table name for the content type (determines view name) select table_name into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = refresh_trigger__content_type; --=================== start building rule code ======================= rule_text := ''create rule '' || v_table_name || ''_r as on insert to '' || v_table_name || ''i do instead ( update cr_dummy set val = ( select content_revision__new( new.title, new.description, now(), new.mime_type, new.nls_language, case when new.text is null then new.data else new.text end, content_symlink__resolve(new.item_id), new.revision_id, now(), new.creation_user, new.creation_ip )); ''; -- add an insert statement for each subtype in the hierarchy for this type for type_rec in select ot2.object_type, tree_level(ot2.tree_sortkey) as level from acs_object_types ot1, acs_object_types ot2 where ot2.object_type <> ''acs_object'' and ot2.object_type <> ''content_revision'' and ot1.object_type = refresh_trigger__content_type and ot1.tree_sortkey between ot2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(ot2.tree_sortkey) order by level desc LOOP rule_text := rule_text || '' '' || content_type__trigger_insert_statement(type_rec.object_type) || '';''; end loop; -- end building the rule definition code rule_text := rule_text || '' );''; --================== done building rule code ======================= -- drop the old rule if rule_exists(v_table_name || ''_r'', v_table_name || ''i'') then -- different syntax for dropping a rule in 7.2 and 7.3 so check which -- version is being used (olah). if version() like ''%7.2%'' then execute ''drop rule '' || v_table_name || ''_r''; else -- 7.3 syntax execute ''drop rule '' || v_table_name || ''_r '' || ''on '' || v_table_name || ''i''; end if; end if; -- create the new rule for inserts on the content type execute rule_text; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure refresh_view create or replace function content_type__refresh_view (varchar) returns integer as ' declare refresh_view__content_type alias for $1; cols varchar default ''''; tabs varchar default ''''; joins varchar default ''''; v_table_name varchar; join_rec record; begin -- select -- table_name, id_column, level -- from -- acs_object_types -- where -- object_type <> ''acs_object'' -- and -- object_type <> ''content_revision'' -- start with -- object_type = refresh_view__content_type -- connect by -- object_type = prior supertype for join_rec in select ot2.table_name, ot2.id_column, tree_level(ot2.tree_sortkey) as level from acs_object_types ot1, acs_object_types ot2 where ot2.object_type <> ''acs_object'' and ot2.object_type <> ''content_revision'' and ot1.object_type = refresh_view__content_type and ot1.tree_sortkey between ot2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(ot2.tree_sortkey) order by ot2.tree_sortkey desc LOOP cols := cols || '', '' || join_rec.table_name || ''.*''; tabs := tabs || '', '' || join_rec.table_name; joins := joins || '' and acs_objects.object_id = '' || join_rec.table_name || ''.'' || join_rec.id_column; end loop; select table_name into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = refresh_view__content_type; if length(v_table_name) > 25 then raise exception ''Table name cannot be longer than 25 characters, because that causes conflicting rules when we create the views.''; end if; -- create the input view (includes content columns) if table_exists(v_table_name || ''i'') then execute ''drop view '' || v_table_name || ''i''; end if; -- FIXME: need to look at content_revision__get_content. Since the CR -- can store data in a lob, a text field or in an external file, getting -- the data attribute for this view will be problematic. execute ''create view '' || v_table_name || ''i as select acs_objects.*, cr.revision_id, cr.title, cr.item_id, content_revision__get_content(cr.revision_id) as data, cr_text.text_data as text, cr.description, cr.publish_date, cr.mime_type, cr.nls_language'' || cols || '' from acs_objects, cr_revisions cr, cr_text'' || tabs || '' where acs_objects.object_id = cr.revision_id '' || joins; -- create the output view (excludes content columns to enable SELECT *) if table_exists(v_table_name || ''x'') then execute ''drop view '' || v_table_name || ''x''; end if; execute ''create view '' || v_table_name || ''x as select acs_objects.*, cr.revision_id, cr.title, cr.item_id, cr.description, cr.publish_date, cr.mime_type, cr.nls_language, i.name, i.parent_id'' || cols || '' from acs_objects, cr_revisions cr, cr_items i, cr_text'' || tabs || '' where acs_objects.object_id = cr.revision_id and cr.item_id = i.item_id'' || joins; PERFORM content_type__refresh_trigger(refresh_view__content_type); -- exception -- when others then -- dbms_output.put_line(''Error creating attribute view or trigger for'' -- || content_type); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure register_child_type create function content_type__register_child_type (varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare register_child_type__parent_type alias for $1; register_child_type__child_type alias for $2; register_child_type__relation_tag alias for $3; -- default ''generic'' register_child_type__min_n alias for $4; -- default 0 register_child_type__max_n alias for $5; -- default null v_exists integer; begin select count(*) into v_exists from cr_type_children where parent_type = register_child_type__parent_type and child_type = register_child_type__child_type; if v_exists = 0 then insert into cr_type_children ( parent_type, child_type, relation_tag, min_n, max_n ) values ( register_child_type__parent_type, register_child_type__child_type, register_child_type__relation_tag, register_child_type__min_n, register_child_type__max_n ); else update cr_type_children set min_n = register_child_type__min_n, max_n = register_child_type__max_n where parent_type = register_child_type__parent_type and child_type = register_child_type__child_type and relation_tag = register_child_type__relation_tag; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure unregister_child_type create function content_type__unregister_child_type (varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare unregister_child_type__parent_type alias for $1; unregister_child_type__child_type alias for $2; unregister_child_type__relation_tag