-- Data model to support content repository of the ArsDigita Community -- System -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- Author: Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) -- $Id: content-template.sql,v 1.26 2014/10/27 16:39:07 victorg Exp $ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html create view content_template_globals as select -200 as c_root_folder_id; -- -- procedure content_template__get_root_folder/0 -- select define_function_args('content_template__get_root_folder',''); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__get_root_folder( ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_folder_id integer; BEGIN select c_root_folder_id from content_template_globals into v_folder_id; return v_folder_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql immutable; -- create or replace package body content_template -- -- procedure content_template__new/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__new( new__name varchar ) RETURNS integer AS $$ -- -- content_template__new/1 maybe obsolete, when we define proper defaults for /8 -- DECLARE BEGIN return content_template__new(new__name, null, null, now(), null, null ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- function new -- -- procedure content_template__new/6 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__new( new__name varchar, new__parent_id integer, -- default null new__template_id integer, -- default null new__creation_date timestamptz, -- default now() new__creation_user integer, -- default null new__creation_ip varchar -- default null ) RETURNS integer AS $$ -- -- content_template__new/6 maybe obsolete, when we define proper defaults for /8 -- DECLARE v_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE; BEGIN if new__parent_id is null then select c_root_folder_id into v_parent_id from content_template_globals; else v_parent_id := new__parent_id; end if; -- make sure we're allowed to create a template in this folder if content_folder__is_folder(new__parent_id) = 't' and content_folder__is_registered(new__parent_id,'content_template','f') = 'f' then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: This folder does not allow templates to be created'; else v_template_id := content_item__new ( new__name, v_parent_id, new__template_id, null, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, null, new__creation_ip, 'content_item', 'content_template', null, null, 'text/plain', null, null, 'text' ); insert into cr_templates ( template_id ) values ( v_template_id ); return v_template_id; end if; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- procedure content_template__new/3 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__new( new__name varchar, new__text text, new__is_live bool ) RETURNS integer AS $$ -- -- content_template__new/3 maybe obsolete, when we define proper defaults for /8 -- DECLARE BEGIN return content_template__new(new__name, null, null, now(), null, null, new__text, new__is_live ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- old define_function_args('content_template__new','name,parent_id,template_id,creation_date;now,creation_user,creation_ip,text,is_live;f') -- new select define_function_args('content_template__new','name,parent_id;null,template_id;null,creation_date;now,creation_user;null,creation_ip;null,text;null,is_live;f'); -- -- procedure content_template__new/8 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__new( new__name varchar, new__parent_id integer, -- default null new__template_id integer, -- default null new__creation_date timestamptz, -- default now() -- default 'now' new__creation_user integer, -- default null new__creation_ip varchar, -- default null new__text text, -- default null new__is_live bool -- default 'f' ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE; BEGIN if new__parent_id is null then select c_root_folder_id into v_parent_id from content_template_globals; else v_parent_id := new__parent_id; end if; -- make sure we're allowed to create a template in this folder if content_folder__is_folder(new__parent_id) = 't' and content_folder__is_registered(new__parent_id,'content_template','f') = 'f' then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: This folder does not allow templates to be created'; else v_template_id := content_item__new ( new__template_id, -- new__item_id new__name, -- new__name v_parent_id, -- new__parent_id null, -- new__title new__creation_date, -- new__creation_date new__creation_user, -- new__creation_user null, -- new__context_id new__creation_ip, -- new__creation_ip new__is_live, -- new__is_live 'text/plain', -- new__mime_type new__text, -- new__text 'text', -- new__storage_type 't', -- new__security_inherit_p 'CR_FILES', -- new__storage_area_key 'content_item', -- new__item_subtype 'content_template' -- new__content_type ); insert into cr_templates ( template_id ) values ( v_template_id ); return v_template_id; end if; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- procedure delete select define_function_args('content_template__del','template_id'); -- -- procedure content_template__del/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__del( delete__template_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN delete from cr_type_template_map where template_id = delete__template_id; delete from cr_item_template_map where template_id = delete__template_id; delete from cr_templates where template_id = delete__template_id; PERFORM content_item__delete(delete__template_id); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select define_function_args('content_template__delete','template_id'); -- -- procedure content_template__delete/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__delete( delete__template_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN PERFORM content_template__delete(delete__template_id); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- function is_template select define_function_args('content_template__is_template','template_id'); -- -- procedure content_template__is_template/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__is_template( is_template__template_id integer ) RETURNS boolean AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN return count(*) > 0 from cr_templates where template_id = is_template__template_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- function get_path -- old define_function_args('content_template__get_path','template_id,root_folder_id') -- new select define_function_args('content_template__get_path','template_id,root_folder_id;content_template_globals.c_root_folder_id'); -- -- procedure content_template__get_path/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_template__get_path( template_id integer, root_folder_id integer -- default content_template_globals.c_root_folder_id ) RETURNS varchar AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN return content_item__get_path(template_id, root_folder_id); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- show errors