-- create layout includelet -- -- @author Don Baccus (dhogaza@pacifier.com) -- @creation-date 2008-07-06 -- @version $Id: includelets-create.sql,v 1.2 2008/07/30 11:59:33 donb Exp $ -- create table layout_includelets ( name text constraint l_includelets_name_pk primary key, title text default null, description text, template text constraint l_includelets_template_nn not null, dotlrn_compat_p boolean constraint l_includelets_d_c_p_nn not null, initializer text, required_privilege text default 'read', application text constraint l_includelets_app_fk references apm_package_types(package_key) on delete cascade constraint l_includelets_pp_nn not null ); -- indexes for referential integrity checking create index l_includelets_application_idx on layout_includelets(application); comment on table layout_includelets is ' A layout includelet is the package of code that generates the content of a layout element. By convention, a package named foo-layout-includelets creates includelets for the package foo. '; comment on column layout_includelets.name is ' The name of this layout includelet. We can''t arbitrarily use layout_includelet_key because many lincludelet packages will support at least two includelets, one user includelet and one admin includelet. Includelet names, like package keys, must be unique throughout a single OpenACS instance. '; comment on column layout_includelets.title is ' The external name or message resource of this layout includelet. We can''t arbitrarily use portlet_key because many portlet packages will support at least two portlets, one user portlet and one admin portlet. '; comment on column layout_includelets.application is ' The package key of the application that this includelet works with. For instance the forums includelet works with the forums package. '; comment on column layout_includelets.template is ' The name of template that displays the layout includelet content. '; comment on column layout_includelets.dotlrn_compat_p is ' If true, pass the includelet params in an array named "cf", rather than pass them directly. '; comment on column layout_includelets.initializer is ' The name of an optional initialization procedure to run after the default constructor. ';