Above Absolute Size Number of characters a user can enter in the text field for his answer. Add new question Add new question: Checkbox Display Add new question: Radiobutton Display Add new question: Short Answer Display Add new question: Selectbox Display Add new question: Textarea Display Add new question: Textbox Display Add new question: Multiple Choice Add new question: Multiple Choices Add new question: Open Question Add new question: Short Answer Add items to section Add new question Add new section Add new section display Add sections to assessment Add to assessment "%assessment_data.title%" Add to section "%section_title%" Question Catalog Administration Categories Administration Administration All allow multiple Allow Negative Shall a negative percentage be allowed (as the total result). allow %assessment_data.number_tries% Alphabetical AND Anonymous Responses Anonymous respondents allowed Answer Alignment Alignment of the answer in relation to the question. Answer Choices Answer Value Is it possible to provide an anonymous answer? <br> The author of the assement will not see who gave the answer. Consent statement that a user must agree to in order to proceed with the assessment. Description of an assessment Timestamp after which noone is allowed to submit a response. Page to display before the actual assessment Page to display after the assessment has finished. Under which conditions should the feedback associated with <br> each question be shown to the subject. Instructions on how to use this assessment How many minutes have to pass between each retry. is this a standalone assessment or does it provide an integrated assessment. Needs refinement, ignore for now How shall the navigation between sections happen in the assessment. How often can a subject retake the test. 0 for infinite. URL to go to after the assessment has been finished by a subject If yes, the system will look for previous responses to the the questions and prefill the last answer the respondee has given in the assessment form of the respondee Is https:// method required to access this assessment? If yes, the respondee will see the name of the question<br> in addition to the question itself when taking the survey. Start Time of the assessment Once started, how many seconds does the user have to finish the assessment. 0 for indefinite. Helptext for Assessment Title Assessment Assessment Administration Assessment Imported Correctly Title Attempt Author Back button allowed Is it possible to use the backbutton for this section to see previous answers Below Beside-Left Beside-Right Bottom Box Orientation By user Cancel and Return to Assessment Combine categories by To deselect or select multiple categories use the Control-Key on your keyboard. Categorization Exact Include Subcategories Choice Upload File Delete File Choice File Feedback text given with this choice (in addition to the feedback given with the question itself) Description of the choice Choice Orientation Which orientation shall the choices have Title Title Consent Page Continue with Copy Continue with Insert Continue with Remove Copy Copy: (Copy) Copy Question Copy Section Copy this assessment Correct Answer Choice Is this the correct answer? - Created by CSV file Data Type Boolean File Date Float The data type of the question. Not editable once chosen. Integer Text Time Short Text Default Path Default: Selected Is this choice selected by default Default Value Definition Delete Delete this assessment Description disabled Display Type Display Type of the question Old responses not displayed Edit Edit Assessment Edit Question Edit Question: Checkbox Display Edit Question: Radiobutton Display Edit Question: Short Answer Display Edit Question: Selectbox Display Edit Question: Textarea Display Edit Question: Textbox Display Edit Question: Multiple Choice Edit Question: Multiple Choices Edit Question: Open Question Edit Question: Short Answer Edit Section Edit Display Editable Email Options: End Time Entry Page Need to be pairs of \"key value\". Exit Page Export Extreme Actions: Feedback Feedback right Feedback given to the user if he correctly answered this question. Feedback wrong Feedback given to the user if his answer was wrong Field Code A short label used when exporting question (e.g. for column or row names in a spreadsheet) Your file is too large. Files are limited to %pretty_max_size% bytes.\n Your file is zero-length. Either you attempted to upload a zero length file, a file which does not exists, or something went wrong during the transfer.\n Finish Time Finished Fixed Order Position From: Question name hidden Horizontal HTML Options Additional HTML Options for display Import QTI ZIP File Import Results Increasing Increasing (true) will give (number of correct matches / number of total matches) *100% points.<br> Increasing (false) will either give 100%, if all correct answers are given, or 0% else. Instructions Upload File REDUNDANT, Description should be enough Delete File Additional searchable description for the question catalog Checkboxes Question File Radiobuttons Short Answer Selectbox Textarea Textbox Name of the question, identifier searchable in the catalog Does this item have to be answered (when displayed)? A secondary label, needed for many kinds of questions Seconds allowed for completing this question Question The question itself Question Type Database Question File Question type used. Multiple Choice Open Question Short Answer Items Search Keywords Keywords which will be used to search for a section. Label Orientation Positioning of the choice label in correspondance with the choice button. Left - Lets you use this assessment as a template to create a new assessment. First Letter All First letter to limit the search to. Other Only %assessment_data.number_tries% tries allowed Make anonymous Make editable Hide item name Make non-anonymous Make not editable Hide old responses Show old responses Require secure connection Show item name Allow unsecure connection max. time allowed: A name for this set of choices (for reusability) Minutes required for Retry Mode Move Down Move Up Allow Multiple Answers Name Name is already used. New Assessment Create New Assessment Next No Immediate retry allowed None not answered not yet reviewed Total Number of displayed Choices If this number is smaller than the number of added choices, choices will be picked randomly. Number of displayed Correct Choices Number of correct answers that have to be displayed Number of Items displayed Number of Tries allowed Numerical , on %creation_date% One Assessment: %assessment_data.title% Only correct Responses Only incorrect Responses OR Order of Entry Order Type Ordering of choices Other Sessions Out of Percent Score Percentage of the points of the question this choice gives. May be larger than 100 and lower than -100. points Points for Question How many points is this question worth in a section. This is a measurement for relative difficulty. Points for Section Preview Question Question not answered Questions Randomized Randomized Registrated respondents required regarding this survey Remove: Remove Choice Remove Question Remove Section - Removes all questions and responses Requested assessment does not exist Required Response Options: Response Submitted Return URL Old responses displayed Reuse Responses Review Assessment Right Rule-based Branching A title for this short answer feature set so it can be reused in the future. Score Search Search and add questions Search and add questions to section "%section_title%" Search and add sections Search and add sections to assessment "%assessment_data.title%" Description of this section display type Title of the section display, will be used in the selection bar. How many questions will be displayed on a page in a section of this type. Leave empty for all questions on one page, use "1" for one question per page. SECTION Branched section Is this a branched section? No clue what this is => No help Description for this section Display Type to use for this section. Feedback given to the user after finishing the section. Instructions on how to fill out this section. Artificial Name for the section, used e.g. for searching. Section Navigation -- New -- Number of questions per page Order of questions In which order will the questions be displayed in this section. Is this section required in display?<br> Only useful if you display less than the total number of sections. Section Template Template for the section, made up of ADP commands. Seconds allowed to finish this section. Title of the section, will be used in Display and HTML Title Sections Secure Access Required Secure access required Selected Sections Send bulk mail Session Sessions Show Assessments Show Feedback Question name displayed Show Question Name Show Items Show Sessions Start Time Started Student Response Subject Subject Name Submit Seperate submit for each question Does the respondee have to submit the answer for each question seperately. Subtext Summary This question will be corrected by the teacher Seconds allowed for completion %assessment_data.time_for_response% seconds maximum response time Time spent Retry allowed after %assessment_data.wait_between_tries% minutes Title Top Total score Unlimited time for response Unlimited number of tries allowed Unsecure access allowed Upload files User ID Users may edit their responses Users may not edit their responses Vertical View Other Sessions View Responses: View Results View results Yes