-- IMS Content Packaging Data Model -- -- @author Ernie Ghiglione (ErnieG@mm.st) -- @creation-date 6 Jan 2004 -- @cvs-id $Id: lors-imscp-create.sql,v 1.2 2004/09/04 14:04:07 ernieg Exp $ -- -- Copyright (C) 2004 Ernie Ghiglione -- -- This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software -- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more -- details. -- -- And -- SCORM 1.2 Specs ----- -- Create the object types ----- create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''ims_manifest'', -- object_type ''IMS_Manifest'', -- pretty_name ''IMS_Manifests'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''imscp_manifests'', -- table_name ''man_id'', -- id_column null , -- name_method ''f'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''ims_organization'', -- object_type ''IMS_Organization'', -- pretty_name ''IMS_Organizations'', -- pretty_plural ''ims_manifest'', -- supertype ''imscp_organizations'', -- table_name ''org_id'', -- id_column null, -- name_method ''f'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''ims_item'', -- object_type ''IMS_Item'', -- pretty_name ''IMS_Items'', -- pretty_plural ''ims_organization'', -- supertype ''imscp_items'', -- table_name ''item_id'', -- id_column null, -- name_method ''f'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''ims_resource'', -- object_type ''IMS_Resource'', -- pretty_name ''IMS_Resources'', -- pretty_plural ''ims_item'', -- supertype ''imscp_resources'', -- table_name ''org_id'', -- id_column null, -- name_method ''f'', null, null ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); ----- -- Create tables ---- -- Manifests create table ims_cp_manifests ( man_id integer constraint ims_cp_man_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade constraint ims_cp_man_id_pk primary key, course_name varchar(1000), identifier varchar(1000), version varchar(100), orgs_default varchar(100), hasmetadata boolean default 'f' not null, -- A manifest could have multiple submanifests parent_man_id integer, isscorm boolean, folder_id integer, fs_package_id integer, isshared boolean default 'f' not null ); comment on table ims_cp_manifests is ' This table stores all the available manifests (that could be courses) in the system. '; comment on column ims_cp_manifests.course_name is ' Manifest course name Take into account that this might be empty if we are dealing with a manifest that is not a course in itself (but just a piece of content) '; comment on column ims_cp_manifests.identifier is ' Manifest identifier Identifier get from the imsmanifest.xml file. '; comment on column ims_cp_manifests.parent_man_id is ' Parent manifest. A manifest could have submanifests. If the manifest doesnt have a parent then we put 0 '; comment on column ims_cp_manifests.folder_id is ' folder where this manifest was imported (this is a CR_Folder) This is not the parent folder ID that we used in the importing process but the folder we created to import the manifest/course (under that parent folder id) '; comment on column ims_cp_manifests.fs_package_id is ' This is the package id for the file-storage instance that the folder belongs to. '; -- Organizations create table ims_cp_organizations ( org_id integer constraint ims_cp_org_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade constraint ims_cp_org_id_pk primary key, man_id integer constraint ims_cp_org_man_id_fk references ims_cp_manifests(man_id) on delete cascade, identifier varchar(100), structure varchar(100), title varchar(1000), hasmetadata boolean default 'f' not null, isshared boolean default 'f' not null ); -- create index for ims_cp_organizations create index ims_cp_organizations__man_id_idx on ims_cp_organizations (man_id); -- Items create table ims_cp_items ( item_id integer constraint ims_cp_items_item_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade constraint ims_cp_items_item_id_pk primary key, org_id integer constraint ims_cp_items_org_id_fk references ims_cp_organizations(org_id) on delete cascade, identifier varchar(1000), identifierref varchar(2000), -- isvisible 1 = Yes, 0 = No isvisible boolean, parameters varchar(1000), title