alias for $3; -- default null begin delete from cr_type_children where parent_type = unregister_child_type__parent_type and child_type = unregister_child_type__child_type and relation_tag = unregister_child_type__relation_tag; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure register_relation_type create function content_type__register_relation_type (varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare register_relation_type__content_type alias for $1; register_relation_type__target_type alias for $2; register_relation_type__relation_tag alias for $3; -- default ''generic'' register_relation_type__min_n alias for $4; -- default 0 register_relation_type__max_n alias for $5; -- default null v_exists integer; begin -- check if the relation type exists select count(*) into v_exists from cr_type_relations where content_type = register_relation_type__content_type and target_type = register_relation_type__target_type and relation_tag = register_relation_type__relation_tag; -- if the relation type does not exist, insert a row into cr_type_relations if v_exists = 0 then insert into cr_type_relations ( content_type, target_type, relation_tag, min_n, max_n ) values ( register_relation_type__content_type, register_relation_type__target_type, register_relation_type__relation_tag, register_relation_type__min_n, register_relation_type__max_n ); -- otherwise, update the row in cr_type_relations else update cr_type_relations set min_n = register_relation_type__min_n, max_n = register_relation_type__max_n where content_type = register_relation_type__content_type and target_type = register_relation_type__target_type and relation_tag = register_relation_type__relation_tag; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure unregister_relation_type create function content_type__unregister_relation_type (varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare unregister_relation_type__content_type alias for $1; unregister_relation_type__target_type alias for $2; unregister_relation_type__relation_tag alias for $3; -- default null begin delete from cr_type_relations where content_type = unregister_relation_type__content_type and target_type = unregister_relation_type__target_type and relation_tag = unregister_relation_type__relation_tag; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure register_mime_type create function content_type__register_mime_type (varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare register_mime_type__content_type alias for $1; register_mime_type__mime_type alias for $2; v_valid_registration integer; begin -- check if this type is already registered select count(*) into v_valid_registration from cr_mime_types where not exists ( select 1 from cr_content_mime_type_map where mime_type = register_mime_type__mime_type and content_type = register_mime_type__content_type ) and mime_type = register_mime_type__mime_type; if v_valid_registration = 1 then insert into cr_content_mime_type_map ( content_type, mime_type ) values ( register_mime_type__content_type, register_mime_type__mime_type ); end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure unregister_mime_type create function content_type__unregister_mime_type (varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare unregister_mime_type__content_type alias for $1; unregister_mime_type__mime_type alias for $2; begin delete from cr_content_mime_type_map where content_type = unregister_mime_type__content_type and mime_type = unregister_mime_type__mime_type; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function is_content_type create function content_type__is_content_type (varchar) returns boolean as ' declare is_content_type__object_type alias for $1; v_is_content_type boolean begin if is_content_type__object_type = ''content_revision'' then v_is_content_type := ''t''; else select count(*) > 0 into v_is_content_type from acs_object_type_supertype_map where object_type = is_content_type__object_type and ancestor_type = ''content_revision''; end if; return v_is_content_type; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure rotate_template create function content_type__rotate_template (integer,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare rotate_template__template_id alias for $1; rotate_template__v_content_type alias for $2; rotate_template__use_context alias for $3; v_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; v_items_val record; begin -- get the default template select template_id into v_template_id from cr_type_template_map where content_type = rotate_template__v_content_type and use_context = rotate_template__use_context and is_default = ''t''; if v_template_id is not null then -- register an item-template to all items without an item-template for v_items_val in select item_id from cr_items i, cr_type_template_map m where i.content_type = rotate_template__v_content_type and m.use_context = rotate_template__use_context and i.content_type = m.content_type and not exists ( select 1 from cr_item_template_map where item_id = i.item_id and use_context = rotate_template__use_context ) LOOP PERFORM content_item__register_template ( v_items_val.item_id, v_template_id, rotate_template__use_context ); end loop; end if; -- register the new template as the default template of the content type if v_template_id != rotate_template__template_id then PERFORM content_type__register_template( rotate_template__v_content_type, rotate_template__template_id, rotate_template__use_context, ''t'' ); end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- show errors -- Refresh the attribute views -- prompt *** Refreshing content type attribute views... create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare type_rec record; begin -- select object_type -- from acs_object_types -- connect by supertype = prior object_type -- start with object_type = ''content_revision'' for type_rec in select ot.object_type from acs_object_types ot, acs_object_types ot2 where ot2.object_type = ''content_revision'' and ot.tree_sortkey between ot2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(ot2.tree_sortkey) order by ot.tree_sortkey LOOP PERFORM content_type__refresh_view (type_rec.object_type); end LOOP; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 ();