-- /packages/photo-album/sql/oracle/photo-album-drop.sql -- @cvs-id $Id: photo-album-drop.sql,v 1.2 2003/06/12 06:55:44 vinodk Exp $ @@ pa-clip-drop.sql declare cursor priv_cursor is select object_id, grantee_id, privilege from acs_permissions where privilege = 'pa_create_photo'; priv_val priv_cursor%ROWTYPE; begin for priv_val in priv_cursor loop acs_permission.revoke_permission ( object_id => priv_val.object_id, grantee_id => priv_val.grantee_id, privilege => priv_val.privilege ); end loop; end; / show errors declare cursor priv_cursor is select object_id, grantee_id, privilege from acs_permissions where privilege = 'pa_create_album'; priv_val priv_cursor%ROWTYPE; begin for priv_val in priv_cursor loop acs_permission.revoke_permission ( object_id => priv_val.object_id, grantee_id => priv_val.grantee_id, privilege => priv_val.privilege ); end loop; end; / show errors declare cursor priv_cursor is select object_id, grantee_id, privilege from acs_permissions where privilege = 'pa_create_folder'; priv_val priv_cursor%ROWTYPE; begin for priv_val in priv_cursor loop acs_permission.revoke_permission ( object_id => priv_val.object_id, grantee_id => priv_val.grantee_id, privilege => priv_val.privilege ); end loop; end; / show errors begin -- kill stuff in permissions.sql acs_privilege.remove_child('create', 'pa_create_photo'); acs_privilege.remove_child('create', 'pa_create_album'); acs_privilege.remove_child('create', 'pa_create_folder'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('pa_create_album'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('pa_create_folder'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('pa_create_photo'); end; / show errors begin content_type.unregister_child_type ( parent_type => 'pa_album', child_type => 'pa_photo', relation_tag => 'generic' ); content_type.unregister_child_type ( parent_type => 'pa_photo', child_type => 'image', relation_tag => 'generic' ); end; / show errors -- clear out all the reference that cause key violations when droping type -- delete images -- now that pa_image is just image -- the query needs to be adjusted to be specific to photo-album -- this needs to be standardized with content-repository (clearing out files) -- there isn't currently a image__delete function -- so this bit won't work -- declare -- cursor image_cursor is -- select i.item_id -- from cr_items i, cr_child_rels rels, cr_items i2 -- where i.content_type = 'image' -- and i2.content_type = 'pa_photo' -- and rels.child_id = i.item_id -- and rels.parent_id = i2.item_id; -- image_val image_cursor%ROWTYPE; --begin -- for image_val in image_cursor -- loop -- image.delete ( -- item_id => image_val.item_id -- ); -- end loop; --end; --/ --show errors; -- delete photos declare cursor photo_cursor is select item_id from cr_items where content_type = 'pa_photo'; photo_val photo_cursor%ROWTYPE; begin for photo_val in photo_cursor loop pa_photo.delete ( item_id => photo_val.item_id ); end loop; end; / show errors -- delete albums declare cursor album_cursor is select item_id from cr_items where content_type = 'pa_album'; album_val album_cursor%ROWTYPE; begin for album_val in album_cursor loop pa_album.delete ( album_id => album_val.item_id ); end loop; end; / show errors declare cursor folder_cursor is select folder_id, content_type from cr_folder_type_map where content_type = 'pa_album'; folder_val folder_cursor%ROWTYPE; begin for folder_val in folder_cursor loop content_folder.unregister_content_type ( folder_id => folder_val.folder_id, content_type => folder_val.content_type ); end loop; end; / show errors drop package photo_album; drop package pa_album; drop package pa_photo; begin acs_object_type.drop_type('pa_photo'); end; / show errors drop table pa_photos; begin acs_object_type.drop_type('pa_album'); end; / show errors; drop table pa_albums; -- delete all the folder under the root folders of photo album instances declare cursor folder_cur is select item_id as folder_id, level from cr_items where content_type = 'content_folder' connect by prior item_id = parent_id start with item_id in (select folder_id from pa_package_root_folder_map) order by level desc; folder_val folder_cur%ROWTYPE; begin for folder_val in folder_cur loop if folder_val.level = 1 then -- folder is a root folder, delete it from maping table to avoid fk constraint violation delete from pa_package_root_folder_map where folder_id = folder_val.folder_id; end if; content_folder.delete (folder_id => folder_val.folder_id); end loop; end; / show errors; drop table pa_package_root_folder_map; --drop table pa_files_to_delete; drop view all_photo_images;