Administrator's Guide

Table of Contents

2. Installation Overview
Basic Steps
Prerequisite Software
1. Complete Installation
Install a Unix-like system and supporting software
Install Oracle 8.1.7
Install PostgreSQL
Install AOLserver 3.3oacs1
Install AOLserver 4
Install OpenACS
OpenACS Installation Guide for Windows2000
OpenACS Installation Guide for Mac OS X
1. Configuring a new OpenACS Site
How Do I?
2. Upgrading
Upgrading OpenACS
Upgrading the OpenACS files
Upgrading Platform components
1. Maintenance
Running OpenACS in Production Environments
Database Management
Backup and Recovery
Diagnosing Performance Problems
A. Install Red Hat 8/9
B. Install additional supporting software
Unpack the OpenACS tarball
Initialize CVS (OPTIONAL)
Add PSGML commands to emacs init file (OPTIONAL)
Install Daemontools (OPTIONAL)
Install qmail (OPTIONAL)
Install Analog web file analyzer
Install nspam
Install Full Text Search
Install nsopenssl
Install tclwebtest.
Install PHP for use in AOLserver
Install Squirrelmail for use as a webmail system for OpenACS
A. Credits
Where did this document come from?
Linux Install Guides
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