| // | Allan Hansen | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | module.audio.vqf.php | // | Module for analyzing VQF Audio files | // | dependencies: NONE | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: module.audio.vqf.php,v 1.2 2017/08/07 23:48:27 gustafn Exp $ class getid3_vqf extends getid3_handler { public function Analyze() { $getid3 = $this->getid3; // based loosely on code from TTwinVQ by Jurgen Faul // http://jfaul.de/atl or http://j-faul.virtualave.net/atl/atl.html $getid3->info['fileformat'] = 'vqf'; $getid3->info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'vqf'; $getid3->info['audio']['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr'; $getid3->info['audio']['lossless'] = false; // Shortcuts $getid3->info['vqf']['raw'] = array (); $info_vqf = &$getid3->info['vqf']; $info_vqf_raw = &$info_vqf['raw']; // Get header fseek($getid3->fp, $getid3->info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET); $vqf_header_data = fread($getid3->fp, 16); $info_vqf_raw['header_tag'] = 'TWIN'; // Magic bytes $info_vqf_raw['version'] = substr($vqf_header_data, 4, 8); $info_vqf_raw['size'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($vqf_header_data, 12, 4)); while (ftell($getid3->fp) < $getid3->info['avdataend']) { $chunk_base_offset = ftell($getid3->fp); $chunk_data = fread($getid3->fp, 8); $chunk_name = substr($chunk_data, 0, 4); if ($chunk_name == 'DATA') { $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] = $chunk_base_offset; break; } $chunk_size = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($chunk_data, 4, 4)); if ($chunk_size > ($getid3->info['avdataend'] - ftell($getid3->fp))) { throw new getid3_exception('Invalid chunk size ('.$chunk_size.') for chunk "'.$chunk_name.'" at offset 8.'); } if ($chunk_size > 0) { $chunk_data .= fread($getid3->fp, $chunk_size); } switch ($chunk_name) { case 'COMM': $info_vqf['COMM'] = array (); getid3_lib::ReadSequence('BigEndian2Int', $info_vqf['COMM'], $chunk_data, 8, array ( 'channel_mode' => 4, 'bitrate' => 4, 'sample_rate' => 4, 'security_level' => 4 ) ); $getid3->info['audio']['channels'] = $info_vqf['COMM']['channel_mode'] + 1; $getid3->info['audio']['sample_rate'] = getid3_vqf::VQFchannelFrequencyLookup($info_vqf['COMM']['sample_rate']); $getid3->info['audio']['bitrate'] = $info_vqf['COMM']['bitrate'] * 1000; $getid3->info['audio']['encoder_options'] = 'CBR' . ceil($getid3->info['audio']['bitrate']/1000); if ($getid3->info['audio']['bitrate'] == 0) { throw new getid3_exception('Corrupt VQF file: bitrate_audio == zero'); } break; case 'NAME': case 'AUTH': case '(c) ': case 'FILE': case 'COMT': case 'ALBM': $info_vqf['comments'][getid3_vqf::VQFcommentNiceNameLookup($chunk_name)][] = trim(substr($chunk_data, 8)); break; case 'DSIZ': $info_vqf['DSIZ'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($chunk_data, 8, 4)); break; default: $getid3->warning('Unhandled chunk type "'.$chunk_name.'" at offset 8'); break; } } $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = (($getid3->info['avdataend'] - $getid3->info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / $getid3->info['audio']['bitrate']; if (isset($info_vqf['DSIZ']) && (($info_vqf['DSIZ'] != ($getid3->info['avdataend'] - $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] - strlen('DATA'))))) { switch ($info_vqf['DSIZ']) { case 0: case 1: $getid3->warning('Invalid DSIZ value "'.$info_vqf['DSIZ'].'". This is known to happen with VQF files encoded by Ahead Nero, and seems to be its way of saying this is TwinVQF v'.($info_vqf['DSIZ'] + 1).'.0'); $getid3->info['audio']['encoder'] = 'Ahead Nero'; break; default: $getid3->warning('Probable corrupted file - should be '.$info_vqf['DSIZ'].' bytes, actually '.($getid3->info['avdataend'] - $getid3->info['avdataoffset'] - strlen('DATA'))); break; } } return true; } public static function VQFchannelFrequencyLookup($frequencyid) { static $lookup = array ( 11 => 11025, 22 => 22050, 44 => 44100 ); return (isset($lookup[$frequencyid]) ? $lookup[$frequencyid] : $frequencyid * 1000); } public static function VQFcommentNiceNameLookup($shortname) { static $lookup = array ( 'NAME' => 'title', 'AUTH' => 'artist', '(c) ' => 'copyright', 'FILE' => 'filename', 'COMT' => 'comment', 'ALBM' => 'album' ); return (isset($lookup[$shortname]) ? $lookup[$shortname] : $shortname); } } ?>