varchar(1000), parent_item integer, hasmetadata boolean default 'f' not null, -- SCORM extensions (based on SCORM 1.2 specs) prerequisites_t varchar(100), prerequisites_s varchar(200), type varchar(1000), maxtimeallowed varchar(1000), timelimitaction varchar(1000), datafromlms varchar(200), masteryscore varchar(255), isshared boolean default 'f' not null ); -- create index for ims_cp_items create index ims_cp_items__org_id_idx on ims_cp_items (org_id); -- Resources create table ims_cp_resources ( res_id integer constraint ims_cp_resources_res_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade constraint ims_cp_resources_res_id_pk primary key, man_id integer constraint ims_cp_resources_man_id_fk references ims_cp_manifests(man_id) on delete cascade, identifier varchar(1000), type varchar(1000), href varchar(2000), hasmetadata boolean default 'f' not null, -- SCORM specific scorm_type varchar(1000) ); -- create index for ims_cp_resources create index ims_cp_resources__man_id_idx on ims_cp_resources (man_id); -- An item can have reference to one of more resources -- therefore we need a table that takes care of this multiple -- relationship create table ims_cp_items_to_resources ( item_id integer constraint ims_cp_items_to_res_item_id_fk references ims_cp_items(item_id) on delete cascade, res_id integer constraint ims_cp_items_to_resources_fk references ims_cp_resources(res_id) on delete cascade, primary key (item_id, res_id) ); -- create index for ims_cp_items_to_resources create index ims_cp_items_to_resources__item_id_idx on ims_cp_items_to_resources (item_id); create index ims_cp_items_to_resources__res_id_idx on ims_cp_items_to_resources (res_id); -- Resource dependencies create sequence ims_cp_dependencies_seq start 1; create table ims_cp_dependencies ( dep_id integer constraint ims_cp_dependencies_dep_id_pk primary key, res_id integer constraint ims_cp_dependencies_res_id_fk references ims_cp_resources(res_id) on delete cascade, identifierref varchar(2000) ); -- create index for ims_cp_dependencies create index ims_cp_dependencies__res_id_idx on ims_cp_dependencies (res_id); -- Resource files create table ims_cp_files ( file_id integer constraint ims_cp_files_file_if_fk references cr_items(item_id) on delete cascade, res_id integer constraint ims_cp_file_res_id_fk references ims_cp_resources(res_id) on delete cascade, pathtofile varchar(2000), filename varchar(2000), hasmetadata boolean default 'f' not null, constraint ims_cp_file_pk primary key (file_id, res_id) ); -- create index for ims_cp_files create index ims_cp_files__res_id_idx on ims_cp_files (res_id); create table ims_cp_manifest_class ( man_id integer constraint ims_cp_manifest_class__man_id_fk references ims_cp_manifests(man_id) on delete cascade, lorsm_instance_id integer constraint ims_cp_manifest_class__lorsm_fk references apm_packages (package_id), community_id integer constraint ims_cp_manifest_class__comm_id_fk references dotlrn_communities_all(community_id), class_key varchar(100) constraint ims_cp_manifest_class__class_key_fk references dotlrn_community_types(community_type), isenabled boolean default 't' not null, istrackable boolean default 'f' not null, primary key (man_id, lorsm_instance_id) ); comment on table ims_cp_manifest_class is ' This table helps us manage the relations between a manifest (course) and its .LRN class/community '; comment on column ims_cp_manifest_class.man_id is ' This is the manifest_id for the course '; comment on column ims_cp_manifest_class.lorsm_instance_id is ' This is the package_id for the instance of LORMS in a particular .LRN class/community. This is *NOT* the community_id. '; comment on column ims_cp_manifest_class.community_id is ' This is the package_id for the class/community that the manifest got uploaded '; comment on column ims_cp_manifest_class.class_key is ' This is the class_key for the class/community '; comment on column ims_cp_manifest_class.isenabled is ' Whether the course is enabled for that community instance. default true '; comment on column ims_cp_manifest_class.istrackable is ' Whether the course is trackable for that community instance. default false ';